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Night Lords 4th Company, The Ruthless Lords (with Primarch!)


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Wow Terimus, I only just now discovered yuor thread here and I am really digging your models. Those raptors have very characterful poses and oh man that CHainglaive - such a good use of the WT-jump pack thingies (what the hell are those things supposed to be -or for- anyway?)


The Sevatar is really good. I am glad you have the patience and determination to fix him up with mold-line removal and highlights. I have a ton of fixing-up to do on my own Night Lords so I feel your pain. Power to you for bringing yourself to improvement - this will improve the model beyond its currently already high level of awesomeness. Looking forward to more of your work!

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Awesome! I've been holding off on building my two terror squads until I can decide how I want to equip them.


Are you going ranged, CC, or both?


Can't wait to see them in paint! :happy.:

After a long debate with myself, I decided that i would equip them with Heavy Chainblades, since its the best CC option for them in my opinion since they'd hit at strength 6 instead of the standard 4, and then have a nostraman chainglaive on the Sergeant. I have played them with Volkite chargers in past games, which is a pretty good setup, but I didnt have the money to buy any actual volkites haha but I'm excited to try them out with the chainbaldes, those combined with them having Fear will be awesome in CC. I'm still working on putting them together, I havent had a lot of time since I've been in a play the past few days and we still have 2 nights to go, but I'll hopefully get them finished and up soon!


ps: Thanks to everyone! I really appreciate your supportive comments and comradeship! Its nice to have people who appreciate my work :smile.:  thanks again!

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Ah gotcha. So far I've gotten good results with squads of 8 in a drop pod with bolters and a two or three heavy chainblades scattered around. The bolters give them a bit of versitility, without making them as hella expensive as volkites. Plus I've got a few excoriator chainaxes incoming that should look pretty awesome as heavy chainblades ^_^

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Finally got a few pictures! They're really crappy ones on my phone, but i'm hopefully going to get some clearer ones by this evening.

So here's what my project board looks like:sweat: pretty busy at the moment, trying to figure out my mk iii Terror Squad, as well as some other projects (such as the librarian in the bottom right corner, look for the white cape)


So here's my WIP Terror Squad. They are no where near complete, I'm just getting them slowly put together, and then I'll be adding the grisly trophies after. We'll start with this guy! Its hard to see, but he has a long handled, double edged chainblade thing, looks like a big headed nostraman chainglaive, but only counts as a Heavy Chainblade. Wide, slashing stance on this guy. Still need to add backpack



chain-longsword guy! Pretty happy with how this guy turned out. SImple, yet effective pose I think



Here's the Headsman (sergeant) with Nostraman Chainglaive. and yes, that is Fulgrim's head he has in hand haha I thought it was fitting since he is the "headsman" and all. Also, I'm conflicted on whether I should give him a regular mk iii helmet or give him a modified Night Lord helmet with wings on it. thoughts?


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That Sevatar model is so awesome. Love the pose. Well done man. 


And I like your use of Fulgrim's parts. Looking forward to seeing more (in focus ;-)) pics and painted models!

Thanks! no worries, I'll be getting some better photos up soon, as well as a few other projects!

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Looks like you took the opposite approach to Terror Squads that I did. Mine are all in MK4 or 6 armor, best of the best for the best of the legion ^_^


I'm super excited to see how your older armor marks turn out all terrored up.


Also, I'm told FW will be officially producing a terror squad by the end of March. Don't know if it's an upgrade pack like the Iron Hands and Deathguard, or a whole squad. Guess we'll have to wait and see!

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Also, I'm told FW will be officially producing a terror squad by the end of March. Don't know if it's an upgrade pack like the Iron Hands and Deathguard, or a whole squad. Guess we'll have to wait and see!

Now that's a sexy bit of news right there :tu:

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Happy news! Finally got some pictures taken oh a bunch of stuff, so expect a lot more stuff coming up tomorrow! 


So just a quick update here. Meet Sabinus Tarkus the leader of the Night Lords 4th Company, the Ruthless Lords! (crappy phone shots of him before paint)



and after a bit of painting magic..


right shoulder (Iron Hands helmet in hand)


backpack and iron halo


His vicious Paragon Blade


A better look at his chest and base. It is a dead Raven Guard marine with a knife stuck in it's chest. As for Sabinus, his chest is blank, with a rope and sack hanging across it



So there he is! But I've been thinking, He's really cool and all, but his armor doesnt seem quite... Praetor-y enough, you  know? So I've been thinking, I just recently ordered this bad boy off ebay for an amazing deal ($10.50) and I might do a little tearing apart..


I'm thinking of pulling Sabinus apart and rebuilding him with the more ornate armor (with greenstuff mods to turn the bird wings to bad wings of course). I want to keep his sword and the bionic arm though, so I'll keep that, and I also just got these lovely lightning claws


So maybe have one of those on his right arm and sword on the left? What do you guys think I should do? I cant fully decide. Thoughts?

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Lightning claw and sword would look pretty darn cool. I'm a big fan of really non-symmetrical weapons, so I'm a tad biased. And I'm sure that Ravenguard will look awesome all Nightlorded up ^_^

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Thanks Flint! Also, I was wondering, should I greenstuff a mk IV mussel on his helmet? 


Now, just like I said, I have more goodies for you guys today! I've got the Raptors all painted up!!


First, the Huntmaster




Lightning Claw and plasma pistol




Chainsword and plasma pistol



Power Sword (blade of Laer) and plasma pistol




Dual lightning claws




and here's an update on Jago. I painted over his original gold with the darker gold and fixed a few of his other painting flaws




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Still loving the glaive/axe on the huntmaster, it looks brutal.

As for the models you've achieved a solid paint job, but what I can tell from the pictures they appear to lack some highlights, especially on the edges.

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@Flint: The terror markings are the jagged skull painted on the helmet right?


@Koriel: Yeah, I totally agree, highlights will bring them that little bit they're missing. I dont have the best skills, but I think I'm improving. I'm hoping to get something to highlight with soon


In other news, I should be getting my Forgeworld Shadow Captain soon, so the new and improved Sabinus will be on his way, as well as another big project I think you'll enjoy... :cool.:

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Nice looking mini's there man! I encourage your plan about the captain. But why tear him apart? It looks cool and you must have another of those cool looking power swords lying around. Just build another cool character! One thing though about the chapter - I feel the arm holding the helmet is a little too long below the elbow... 

Jago's new paint job is great. Koriel gave some good feedback on how to improve even that! :thumbsup: As for the chainglaive. Man oh man, that thing has to be copied. *Such* a good idea that. Keep us posted!


Oh and one last thing - dip Fulgrim's sword in a cup 'o tea for a sec and straighten the sword :wink.:

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@ Augustus: well I actually am going to use the old Sabinus model to finish my Librarian model, and then I have some of his extra pieces for future projects. No worries, its not too big a sacrifice, and he's going to be a lot cooler now! :cool.:  and yeah, i need to finish straightening the sword haha

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Well everybody, this is a rather momentous moment for me personally. What I'm about to share with you is probably the pinnacle of all my modelling. I hope you enjoy it.



Everyone, bow before our father, our master, the King of Terrors, the Night Haunter, Konrad Curze, Primarch of the Night Lords



A look at our Lord from the left



From the Right



chest detailhttp://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e210/Terimus/Night%20Lords/20140302_212120_zps58f97799.jpg


The Night Haunters backpack and cloak




His right pauldron (and Mercy, one of his lightning claws)




his throwing knives, the Widowmakers



his base




And some WIP pics



So there he is! just for clarification, I used a lot of Grey Knight Terminator, Warp Talon/Raptors, and Night Lord upgrade bits, as well as just a ton of other pieces to make him. When building him, I did scale him alongside the official Forgeworld Fulgrim model, so he is the correct size of a primarch. And I have noticed a few painting issues, and some of you have already told me that I need some highlighting, which I will be doing soon, I'm going to be getting a paint either today or tomorrow, so I will be taking care of that.

When it came to building the Lord of the Midnight Clad, I really wanted to press the idea of how terrifying he is to behold, and so I loaded him up with tons of grisly trophies (he has 3 skulls, a helmet, and 4 severed heads on just his person, not including the piles of skulls and dead stuff on his base. He really needed something that makes you feel like this :eek: :cry: ) As well, I wanted to give him a strong sense of movement and agility. His profile says he is jump infantry, and i emailed Forgeworld and specifically asked if he had a jump pack, and they said he DOES NOT, and he is jump infantry just because he is that fast and agile! So I really wanted to include that in the model in his pose, and it makes him even more imposing as he extends so far from his base, taking up even more space on the battlefield. As a Night Lords player, it is truly awe-inspiring to have him on the battlefield.
I'm currently working on the upgraded Sabinus Tarkus, so in the meantime, enjoy the glory of our Primarch!:biggrin.:



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Wow....just wow. That's so friggin awesome, I thought your other kit bashes were cool, but your work on Kurze is superb. You've really captured the essence of the Night Haunter and I love that you even included the throwing knives :tu:


Keep up the awesome work.


Edit: oh btw you should update the topic title on your first post (so people know you've made a primarch) cause' people really need to see that model ;)

Edited by Koriel
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@Koriel: thanks! How exactly do I change my title? I cant figure it out haha

@helterskelter: thanks! I really hope Foregeworld does the Night Haunter well, he deserves a great model, which is why I put so much effort into mine. I didnt give him a helmet cause first off, I think its funny that Astartes (who are the pinnacle of weapons and soldier technology) would expose themselves like that, and 2nd, I cant paint faces worth a darn haha 

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That's an awesome Conrad you've made. I love the dynamic pose of both the arms and the legs. Looks great! My only criticism is his legs from the knee down look a little stubby. Other than that, great work!!

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