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Brother Heinrich

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Posted · Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available
Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available

great stuff!!!! really makes me want to get to painting! surprised Flint13 hasnt been stabbing with tiny knives to get some paint into my blog LOL

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Posted · Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available
Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available

Brutal stuff man, you've given me a good boost of inspiration to finish my own Plague Marines. This is precisely why Flint and I wanted to create this thread, it's so great to see all the different ways which people tackle conversions for the VIII Legion. Stuff like this only serves to drive our fellow hobbyists to greater and greater heights.

On a side note how does the relic predator fair on the battlefield? I've been thinking of building one myself.

I'm glad you like it! I have to say this thread and discovering so many other Night Lord players (who happen to have dark sense of humor like me and our army too) has really inspired me too!

I've used the relic predator twice. The first game, the initiative got stolen from me and a lascannon made a lucky penetration roll, and of course subsequently rolled a six. The second game it massacred two bike squads and some termies. What I really like is that it doesn't have Get's Hot, 'cause for me, plasma weapons are NOT totally worth it.

Lovely (or disgusting smile.png) models and I really like the fluff.

Thanks! It was a joy to make up this sick stuff!

Just wanted to say that this thread is a such a massive inspiration (which I really didn't need anymore of).

I was planning on doing pre heresy Space Wolves as my next army-but this thread has made me want to give Night Lords a go. If I can do a quarter of the awesomeness of these models I will be a happy player.

@ Augustus - Thanks for putting up so much awesome stuff, buddy! I'm glad we could convince you to do so. In just a few days, you've made *awesome* contributions to the thread and B&C community as a whole.

I love the plague marines! They are still definitely Nightlords, but with all the broken-down gross stuff that is the hallmark of the scions of Nurgle.

Thank *you* *very* much for the encouragement. :D

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Posted · Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available
Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available

Captain Gresh, IX Company, VIII Legion, during the Oxitania mission on Terra:




I loose at Nightlords... No matter what I come up with, it can never be this cool. 


I need a second guys... 

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Posted · Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available
Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available




I loose at Nightlords... No matter what I come up with, it can never be this cool. 


I need a second guys... 


Aww, thanks.





But seriously, don't put yourself down like that. Time and determination can move mountains.

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Here's the Obliterators I promised in a PM and my Daemon Prince, with Armour, Wings and the Black Mace of course - because let's face it, why would you not invest in that piece of awesomeness when you have already spend a Land Raider's worth of points in a single model?




Dalur Khalethec, Daemon Prince of Chaos and lieutenant to Captain Tol Zhaeqal. A Nostraman by birth Khalathec had a reputation of being a diplomat as well as a fierce warrior, As he rose quickly through the ranks of the 47th Company under Captain Tol Zhaeqal, he was eventually pulled into the fold of the Night Hunter's inner circle of advisors and trustees. During the later stages of the Great Crusade, Khaletec was often sent to parley with enemies deemed too valuable to destroy completely by the fledgling Imperium. His silken words of truce, diplomacy and reason, however, also brought him at odds with Primarch's dark and sullen character. After a particularly heated debate, Kurze demoted Khalehtec to be the equerry to his former commander, Tol Zhaeqal. A bitter, but hidden rivalry soon erupted between Khaletec and his captain. Using his standing among his brothers, Zhaeqal twisted Khalethec's reputation as diplomat into that of a snake-tongued, lying weakling, unworthy of his gene-seed and Khalethec was forced to submit to Zhaeqal's power. This left a bitter seed, which the denizens of the Immaterium used to corrupt and twist Khaletec's mind. Soon after the betrayal of Istvaan V, Khalehtec gave himself fully to the whispers of Chaos, starting to show physical manifestations of his corruption in early M32. Tol Zhaeqal manages to reign in Khalethec's influence in the company, but Khaletec's standing among his brothers is slowly increasing. His daemonic allies aid Khalethec by gifting his forces with engines of war, strengthened by the power of Chaos. Zhaeqal acknowledges the tactical advantages of these engines, but detests their origin. A fragile caese-fire now stands between Zhaeqal and Khalehtec, which is held mainly because Khalethec's Vengeance Class Grand Cruiser is no match for Zhaeqal's Desolator Battleship. As Khaletec's power increases, though, so does his standing among the Night's Reapers.


Obliterator Cult. Former 2nd Claw Terminators. Known by their sobriquet of "Dusk's Agony", these Night Lords are part of the contingent led by Dalur Khalethec. Under his influence these terminators have slowly embraced the whispers of Chaos. Over the centuries, they have merged with their armour and now are hosts to several denizens of the warp. Distrusted and despised by their brethren, they have chosen to join Khelethec's host and came aboard his Cruiser, where they aid 47th company's corrupted Techmarine Yos'd Arukhil in creating Daemon engines. During engagements, they go to war fielding weapons of unknown designation. 

Note: I tried GW Blood for the Blood God on these models and I detest the result and regret using it very much. It is WAY too shiny for my taste.

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Posted · Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available
Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available

Cool oblit conversions. Good use of different bits and nice sculpting on the muscles. As usuall, I really like the fluff.

Keep the good stuff coming :)

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Posted · Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available
Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available

That butcher model is so awesome. Perfect execution of pose (pun intended) and great mixture of bits. The knife is beyond scary. I also have to compliment you on the clean blue, especially the highlighting. Very crisp. Keep the pictures coming!


@Brother Heinrich: Well, Zhaeqal *is* a badass. But as Khaletec's daemonic power has increased, he is now under Zhaeqal's command only in name. 47th company is deeply divided. DP vs Lord, True Astartes vs Followers of Chaos, Terrans vs Nostramans. - so thanks for the icons!! :D  

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Posted · Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available
Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available

Oh snaps! Wolf praise. 


That means we're legit now guys!


Thanks mactire. I'm glad we're not just attracting new Nightlords, but appreciation from some other communities as well ^_^

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Posted · Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available
Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available

The increasing number of Night Lord threads with awesome conversions and painting is just outstanding.  I think you're pulling across more people than you realise.  I truly hope that Forge World does the legion justice with the models they have yet to release for you all.


As for this thread, awesome stuff indeed... midnight blue with lightning strikes has a way of pleasing the eye.

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Ok, some more pics of the 47th Company, the Night’s Reapers. I’m more than half-way through the army now. I decided to wait with posting pictures of some older models until I have fixed the metal on them. Here’s my biker contingent, headed by a Lord on bike, and a vindicator.


Kurth Hermod, Lieutenant to Contemptor-Captain Tol Zhaeqal and commander of the 47th Company’s biker contingent. Hermod is a Terran by birth and known for his calculating demeanor. His exploits include the continued harassment and destruction of Imperial food convoys to the impenetrable Fortress-Hives of Balor VI, causing the city’s eventual doom. After the eleven month siege,the capital hive of Elerton formally surrendered and opened its gates and landing bays to what they expected would be a ceremonial contingent of the Night Lords. Instead, the entirety of the Night Lords of 47th company flooded into the Hive. The company proceeded to enact a brutal vengeance on the hive’s population, slaughtering and hunting down nine out of every ten denizens. The remaining ten percent was stripped naked and ordered to walk through the toxic soil and poisoned air to the other hives -some more than 1500 kilometers away- to deliver word of the Night Lords demands. Balor VI is now a Dead World. Hermod was heralded as the brilliant mind behind the ploy. His analytical demeanor made him a close ally of sergeant Daleth Onn of 17th Claw early in the Great Crusade. In recent years, Hermod has taken to the company of Onn’s Claw, and he is often recorded as spending time aboard the Phasellus Leprae, the Freighter 17th Claw calls home.



9th Claw, part of 47th Company’s biker contingent, known as the ‘Harvesters of Fear’ and led by Ayded Erlik. Erlik is a Nostraman and known for the cruel pleasure he takes from the killing of infants as a means of interrogation. The Claw is often dispatched when the enemy is already broken and retreating, and tasked with running down fleeing infantry, capturing officers and destroying armor. Arlik is known to hold a grudge against a member of 14th Claw, Url Dekken. Dekken once stole and ate the corpse of an infant that Erlik had tortured for months and was savoring for a special occasion. Because of this grudge, Erlik is suspicious of Lieutenant Kurth Hermod’s recent visits to the Phasellus Leprae.



Vindicator, Heavy Support Vehicle attached to 47th Company. Designated ‘Will Breaker’, this vindicator is armed with an unknown pattern Demolisher Cannon. It is fielded during rare siege operations and famously shot down a Valkyrie in mid-take-off during the siege of the Governmental Palace of Tarin III.




Note: The 'Big Momma Cannon' Rhino-fit is produced by puppetswar.

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Posted · Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available
Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available

Mhmm... it's *all* about the legion.

Who needs chaos marks? We get all the fun toys. Volkites, Terror squads, an actual Primarch msn-wink.gif

Also all of our light, medium and heavy tanks come in squadrons of up to three, including land raiders.


....Land Raiders.

*drops microphone*

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Posted · Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available
Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available

So I really need a new camera but the first two of the three dog models I'm considering came in about 1.5 hours ago and I couldn't help but paint them.


Anyways here are two of my contributions to the XIII Legion.




Not the greatest lighting (or lightning for that matter).  I like this model because the body comes with more detail on the animal itself but the next one...




comes with armor plates and spiky bits.

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Posted · Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available
Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available

In an effort to avoid getting God-hammered by the mods, I would say use some power armor dudes for scale in the future. Remember this forum is about humanity and power armor. The last pic is two dogs and an Ork, pretty hard to argue the legitimacy of that to the mods. 


(I do love the war-dogs though, I've got a Rhodesian Ridgeback so I'm very fond of courageous breeds)

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Posted · Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available
Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available

Yay! I'm totally in the background of the first one. 


Spikes and lightning look pretty Nightlordy.


But yeah, might want to use a marine for scale next time ^_^

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Posted · Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available
Hidden by Grotsmasha, January 20, 2018 - Images no longer available

Got an Irish Wolfhound named Phil myself, so hounds appeal to me. I'd give him bionics to keep him forever, if I could.


Glad I'm not the only person who is addicted to cyber-hounds and such.

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