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1500 pt Tournament - 1st Regionals


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(2nd attempt at this after 1st was lost in the warp <_< )


So, as some of you know, there was a 2k (non-ranked in terms of national rankings) tournament a month or so back.


This was the first attempt at a TO trying out all the the new GW rules. 

In order to prove a point, I took non-escalation, non-ally, non-stronghold BA - just simple and pure.

I wound up taking top spot at the tourney too, which was an added bonus!


This tournament quelled some of the fears the regional TOs had about excessive crazyness from the new GW stuff. So, the first regionals dropped to 1500 points and was made no holds barred (ie: all 40k rules in print are good to go!) The thinking behind the points drop was that it was harder to fit in all the crazy stuff and still make a balanced list.


Or so they thought.....


This is what I wound up taking:






5x Assault Marines - flamer

1x Razorback - Las/Plas

5x Assault Marines - flamer

1x Razorback - Las/Plas

5x Scouts - Sniper Rifles


4x Hyperios Launchers


1x Warhound Scout Titan - Turbo Laser, Plasma Blastgun


Tis a silly list.


I dont regard it as "strong".  I think its unbalanced (in the truest sense of the word).  It lacks claiming, and has one key unit, that should it go down, folds like a house of cards.  


It is however a fat rock in the rock-paper-scissors game to a great many scissors lists, and woe-betide the player that hasnt factored super heavies into their list design.

It's the playground bully.


At the end of day one, I am now on 2-0-1 (WDL).  

I'm very keen to see what happens on day two- especially considering what happened on day one and who beat me (another warhound player!) and considering the other main contender is rocking a revenant!!


It was pretty insane how OP Strength D weapons are - but I maintain two things.
1. I think overall its a good, not a bad thing for the game. 
2. Its only bad for players that dont take into account their power.
I will go into a full explanation after the tournament, but I honestly believe my non-titan lists could have done much better against the other Titan lists (and at least 1 of the other 2 lists).
The OP-ness of StrD however just cannot be debated. The only thing moderating this is are void shield generators, which I believe the majority of very competitive players will be looking to. 

As said, will go into this in more detail after the tourney! 
But for now...... a teaser!
I'll post pics and batreps soon. 


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Good stuff. D weapons are the only option against deathstars sadly, especially jetseer council and screamerstar.


At the same time, a Warhound titan is not that hard to take down - and it gives your opponent bonus VP in the process.


None of the superheavies have made an impact so far on the competitivr scene.

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Really looking forward to seeing how this went - definitely curious to see how that Revenant does especially as Eldar can still pack a list full of nasties AND a super heavy.

Do your tournaments allow full forgeworld too?



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Very interested to see how it goes smile.png I'm planning a small escalation tourni in our LGS sometime later this year to test the waters, glad to hear that you think it's not that bad.

Ill bring my Thunderhawk and turbolaser ther butts back into oblivion! devil.gif

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Good stuff. D weapons are the only option against deathstars sadly, especially jetseer council and screamerstar.


At the same time, a Warhound titan is not that hard to take down - and it gives your opponent bonus VP in the process.


None of the superheavies have made an impact so far on the competitivr scene.


To my knowledge, none of the big GT's have allowed Superheavies yet. I'm sure there's a few RTTs that have used them, but you wont get a true picture until things like Adepticon, Nova, Feast of Blades etc start using them.


There's also the cost of the things - not that many people have Titans, say compared to the amount of people who had a number of Wave Serpents lying around.

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In order to prove a point, I took non-escalation, non-ally, non-stronghold BA - just simple and pure.

I wound up taking top spot at the tourney too, which was an added bonus!

This is the best bit. Pure Player Power.
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hahahah- soon brosef!!  Will try get on them asap!  Got sooo much work at the moment.


First game was vs. a double chapter master SM list.  Its a guy who's beaten me twice in the last two meet ups thanks to his insanely powerful biker chapter masters <_<  I wont lie...i was a bit of a smarmy ass facing up with my titan - hahahaha.


Batrep soon!

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Ha ha if you had faced a list like yours I'd have said "never mind Mort, people who take armies like that are filthy Eldar lovers anyway!" But since it was you took it and you're one of our own, I'll say instead "well done mate, you deserved it!"


Seriously though, battle reports. Now.

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GAME 1 – Vanguard
Strike – Kill Points – Vs. SPACE MARINES



IF Chapter Master -
bike, shield eternal, artificer armour, hammer


WS Chapter Master –
bike, shield, artificer armour, hammer


5x IF Assault Terms- 3Hammers, 2 Claws

1x IF Land Raider


5x WS Bikers

5x IF Scouts

5x IF Scouts

5x IF Dev Squad – 2HB,2ML


1x IF Speeder – 2HB

1x IF Speeder – 2HB


Aegis Line – Quad Gun.


He won first turn on the roll off, but luckily I had won the side selection.


I positioned myself in the place that afforded the opponent the least amount of LOS blocking terrain.


As a quick background, the opponent I was up against is a lower ranked player in terms of the national rankings, but has beaten me twice in our last two missions- once with what I considered one of my strongest list. I largely attributed this to the strength of the blinged masters. Also, the list that he had beaten he had wound up seizing on me! Which changed things up considerably in my mind. So, facing them now with a Str D wielding titan.....i was a little smug.



As karma would have it, I seized the initative. (I felt like inserting “troll face” here.)


Movement wise, I sent mephy off to the right, as his bikers were going towards the titan on the left. I positioned the other stuff outside of 24” range, so id at least get cover saves from some shooting thanks to nightfight.


In my shooting phase, I positioned the D weapons to take whatever I could – he had positioned both his masters in the front rank – big mistake. I wound up immobing the raider, and then with the few Str D shots (only 3) – the opponent looked out sir, and killed a biker, then the next shot (a “5” on the damage roll) meant that 1 of the chapter masters were going down since they were next to each other. He elected to not take it and lost the WS master.








In his turn, he moves the terms out and forward, and moves his bikers forward – he doesnt boost (to his detriment I think) in order to use his ordnance barrage.


His speeders flank the side to take shots at the scouts. He wounds a few, but thats about it.


In my turn, my D weapons do a lot more damage. Master takes a 6 result and vapes, and the other squad members follow suit. In  retrospect im lucky the master results were both 5/6 on account of me thinking the wounds was d3+3, not d3+1.


Termies take some heavy hits too.


Mephy however fails his 6” charge – even with fleet.


In the subsequent turns, it was just clean up. With the masters gone, there was no issues anymore.


Mephy moved up where he could, after cleaning up the speeders, and the walker......








, instead of
shooting a round, stomped off into combat for lolsies. The IF
actually fought back quite well (we thought! Since we thought he
glanced the titan 3 times- meanwhile AV14 and krak grenades dont do
nothin). But he eventually stomps them into the ground.






The game ends in a
simple defeat of the enemy. Nothing to be proud of or write home
about as it was about as simple as clubbing manacled baby seals....in
molasses.....that's frozen.



Sure felt good being
able to deal with those stupid masters though, thats for sure.

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Game 2 - Big Guns Never Tire (3) - Hammer and Anvil - VS. ELDAR






5x Avengers


5x Avengers


5x Avengers


5x Avengers


7(/8/9?)x Spiders
7(/8/9?)x Spiders
3x Walkers with lances. 
Void Shield generator with 2 layers (i think. Could have been 3)
I got first turn, and proceeded to set up in a way that aggressive - on account of the fact the opponent had 2 objectives in his half.  It meant i would need to get there fast.
With him reserving and striking in the spiders, it meant id be quite vulnerable late game.  But it was a chance id have to take.
I moved what I could, foward, and then shot!
Due to some poor positioning on the opponents behalf, he had failed to factor that since the shield generator could be targeted I could actually clip two of his serpents!
Both of which went down in the first volley.  


The teal serp in the top left is one of the casualties, the throne thingy in the middle was the shield gen where the two serp were. 
In his turn, mephy gets targeted with extreme prejudice - even from the guided lance walkers - im forced to go to ground in a crater to save all the incoming shots
In my turn, i focus on more serpents and try thin out the walkers. 
I manage to kill one more, and take out some walkers. 

In his turn, 1 squad of spiders come in, and again, mephy is the point of hate.  Again, i go to ground, and thankfully, save him again - down to his last wound though. I think i also lose one of the razors at this stage. maybe even the turn before. 
The spiders take some hate in return.
Very quickly, i realise that my list falls apart SUPER quickly. 
In the next turn his spiders drop at the back to take out the Hyperios. 
I let him. 
The walker and the front ranks are cleaning up his side. With FB on my side, i need to just kick both of his units off objectives, and keep one of mine on. 
By the end, i manage to do it and all he has left are the spiders taking cover in my half. 
He gets Line Breaker and Warlord, I get an objective, LB and WL.  5-2.
You may notice the Titan games are not as interesting!! They'll get a bit more interesting! Promise.
But by and large, Str D is an absolute joke.  You NEED good terrain, or its just point and click. Zero skill. 
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Do you ever buy the command node for the Hyperios Launchers to allow for Split fire?


Never.  Its a poorly thought out option IMHO.  

Its a 10point upgrade on top of the Hyperios cost that reduces your firing capacity.  

The max you can get is 4 Hyperios, one of which must be replaced as the command node.  That means you'll only ever fire 1x missile at an additional target.  


I think in cases where you know you're playing multiple Cron armies, and lots of armies with Av10/Av11 flyers, it MAY be worthwhile. 

If it were an additional 10/15 points and an additional sentry, then awesome. Would make it totally worthwhile - and FW would sell more hyperios. Would probably be better to have it as the wolfy version of split fire, not the BRB version. 

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But by and large, Str D is an absolute joke.  You NEED good terrain, or its just point and click. Zero skill. 

And this is why I think it has no place in regular 40k, and that Escalation was completely unnecessary and bad for the game. Things like that stupid Revenant titan with 2 SD large blast guns that can fire at 2 separate targets... basically pick and remove two units from the table per turn. It's fine in a game where both parties know that titans/D-weapons will be used, and the social contract is HUGELY important for this, but you could have done that anyway. Escalation wasn't necessary. All it does is allow for the game to be unbalanced even further. Yes, stupid stuff like 2++ re-rollable is asinine and shouldn't be in the game, but the correct answer is NOT to put in D weapons, because that just drops a massive deuce on the 'fair' armies as well... it's crap like this that stops me from playing in tournaments.

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Chap - the last tournament that used 2 Revenants, 1 Transcended Ctan and 1 Baneblade and was 2k points, saw the top four armies as all regular armies.  


There were two reasons for this. 


Firstly, was that there wasmuch better terrain.  It completely changed up the game. Models were able to navigate the bigger threat titans and use LOS blocking terrain.


Secondly, was that people themed FOR titans/superheavies.   In this tournament, people brought regular lists.


There will be a very big tournament (The Veteran's) in May that is no holds barred and 2500 points- it will be interesting to see what happens there.  


D is broken - no doubt - but the other factors SHOULD be balancing this hugely. These units take MASSES of points away from your core lists.

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