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1500 pt Tournament - 1st Regionals


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Game 3 - EMPEROR'S WILL - DAWN of WAR - VS. Grey Knights






3x Servitors -1Plascannon, 2MM

3x Acolytes

Razorback - TLHB, Psy-bolt

3x Acolytes

Razorback - TLHB, Psy-bolt

5x Grey Knights - Halberd, Psycannon



1x Dreadnought- Psybolt, 2x Dual-Autocannons

1x Dreadknight (bare)


1x Warhound - Vulcan Megabolter, Turbo-laser

1x Void Shield Generator - 3 layers.


TURN 1. 


Thankfully I get first turn and deploy my forces ready to take on the other scary warhound.



I placed all my firepower on the left of the ruin, and the Warhound on the right of it.  I was hoping this wound bait him, and he wound deploy on the right to engage with my warhound- leaving Mephy free to engage the monster in combat.  He didnt take the bait.


He deployed like such:



with corteas and a squad of guys off board.


He rolled seize, and it was a 5.  Remembering that the opponent may seize on a 5 if you have a Lord of War in your army my stomach sank....i went to double check the rule. 


Luckily for me, it was only if you had a LoW and your opponent did not.  Since he did not, he would need a six.  So, safe there!

He uses his Corteas reroll for seize....



NOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~ !! ><; 


He seizes on me.


His first turn sees him target the hyperios launchers with extreme prejudice.  Its also at this time, that he realises the Turbo-laser is HEAVY 2.  He'd been playing it up until then as heavy1.  He is shocked at raw titan power. 


In my turn, with my Hyperios down, and my vehicles shot to crap (thanks to dakkadread and S6 heavy bolter-backs), im in a tricky situation. 


I need to kill the Dreadknight before anything else (as he's the anti-mephy unit).  


Mephy moves up into cover. 


I fire at the enemy - and unfortunately, using the S8 double blast i fail to bring down the shields - even with armour rerolls from primary weapon.  The D weapon brings them down, but the enemy is left unmolested. 


In his turn, its warhound on warhound.  His dakka dread takes down my shields -then his warhound opens up. 

The bastard rolls a 6 on the damage/pen - meaning he gets D6+6 shots <_< his other shot takes off 4 HP too for a total of 12 HP down. 

My Warhound explodes in a blaze of glory.  
its not looking good.


My models fumble around.  Mephy goes for death or glory and charges his Hound.  He only manages to take one HP off.




Meph is counter charged, and fumbles his rolls only doing 2 or 3 wounds to the DK, of which all are saved.  The return attacks see meph force-weaponed and with it, all hope of a win.


The rest is clean up.








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Game 4 - Dawn of War - Relic - VS. ELDAR




Farseer - stuffs

Farseer - stuffs


20x Guardians - 2BL platforms

Serpent - Scatter.

20x Guardians - 2BL platforms

Serpent - Scatter.

3x Jetbikes - cannon

3x Jetbikes - cannon


9x Spiders

9x Spiders





This list was indicative of how sick Eldar really are at the moment and testament to the amount of options they get that can work. 


Kyle (my opponent) had first turn and he set up like this:



He covered both sides, evenly- with bikers and serps on either sides.  Knight in the middle.


In order to prevent him from getting first blood, I had to send my razors off board.

I deployed the big boy in the bottom right, and meohy behind a rune, guarding the middle section. 


The Hyperios supported the big guy, and then I infiltrated the scouts up close, but behind some runes to cause some havoc.



Turn 1 sees the enemy start to put the hurt on.  He maneuvers where he can, and casts all sorts of nonsense on his units- (ignore cover, twin linked and 4++ save etc).  The Warhound loses an HP or two, and both his shields. Thankfully my placing ensures that I dont give away first blood. 


In my turn 1, its payback!!  Mephy doesnt move out just yet, as 2 squads of 20 guardians will obliterate him. 


The scouts however move out to charge the big guardian squad, to tie them up.  My plan is to use the plasma blast gun to thin their numbers substantially, then charge them and maybe even

The D cannon fails to kill the Wraithknight.... ><; (one scatter i think) which means im in a bit of trouble now considering how fast that guy is. 


The plasma however removes a bunch of guardians, and then my scouts get ready to charge in.  They take a whole bunch of wounds from overwatch unfortunately :( and limit their fighting capacity.  I do however challenge to try keep them there.  He accepts, and we stay locked in. 


Turn 2, sees the knight jump towards the Titan - its about 5/6 inches away now :( Trouble.

1 squad of warpies come down too.  They land in front arc, but eventually run (damn Eldar are fast) to the side arc.  The right flanking jetbikes attempt to engage and tie up the hyperios. 


After shootin ive lost a regained shield, and another HP.  Down to 6.


Knight gets all keen to smash my titans face off.



And then.....he fails his charge.  4". 




Small relief.

The scout sarge is slain - giving him first blood. The hyperios are charged by the bikers where they stay until tun 6. 


My turn, sees mephy come out of his smoke break.  The two razors also come on. 



NOTE:  For those of you who do not know, we follow the walker rules (pg 84) for shooting and weapons with titans:

"assume that the weapons mounted on a walker can swivel horizontally and vertically up to 45 degrees".
This means that if youre super close, you cant shoot, and you have to worry about fire arcs.  

I think this is quite an important rule to consider when playing them in your games!~!!!


Mephy positions himself to take on the Knight, or even the spiders  - since the Titan has to focus fire further afield. 


I start laying into the army.  He takes some heavy casualties. Using focus fire, i''m able to kill at least one of the farseers and one of the pesky serps. I dont kill too many spiders. 

Mephy however takes on the Knight and slays him.


In his next turn, he makes a ballsy move....but seems to be a bit thrown by the previous turn's events.  He places his now deep striking Spiders in the rear arc of the titan- its VERY close to the board edge, so he moves it closer to titan.  He then rolls, and gets a "hit" - lucky bugger.  

Or so he thought.....

While his placement of the original model was safe, the ring he has to form around it brings the squad within 1" of the titan.  It takes a few moments for him to realise what he's done.  The spiders get placed waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay at the end of the board. 


Mephy starts taking heat from various places.  I think he may even have done down in this turn.  Giving my opponent Warlord.  Its now 3-0 to him.


In my turn, i try take care of the spiders nearby and start focussing hard on the guardians. 

I kill most of them from the warlords squad. 

They still marching closer.


In his turn, he now grabs the objective.  His warlord moves towards the titan, hoping to tie it up.

He charges in, and gets "6" stomped.  

I "lol". 

Warlord for me!

In my turn, i lay on whatever hurt I can - his forces are waning hard but he's still winnning. 




In turn 5, his spiders move out, making their bee-line for the objective. 

My razor squads are trying to get involved in the action, trying to get back the objective.

But to no avail.

By turn 5, ive killed everything apart from his bikers in combat with hyperios and a few stragglers.  (His spiders getting Plasma-ed into darkness).
I manage to shoot him off the objective.
but he is still winning 3-1.



Thankfully, the game goes on to turn 6!!


In that turn, he tries to consolidate his hold on the objective again. 



In my turn, my razor squad charges the objective holders (after forcing a drop from shooting ).

But they break the squad!


The warhound charges into combat with the only remaining unit on the board - I stomp....

again - "6" !!



The models are removed from play and I wind up tabling him in the 6th turn!






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Game 5- Vanguard - Scouring - VS. Chaos.






5 Termies- combi melta/plas

Land Raider


8x Zerks - PF

3x 5man CSM - mg


10x Cultists


3x Mauler Fiends

Void Shield Gen - 2 layers.



Im not going to go into too much detail.  Sadly, this went like clockwork.  I had first turn.


In my first turn, i brought the shields down, and proceeded to focus on the maulers. 

I nixed one. 

Raider and other stuff advanced, but was promptly shot down by the warhound. 

Termies struck in, but mishapped and that was pretty much game. :/

He was tabled by turn 5.





Final game vs. orks. 


Probably the best game of all tourney.



(note: it wasnt Nigel's orks either!  Nigel was going to be battling the player that beat me - who was currently in the #1 spot having only suffered a draw to the Chaos list I just beat).


If I won the next game and Nigel either drew or won his game, I could just take the tourney! 

Will have to see shortly!

This is what he was up against: 


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Game 6 - Hammer and Anvil - 3 Objectives. VS ORKS.





Megaarmour Boss - stuff


15 Burna Boys

9 Lootas

9 Lootas


2x 12 Trukk Boys- klaw

2x 10 Grotts


2x 3 Cannon Teams

1x Battle Wagon - stuff


3x Defkoptas- stuff


1x Void Shield Network Relay :  1x Gens (3shields), 1x Promethium pipes.


For those not spotting the combo, the megaarmour boss gives the burnas in the wagon relentless, meaning when they move up to 2"of the pipes, they get to use the heavy torrent ability O_o. 

Really cool,sneaky trick.





He won position, and 2 objectives.  This meant I would HAVE to go to him.  

His terrain also allowed him a load of protection - the runes having large areas that were blocked from sight.

It was nightfight, which meant I could do one of two things. 

1.  Deploy as far up as I could to get into his grill, or

2. Deploy out of 36" to prevent FB. 


Considering he had two objectives, i felt FB was really important, so i elected to place further back with my razors.  

I chose to outflank my scouts, and move one razor squad (just the guys) in from reserve.





His first turn didnt see much damage, thanks to my placement.  He moved his one buggy forward.

My return shooting wasnt so spectacular either and I failed to wipe out a loota squad. (even though i broke a loota squad). I had boosted my razors forward, and moved mephy up the left flank too, avoiding as much of the fire as i could. I took out his left trukk with meph - giving me FB.


Mephy is the target of a lot of subsequent shooting, and charging from the Trukkboys.  He takes a wound or two. (IN retrospect, i think he may even have duffed his first or second wings roll with a double 6.  Not sure, now.  Cant remember if that happened here.  Either way, hes wounded. 


The opponent runs into some dumb luck and snake-eyes' his Battlewagon, meaning its now immobed at the back. He gets the warboss out who joins the grots in a corner with the one objective. 

Mephy makes short work of the squad - who do another wound to him

In my turn i move up.





Warhound keeps blasting away.  Plasma is not that effective cause of cover, but the Turbo laser str D keeps doing whats its designed for... 


The next few turns see me trying to push my way up, while the orkies slow me down by killing what they can.  Mephy takes another wound or two. He's down to one. 


I move to engage with the Artillery unit on the left flank, allowing me some extra movement, while meph engages with the remnant lootas.  


Scouts come on in turn 4 i think.


Warhound is taking sneaky shots whereever he can see grots.

The enemy makes all of his LOS rolls, and keeps his warlord alive!


its getting towards the end of the game, and he still has 2 objectives.  Hes now realised he didnt roll for his koptas (which by local tourney rules means theyre gone).


Things are getting TENSE.  Its turn 5, and he still holds 2 objectives.  In turn 4, i moved the razor squad up to try contest the left flank objective- this prompted the burnas to come out of hiding, in support was teh boss.  Grots still hiding.  


On the right, the grots and a remnant trukk boy squad were still holding on to the objective for dear life.  




The Warboss makes short work of the raz squad on the left.

Currently, the points stand at FB + LB + 1 Obj to me, and 2 Obj to him. So 6-5.  I NEED to get to contest.


I wind up getting another turn, which allows me to move mephy on to the objective (above it).

I fire what i can where I can -and there are only 2 orks remaining holding the one ojective.


Thankfully, my firing allows me to take out the warlord too (yay warhound!).  It looks as though, i'll have enough points now. 

Mephy goes in to make things worse, and cleans up the orkies.  

The game ends with me taking the win with 6 points to 3.



Over on Nigel's table...


There is an interesting development.  

Nigel is winning against the titan.
However, something startling happens.


So, the players had both agreed that the titans cant move through walls.  Nigel had then put a grot ( the squad of which was holding the objective) in the doorway of the GW rune to draw fire from the warhound, since it would only kill 1 model a time. 


Ryno, then pulled off the beardiest move of the tournament and charged the squad.  

Nigel was a bit perplexed, inquiring how this was possible since it couldnt move through the wall. 

As it turns out, the foot and the toe of the titan was shaped in such a way that it could easily get into base to base with the grot through the doorway.  


Needless to say, he was not amused.  He lost the objective but still managed to pull a draw out of it. 


This meant that Ryno was on 4wins, 2 draws - undefeated in the tourney, but with 14 tourney points. 

With my 5 wins, 1 loss, it put me at 15 points!!!


Thanks to Nigel, i snatched victory from the jaws of defeat!!

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I agree. I think this really demonstrates why places need terrain, and it's not always easy for clubs to get decent terrain across an entire set of tables, especially for a tournament. All the tables looked really sparse, and I don't think it's a coincidence that the one match you lost was to an opposing titan, which happened to have void shields. It's simply going to be a case of 'titan shoots things; things died'.


Also, silly question - can Eldar take serpents if they have too many to fit in them? I know Marines have this specifically built in for combat squads and razorbacks, but some other codices don't have such a luxury. They're a ridiculous army anyway mind.


Congrats on the win though, show them that BA can still compete!

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Melta. Lots and lots of melta. I faced an Imperial Knight this evening and that was about my only answer to it. Thing is, with what BA have without resorting to a super heavy of our own, we pretty much have to send something on a suicide mission because whatever drops it will get caught in a meltdown. Knights seem about manageable (got a batrep to go up with how I faced this one) but I'd be wary of playing in an escalation tournament without my own because they're just so potent.

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Great reports as always Mort.


Would you ever be tempted to go reverse and take a list without any super heavies, but obviously with a need for beating opposing super heavies?


What would you do if that was the case?


yessir!  In fact, I have done so.  This is the second tournament using all the rules.  

The first one was a 2k. 

I went pure BA - No forts, no allies, no tricks.   It was a solid victory for the angels :)


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To expand Idaho -i think Melta-Vanvets are INCREDIBLE for dealing with titans.


Throw a beaconed pod with Fraggy dread to clear the way, and boom. You got a great combo that works in all armies, and destroys in titan ones.

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Whilst more expensive, the Melta Bomb equipped VAS are still better for us than their Imperial counterparts. For everyone else, your Scout Titans will just move away before you can charge due to Agile. Can see it working against Reaver Titans though but even then, if you fail in one turn then you're going to get stomped into oblivion.

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I also feel sorry for Dirty Rat (Nigel) again :p There's always something and then he goes and helps you win the event too!


Grats on the win though, can see now why you didn't give any spoilers on your second day. I actually thought you had a shocker hence why you weren't mentioning it...

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