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++Transmission Intercept++/++Priority: Immediate++/++Code: Epsilon
Primus++/++Cipher Identified [Legions Astartes]++



++Legion Identifier: VII++

++Unit Identifier: III Battalion IV Chapter++

++Commanders Address++

++Message Follows++

++Today we descend upon the this blighted world. Look to your equipment and prepare for war, duty demands! I demand the highest standards of combat discipline but your duty demands more!++

++Let me be clear in one point about your duty as most of you are new to my battalion and a fair few of you to the Legion.....Duty will lead to our deaths of that there can be no mistake but your death as a duty is a transgression that is the most unforgivable sin. No Brothers your duty is to fight and and fight some more and when the fight is over you will seek out a new abomination in this galaxy and you will fight it! I think we can all appreciate that fighting is hard to do form the grave!++

++Transmission broken++

..........+Reacquiring audio feed+..........

++Enough words++

++The Command is given++

++fall upon now upon this world and stain the earth with Xeno blood++

++Fidelis ad Mortem++


++Transmission Ends++


++Recover Data: Planetary Data // Schoffer IV++


++Data Stack: Request Results++

++ Planetary Data ++

++ Schoffer IV ++


…………[completing query]……………..

++Access: Granted++

++ Schoffer IV ++/++Status:
Death World++/++Severity: human life incompatible++

++Indigenous personnel++


++Legion Command Instruction++

++Terminate all life++

++Amplifying information++

++Exterminatus Forbidden++

++Xeno Strength++

++Beginning of Campaign:86,400 Life Forms++

++Xeno Strength++

++End of Campaign: 0 Life Forms ++

++Legion Strength++

++Beginning of Campaign: 593 Legionaries++

++Legion Strength++

++End of Campaign: 158 Legionaries++

+Image in-load: Standby++


+[Pict Capture 86-75-309]+

+[battalion Master] Kratos Weld N hour plus 0.40+


+[Pict Capture 86-75-317]+

+[unknown Astartes[Deceased]] N hour plus 7[note:expanding fireball behind Astartes moments after this Pict was taken the Legionnaire was decapitated by shrapnel from the explosion visible in pict]+

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++Recover Data: Planetary compliance//Chronology++

++Processing Request++

++Request Results++

++ Fragmentary data//multiple source files++

++Access: Pict and Vox feeds++


…………[completing query]……………..

++Multiple Data files Corrupted//quality reduced++


+[Pict Capture 46-735-309 [Astartes Servo Skull reconnaissance device]+

++Fragmentary Vox Traffic at time of pict//Access?++


++[identifier: Praetor Weld] Company Commanders pull your Astartes back to the central complex++

++ensure your flanks are tied in nice and tight++

++vox traffic ends++

++Augery sensor//tactical data at time of pict//Access?++

++Xeno forces Assailing the Landing Forces from all sides//squads cut off and slaughtered//success rate under current deployment dispositions // 0%++

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