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Night Lords 4th Company, The Ruthless Lords (with Primarch!)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well after another long stint away from converting, I finally have another opportunity! For my birthday this past week, my brother got me this:



You may be thinking this is a bit off, but I have a wonderful Idea for these little fellows. So I've never been happy with the regular Space Marine Scout models from GW, but when I saw these I instantly thought that they would be perfect to convert into scouts! once I get them all finished up they'll count as a Recon Team in Scout armor, and of course, will be painted with blue and lightning bolts!:laugh.:  I may add some greenstuff for the cameleolines

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Hey guys, so remember that Master of the Signal I was working on a while back? I finally got around to finishing him! He has a Nostraman Chainglaive





and also here's the WIP Recon Squad in scout armor I'm working on. They're nearly done, I just need to make their cameleolines


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Any chance of seeing Konrad again?  The photos from earlier seem to be unavailable, and, from the little I've been able to see of the WIPs, I'd love to get a better look at him!

yeah, sorry about that, I was organizing my photos and it cut them out of the earlier posts. So just as a little treat, I'll post him again :biggrin.:







and a size comparison



I have since put highlights on him so he looks even better

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I have to admit I am a tad jealous of your vision here and I believe that a great characterful pose be it dynamic or not can be the difference between whether a model is a win or not a win. I can honestly say you have captured the terrifying essence of the Night Lords and their primarch and officially own it.


Well done brother, not to steer you away from the Night Lords but seeing how you view them I'd be very curious to see your take on other legions.


Keep it up :)

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Thank you all for the kind comments, I really appreciate your support, it is encouraging and makes me want to keep building:biggrin.:

I have to admit I am a tad jealous of your vision here and I believe that a great characterful pose be it dynamic or not can be the difference between whether a model is a win or not a win. I can honestly say you have captured the terrifying essence of the Night Lords and their primarch and officially own it.


Well done brother, not to steer you away from the Night Lords but seeing how you view them I'd be very curious to see your take on other legions.


Keep it up :smile.:

Actually, I've got a very very small Alpha Legion group in the waiting, I'm just waiting on an order so I can build my version of Alpharius and hopefully Exodus and possibly a few others. As well, I've made several other primarchs of the other legions for my friends (see the pics partway down on this thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/290898-perturabo-idea/), and I have done some painting for my friend's Iron Hands, but I'm not super happy with that at the moment. Havent worked out a paint scheme for my Alpha Legion yet, but I'm working on it:sweat:

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Hey everyone! Today I'm back in bla- I mean, midnight clad, for a quick update! So I got an order and i have a second one coming in probably tomorrow, so I'll be busy for the next little while, he's a quick look at my building board



and for a few specifics here, I got the legion Praetors set, 5 man Cataphractii, and I accidentally ordered the Tartaros weapons set, but the cataphractii weapons are in my other order, so they should be here soon with the Ferrus Manus model I ordered as well. 


Here we have a Legion Praetor. I know the Night Lords don't normally use the aquila and the Imperial Eagle stuff, but I'll have more fluff and reasons why this guy does when I finish him



and a Cataphractii I was able to finish (besides base)



C&C welcome

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Update here for you guys! 

So remember that praetor I was working on? Finished building him! As I mentioned before, this guy isn't Nostraman, and so he's chill with wearing the Imperial stuff, but is also very loyal to the Night Lords




and an update on the Cataphractii's as well




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Getting closer on the termies! Here's a group shot (and yes, I decided to take off the thunder hammer)



and a look at the sergeant. I took the Tempustus Scion's Prime guy's overcoat and did a little work to it so he's dangling it behind him as a trophy of his last kill. I really like the idea myself :happy.: still deciding on a weapon choice for him though




what do you guys think?

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Why is your resin so white, did ya buy em from recasters or so? I love the poses and tme you put in these models! keep up the great work!

yeah, I'll admit it, they are from a recaster, I'm too poor to buy from right from forgeworld sadly, though I'd like to, just not enough $ coming in at the moment

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello again! It has been a long stint away, i've been really busy lately graduating and getting ready for a big trip coming up, but I finally found some time to post a few more Night Lords!

Firstly, a grand total of all my marines dedicated specifically to Night Lords!



You can see my Cataphractii's nearly complete in the back, and the nearly finished Gideon (forgeworld Praetor conversion) in the front with the other HQs. To your left you will see a somewhat odd sight. That is the beginnings of my attempt to remodel the Dark Vengeance Terminators into Night Lords. Lets take a closer look







Essentially, I just switched out a lot of the weapons and added a bunch of chains and bit of greenstuff. By the way, on the sergeant, I've added the greenstuff on the face to try and get a look like Thamier has on his terminators like this. I'll be dremelling it down once it sets up.




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Just a nit-pick of a question - did Termies have the Crux before the HH was over? Because if so that makes things a lot easier!

Sadly not, that was incorporated after the Heresy if I'm correct, but I'm thinking of keeping it on just as a decoration of some kind, just to make it simpler on myself for modelling purposes.



I'd like to say that the last Terminator on that post is not mine, it belongs to a guy here on the B+C called Thamier. I wanted to copy that helmet design, cause its so flippin cool haha :happy.:

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys, its been a while! I've got another squad converted from the Dark Vengeance Chosen (well, mostly), that I've been showing, and I thought I'd add them here.

Here's a group shot of them almost all painted up, and the link below goes to the full WIP on these guys




Chosen to Terror Squad


C+C Welcome! I hope any who havent yet will take a look at my Night Haunter (found above) and other models I've made :biggrin.:

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