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I should like to volunteer as a proofreader, though given I'm currently working on a doctorate I can't guarantee availability around my preliminary exams (next autumn) or my defence (two years hence), and my greatest amount to free time will be over the summer. Probably best to put me on short stories, or as an emergency back-up reader, if you decide to accept my application at all.
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As for the Black Library authors, since I mentioned them and you might be referring to that, I did not mean as an inclusion to the project, to the fanthology. I was meaning it like a sequel of sorts to the interview in the last Legio Imprint, perhaps covering the other author this forum is blessed with. I brought it up as something we could do to add to the Legio Imprint more than just the fanthology, like you mention as a 'larger works.' So, two separate, unrelated things that highlight the greatness of our community in different ways. Since there already was one, I thought it within the realm of possibility that there could be another.

Actually, I think getting interviews from BL authors/employees is a fine idea (we conducted an interview with AD-B for the last Legio Imprint, after all). I just didn't want anyone thinking that we'd get them to provide any professional contributions like writing/proofreading/endorsing.
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The amount of Staff support for even the raw idea continues to blow me away. This really is the best forum on the 'Net.


I'm very glad you posted again, Brother Tyler. Things were starting to get bogged down and I think we (or at least myself) wound up chasing our tails a little bit with details that weren't relevant just yet.


To be honest, having more than just three issues and making the works part of some sort of e-zine sounds just as amazing. Either way, it's a wonderful thing.

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I'd be alright with trying my hand at C&C-ing the odd story, although I doubt I'd be terribly good at it.

I've got lots of experience of dishing out Contructive Criticism in the Liber, but that's generally working towards a different goal than a story, so I suspect a different approach might be required.

My only condition would be that I'm still allowed to pen the odd tale myself, because this sounds like a lot of fun.turned.gif

I'd also agree that if we want this first Fanthology to have a theme, we should work that out early on before we all jump in and start writing about the wrong things.laugh.png

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Brother Tyler, is there any way we could link this with the possible Legio B&C thing that you and the other Lords of the Board have planned? Just an idea is all.


Yes, having a Legio tie-in somewhere was definitely something I had planned. I want to save that for later, though, letting the initial products be based on what has been discussed so far and saving the Legio for when we've finalized our redux (and other things associated with the Legio redux plan ;) ).

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Brother Tyler, is there any way we could link this with the possible Legio B&C thing that you and the other Lords of the Board have planned? Just an idea is all.

Yes, having a Legio tie-in somewhere was definitely something I had planned. I want to save that for later, though, letting the initial products be based on what has been discussed so far and saving the Legio for when we've finalized our redux (and other things associated with the Legio redux plan msn-wink.gif ).

Oh you tease tongue.png

Seriously though it sounds good to me. Don't know if I'll be particiapting or not (depends how my life goes) but I will be watching with great interest.

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So, in the interest of keeping this project alive and focused, a question occurs to me.happy.png

Apart from writers and proofreaders, what roles would need to be filled for this project to succeed?

We might need someone to edit things into a suitable format for the Legio Imprint, but that's putting the cart before the horse a bit.laugh.png

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I'd be happy to offer up any of my previous bits that were published in the Librarium, on the Great Crusade forums, or at the Black Library Bolthole.


However, I think I have one story that would fit into the under 1500 limit, and most of the rest is well over 3000.


As much as I'd like to write something new for this, my current commitments writing-wise offer me the twin benefits of money and professional publication, which are obviously my priority, so I'm afraid offering up my old stuff is the best I could do.


Regardless, all the best - this project is a great idea.

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I will be happy to write some stuff. I have a few stories based on actual games written up so I will polish them and submit to..........whoever I submit them too I guess. Good Luck with the pup by the way and you are correct this is the best forum on the Net that I've found. Friendly courteous people and tons of talent of which unfortunately I lack.



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Roles I see:

  • Editor (this is the hobbyist that is basically in charge with content and deadline decision-making authority)
  • Co-editors (optional) (these would be "lesser" editors that assist the main editor, whether or not to use them, who they are, and how many would be up to the editor)
  • Proofreaders (read submissions, recommend changes/corrections)
  • Publisher (this is the person that will put the final content together into a finished format for downloading, this person needs some skills and basic software)
  • Authors/artists (obviously, these members provide the stories and art)
Some hobbyists might perform multiple roles.

At the very least, I see the editor, a publisher, two or more proofreaders, and n authors/artists as the minimum quantities.

There might be other roles that are necessary, but I'm relying on a high school education that didn't include journalism or the school paper. msn-wink.gif I'll defer to anyone with knowledge/experience in providing additional roles and correction/clarification to what I provided above.

I can serve as a/the publisher unless someone with skills and software wants to serve in that capacity.

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Roles I see:

  • Editor (this is the hobbyist that is basically in charge with content and deadline decision-making authority)
  • Co-editors (optional) (these would be "lesser" editors that assist the main editor, whether or not to use them, who they are, and how many would be up to the editor)
  • Proofreaders (read submissions, recommend changes/corrections)
  • Publisher (this is the person that will put the final content together into a finished format for downloading, this person needs some skills and basic software)
  • Authors/artists (obviously, these members provide the stories and art)
Some hobbyists might perform multiple roles.

At the very least, I see the editor, a publisher, two or more proofreaders, and n authors/artists as the minimum quantities.

There might be other roles that are necessary, but I'm relying on a high school education that didn't include journalism or the school paper. msn-wink.gif I'll defer to anyone with knowledge/experience in providing additional roles and correction/clarification to what I provided above.

I can serve as a/the publisher unless someone with skills and software wants to serve in that capacity.

I would be more than happy to take on editing, either as a co-editor or the primary. I think that list looks solid, by the way.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, besides just 'top-down' editing I'd like to see a formalized role or expectation for peer review and workshopping. In my mind, I imagine a set of soft deadlines for outlines and drafts, followed by workshops, and then more drafts and workshops. Absolutely any piece of writing will benefit from at the very least three rounds of review and re-writing. As I've said before, THIS is what will take the stories further and peer editing is always great to get fresh eyes on a story. Most great ideas are someone else's, after all, even if you plant the seeds. Anyone who's spent much time in Liber knows this well.

A good editorial staff can do this as well, as long as people are open to it and don't consider it confrontational to be pushed and prodded to make changes.

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