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Lucifer First of the Host, Blood Angels Chapter Master


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Lucifer. First of the Host

M31. The Blood Angels stand of the brink of extinction. The painful reformation of the legions coupled with the horrendous casualties sustained by the IXth during the Heresy saw them unfit for battlefield duty for a full century after the Siege of Terra. With the baffling disappearance of Azkellon, the natural successor of Saguinius,the chapter fell to a series of commanders who quizzically remain anonymous in the annals of Imperial History. If we were to peak behind the pages of history, into the hidden histories of the Blood Angels we would learn that four Chapter Masters succumbed in quick succession to the Black Rage. It was believed the Chapter was cursed, punished for their failure to save their Angelic Father at Terra, censured for their failure to protect their spiritual creator - The Emperor. 
The Red Priests, precursors to the Sanguinary Priests order, turned in desperation to the locked Sarcophagi of the restful dead. Therein they found the Nephillim, a band of warriors so ravaged physically and mentally by the War of Terra that they were honoured with the Perpetua una Dormienda seal - never to be awakened from their eternal sleep. Lucifer was chosen as the ninth Chapter Master of the Blood Angels....


A personal project that i've agonised and refined for over three years. Enjoy my blood sweat and tears in miniature form.
For more photos and background information check out the blog.
And hit me up on Facebook. I'm begging for likes and giving away a Primarch. 


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Your original BA log including this mini was brilliant and caught my attention immediately.  I sincerely hope that you are planning a return to that army.  This is one of the best pieces you have done to date and I'm so very happy that you have posted it here.

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Good painting but the model.. I don't know, it looks like a power armor made to fit a supermodel or something, weird thin waist, shapely round hips, nipples etc..


I just don't like the Sanguinary Guard or Sanguinor models either, don't take it personally. :)

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