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CSM Competive Slaanesh Army List Help


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Tear it to shreds, twist it, criticise, give advice. I can't quite make it work, cheers in advance



Army list- 2000 pts


Chaos Lord Hal Hamar

- Lucius the Eternal rules

165 pts




Chaos Space Marines

squad of 15, marks of Slaanesh, icon of excess, boltguns swapped close combat weapons swap, flamer, champion with power sword

295 pts


Chaos Space Marines

squad of 15, marks of Slaanesh, icon of excess, boltguns swapped close combat weapons swap, flamer, champion with power sword

295 pts


Noise Marines

- squad of 6, champion with blastmaster

142 pts


Noise Marines

- squad of 6, champion with blastmaster

142 pts


Noise Marines

- squad of 6, champion with blastmaster

142 pts









- baleflamer

170 pts



- baleflamer

170 pts




Chaos Predator

- twinlinked lascannon, 2x lascannon

140 pts


Chaos Predator

twinlinked lascannon, 2x lascannon

140 pts


Chaos Predator

twinlinked lascannon, 2x lascannon

140 pts


Still 59 pts to spend, I'm looking for a competitive 2000 pt list for Slaanesh. It has to face a wide variety of armies and game types, again cheers in advance.

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I would say take the CSM squads out if you can and add NM squads with the same weapons. Replace the Flamer with the Doom Siren. That way you can get ap3 flamer instead. Also I don't think Champions can take the blastmaster. They can only take the Doom Siren. So it would be someone in your squads other than your champion.


My only thing is though the combat squads seem out of place with nothing to transport them so they would be on foot the whole time.

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Yup...champs can't take a Blastmaster.


You may as well go for NM over CSM for the bonus of fearless and access to a Doom Siren which is much better than a flamer. Not too sure about pure LC Preds either. Even at 2k.

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-Drop Lucius, he is not a great HQ choice for the cost.  Take a basic Lord with the Burning Brand, MoS, and some form of power weapon.  


-Replace the CSM with Doom Siren Noise Marines in Rhinos.  Keep their bolters.  They make a formidable squad to dismount, flame and double tap.  When the enemy charges them in their turn they get flamer overwatch and they will still strike first in combat.  Don't go overboard on upgrades.


Otherwise your list has all the makings for a solid competitive build.

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