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Blood Angels and Imperial Knights


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Question 1)

  • Is there any fluff whereby a Knightly house has served alongside the Blood Angels? In particular, I'm after the House name so that I can get hold of the heraldry.

Question 2)

  • Will you be getting at least one Imperial Knight?


Honestly, I've not been this excited about a GW model since the current version of Lemartes. They just look fantastic and I love seeing epic models appear in 40k.

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Check this for some ideas:




I'm thinking the original Epic:40,000 Colour scheme of blue and yellow, that will look great towering over red marines.






Remember, your knightly house will not be in the same colours as your Titan Legio, they are different entities!

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I will definitely get one (or two, three, four...) ! I have to agree I haven't been this excited for a release in a long time either! 


I will probably paint it up Flesh Tearers color but have the logo of the house (I haven't decided that one yet) displayed somewhere. I am a bit rusty with the rules, but superheavy walkers should also be quite fast right? They should be able to keep up with Assault Marines :)

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I was thinking of painting mine up in BA colours.  If using it as a Freeblade Knight, my thought was to say it's House is on a planet neighboring Baal.  I have plans to do at least 3, one in standard BA colours, 1 in DC colours, and 1 as a Sang Guard.  I've pre-ordered the first one, question is which one to do first...

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Question 2)

  • Will you be getting at least one Imperial Knight?


Honestly, I've not been this excited about a GW model since the current version of Lemartes. They just look fantastic and I love seeing epic models appear in 40k.


It's a neat kit and all but it breaks the game so hard (particularly in multiples) that I'm not going to bother. No reason to scare away the few 'nid and ork players remaining.


Plus it's going to be heavily restricted or outright banned in just about every tourney.


I do look forward to seeing it in scenario play and friendly pick up games. 

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1) Not that I'm aware of.


As an aside, if you want to be super fluffy, you should probably stay away from the Mechanicus-aligned houses. Remember that the Mechanicus has had a mad-on for the Blood Angels ever since we refused to share the STC for the Baal Predator. Freeblades and the Knight Houses are fair game, though.


I'm going with House Hawkshroud, myself. Probably. I've got to get the book and see what's out there.


ALSO! Keep in mind that none of the houses they've mentioned so far (except Taranis) are exactly the same as their old incarnation. There's no Hawkwood, for example, but there is a Hawkshroud. Most of the old houses appear to have disappeared altogether, and most of the new houses appear to have nothing to do with the old houses.


If you're a fluff-painter - like I am - you probably want to wait for the books to be released before you get married to any particular House.


Unless you want to paint one of the old Houses... in which case, go to town.


2) Definitely at least one. Probably as many as three. In the long run? Possibly up to five or six, so I can play a game with just Knights... but that's all a ways off.

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Superheavies are not doing well on the competitive scene at all. The Knight will not change that.


Have you actually read all the rules for the Knight? A detachment of those is going to chew up entire armies unless they have the ability to tailor against them. 


A lot of the usual drawbacks and ways to deal with super heavies doesn't apply to knights.

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Superheavies are not doing well on the competitive scene at all. The Knight will not change that.

Have you actually read all the rules for the Knight? A detachment of those is going to chew up entire armies unless they have the ability to tailor against them.


A lot of the usual drawbacks and ways to deal with super heavies doesn't apply to knights.

Care to keep insulting assumptions low profile? They are slightly tougher than most, sure. They don't do anything game breaking a riptide doesn't already do for less points.


Especially with their price tag.

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It's an honest question since you talk about them as if they were the same as the superheavies we could get so far in escalation slots.


What would make them potentially gamebreaking for some armies is how survivable they are (specially in multiples) and how much damage they can do in close combat, not that they have fantastic ranged damage output. 

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Wave serpents aren't going to be amazing against 6HPs AV13 with 5++ - 3++ invul and potentially IWND. We'll probably see a shift towards more lances and haywire than S6-7 shooting once it takes off. Screamer star and seer council stands a fair chance chance of taking one out, but it's also very like to suffer heavily in the process. That invul means nothing against the D hits.


I cant think of a single normal MC in the game who has a better chance of smashing a Knight before it gets gibbed by the D weapon.  


That however isn't the main problem, if it was it would just balance the game.  It's really bad for the already weaker lists who have almost no chance of winning against multiple knights. A tyranid player for instance might just as well pack up and forfeit the game if you show up with more than one.


You can always luck out and take one down in 2 hits, but on average they will absorb a massive amount of points and inflict heavy casualties in return. 


It wouldn't be too bad if the Knight followed the normal escalation rules, one could even say it's overpriced for that, but the codex status makes it a different beast all together. 

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the knight is pretty darn weak for it's points vs say a wraith knight or riptide. it has 6 wounds that can be lost d3 +1 at a time, can't grab cover by just having it's tip toe in area terrain, can't deal with flyers at all, can't get the commander buffs etc a riptide can[or a 3++ all around cant jump shoot jump... or jump at all], doesn't have as many attacks or initiative as a wraith knight nor strength 10 instant death on a  6 guns.  in exchange for that you get.. immunity to poison[negated by weakness to haywire]/stomp/ 3 to 4 strength D CC attacks. all for 135 more points......

Don't get me wrong I think they look cool and I''m getting 5 for the crazy experience of that army, but I'm not expecting to go and win any tourney's with it, yikes!

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First point. The more Knights you bring, the leas effective their shields get. They work great if you can position yourself on flanks, but the more targets you bring the easier it is to just cross fire to another titan who's got an exposed side.


Second 13 armour is very misleading. If the model is as thick as I think it is, it's front armour arc will be small, making it an easy AV 12 value to shoot at with movement. So eldar get can easy run at 5s, and 6s instead.


Almost all CC oriented MCs have Initiative 4 or better. Greater Daemons, Daemon Princes, Hive Tyrants, Mawlocs, wraith knights, dread knights, etc...


D weapons aren't that great against them either. With 3 attacks (4) charging, and WS 4, you got nothing guaranteed with the new damage table.


Tyranids have flyrants and haywire causing crones. They happen to fly, which is a problem with those blast template toting knights. The stubbers have a small chance of grounding at best. So lots of circling and glancing. If they go MC spam, (somewhat popular build) they can out muscle you and prevent your charges with screens.


Can they catch people unawares? Sure they can. Will that last? Probably not.

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Personally, I see the tactical potential here. It's an enormous stompy robot that can provide excellent fire support! You know how we love devastators, except that they can't move and shoot so our opponents can evade them, and we love vanilla predators except that they're too fragile, and we love land speeders except that they're really too fragile, so we sometimes have a hard time figuring out how to soften the target up at range? These guys would be awesome at that! Fine, let your opponent eventually find a way to down the knight. By then you'll have Feel No Pain assault marines sitting on all his objectives and his army will be in tatters.

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Seems to me like people are seriously overestimating how easily 6 HPs of AV13 (*3) can be dealt with. Looking at the model it has a wider front arc than many others, particularly tanks like predators, and going 3 means a wide front of AV 13 with easy invul for everyone or obscured shots.

As BA players you surely have noted how much trouble an AV13 walker can be if it gets stuck in? Or how much firepower it takes to reliably kill just one wave serpent?


The huge footprint means that placing flyers and swooping MCs might not be as easy as one might think at first. Movement block is an excellent counter flyer tactic and it does have a 12" move even it isn't a jumper or jet pack unit. 


In assault you not only have to deal with stomp attacks but also complete immunity to anything other than 'explode' results. Cheap chaff won't be able to keep it occupied for long, deathstar units that do kill it risk being wiped by the following explosion. Good combat MCs do an average about 2-4 HPs before getting killed by the D-weapon.


All this is still without going into any buffs and synergies from the rest of the list. Even when taking 3 you still have quite a lot of points to spare in a sub 2k list. So when people are saying how you 'only' need death star like units or throw an equal or greater amount of points at it to bring one down consider what will happen when there are three of them (plus everything else in the list) .


It will be a lot of work kill them all off and still win the mission!

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