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Starting Blood Angels WIP

Luca Pacioli

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You know Luca, you may be responsible for me buying a Contemptor soon. That and my love of Dreads.

I have a deep love of Dreads (a regular BfM one, a Veteran Mark IV "Box Dread", an Ironclad Mark IV "box", a Contemptor, a veteran Contemptor and an "Eddy" wub.png )

Luca's Dread is so well thought out - the pose, the colour scheme, the choice of "improvised weapons" laugh.png

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Cheers guys! I'll definitely be getting another contemptor, or two (lots more ideas for posing)


It was tough to crowbar in the driver to the 'attack bike' it works well enough, though it will be interesting to see if the gunner will fit in the space...

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  • 4 weeks later...

The color scheme is great! One thing I noticed: while the chainsword bayonets might be the most over-the-top/badass/Heretic-slaying/genius tool ever, the one on the meltagun looks a little out of place. If it's already in the paint process it's too late to add some sort of bracket to lower it out of the way. However, it would be really cool to see char marks on the end of it, and the flamer bits. More so with the flamer. Anything that shoots that absurd template we know and love would have a crazy amount of collateral heat on that chainsword. Just my opinion. Otherwise, all of the models have really well done individual movements and poses that make me want to finish my assault squads, finally! 

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Cheers everyone!

LutherMax: Do it! The driver requires some pretty drastic work and the platform at the rear needs extending but I think it works well.

Dolchiate Remembrancer: Thanks! I'm not sure if the yellow is a little too bright, but we'll see how I feel when I come back to the model (first time painting yellow).

TyTyMcFly: Thanks for the comments; I may well change it and lower it now you mention, certainly need to paint some charred effects on it!

Here it is completed, it's also my first vow; C&C welcome as always!





Apologies for the poor photo quality, some more weathering also needs to be done on the gunners legs.

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On to my next project; transports for my first tactical (vet) squad. Because the Sarg is a vet, and because BA like to bling things up, I decided to create a little back story for him. I will get to it when I produce the miniature itself but his heraldry is a winged chainaxe... I've decided to start with his squad's drop pod as a sort of tester to see if the idea will work. The aim is for a complete second company so I still have the winged chalice evident but the main heraldry is the sarg's. The green stuff is smoother than it looks on the photo, but I'm also hoping that the extreme weathering I will be attempting will help cover up my first attempt with the modeling. It will go towards the ETL once I've finished modeling but any C&C welcome!


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