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So, the rumour is, the Crimson Slaughter codex has the option to give Divination to a sorcerer.


Now, here's the question, do I ally him with my Thousand Sons to give re-rolls to hit, ignores cover, or ally a Black Legion disc sorcerer with last memory of Yuranthos?


Ha, of course it's a trick question. The answer is neither.


I want a Thousand Sons codex that gives me all of this... and more!! Mwahahahaha!!!


That's not too much to ask, is it?

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Take one of the supplements as primary detachment and the other as secondary, so you can have both - assuming this works, but why wouldn't it  ;-)


Ksons already have Veterans of the Long war...so it wouldn't be THAT much more expensive to main BL and Ally in CS.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've actually been giving some thought to running my Ksons out of this supplement not just because of access to divination, but I like the idea of running MoT Possessed as fleshchanged pavoni sorcerers. For those of you who aren't familiar with the difference between CS and CSM possessed... CS possessed have a chance of having a 3+ invuln (increased to a 2+ by MoT). And running them with a biomancy sorcerer (who has grenades) would turn an otherwise forgettable unit entry into a 3+/2++ Feel No Pain monstrosity.

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I had not actually considered running them as KSons. Interesting.


Divination goes a long way to shoring up weaknesses.


2 Sorcerers, one with MoT and 2+ save, the other ML3 in TDA with divination and 2x biomancy.

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actually you may want to go for 3 out of divination till you get ingores cover, on rubrics it spells doom for all MEQ or worse. Noise marines aint got nothin on that!!

Im actually considering this severly as a friend regular opponent of mine loves his white scars and runs them i squads in the duesche square formation ( where they keep cohearancy end to end to aviod templates and blasts. This will fix his little red wagon sweat.gif

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The CS codex also gives your 1KSons and Sorcerors the 'fear' rule for free (whole army for that matter; fear-causing cultists).


Personally, i'm looking at trying a CS jump pack sorceror (unmarked) wearing the Slaughter's Horns (Furious charge, Rage, and Hammer of Wrath).  Stick him in a khorne raptor squad and go all Biomancy with a force axe or staff.  Could be fun.

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As a starter Crimson Slaughter/1KSon army you could do something like:



Option 1:  CSorceror + MoT, lvl 2, SoC, and Balestar of Manon (prescience and any random tzeetcnh spell)




Option 2:  CSorceror + MoT, Lvl 3, and Prophet of Voices (gains Daemon [4++], Fearless, Fleet, and rolls for possessed abilities but can only join Possessed unit; takes 2 biomancy)



5 1KRubes plus 1 ASorceror with Meltabombs

5 1KRubes plus 1 ASorceror

5 Possessed with MoT (4++)

10 Cultists with Flamer and MoT (Marked to fit theme)



3 CSpawn with MoT (Marked to fit theme)



Dakkafiend (cast reroll spell on this guy if option 1)


998-ish, and build from there.

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I have to admit, I'm considering it. The rules, not the warband. I'd have to ally in my Warpsmith since she relies on core book artifacts, but the rest of this? Sounds perfect for the Order of Dusk.

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Oh, no, I'll have to squad him up with another psyker to retain my psi-protection.


What a hardship.


I don't think it will work. The text says: "However, neither he nor any unit he has joined can benefit from any modifiers to Deny the Witch rolls for the

bearer being a Psyker." So the artifact would also negate Ahrimans bonus for beeing a ML4 psyker if he joins or is joined by a balestar sorcerer.
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Modifiers for the bearer being a psyker means that the bearer can't modify the unit's Deny the Witch rolls.


Which means that he can't impact them negatively, either, so Ahriman's level 4ness still works, because the Balestar's bearer can't modify it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Max invulsave on MoT is 3++, you cannot have a 2++ with the help of MoT... sad.png

Well since that is out they also have the chance to count as beasts (12" move, Move Through Cover and Fleet) so a 3++/feel no pain beast unit doesn't seem too shabby either.

EDIT: Forget what I said, I forgot that you can only have one of these options from the Mutation table each turn.

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  • 1 month later...

Max invulsave on MoT is 3++, you cannot have a 2++ with the help of MoT... sad.png

Maybe not with MoT, but if you already have Prophet of the Voices on the Sorcerer, you might consider the Malefic discipline (since he has Daemon, he only Perils on double 6s). Cursed Earth is only WC1 and increases the Invul Saves of Daemons - so, Possessed - by +1, for a 2+ Invul. Question is whether to splurge for MoT for those cases where you don't roll Incorporeal Bodies...

Some luck required, of course.

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Max invulsave on MoT is 3++, you cannot have a 2++ with the help of MoT... sad.png

Maybe not with MoT, but if you already have Prophet of the Voices on the Sorcerer, you might consider the Malefic discipline (since he has Daemon, he only Perils on double 6s). Cursed Earth is only WC1 and increases the Invul Saves of Daemons - so, Possessed - by +1, for a 2+ Invul. Question is whether to splurge for MoT for those cases where you don't roll Incorporeal Bodies...

Some luck required, of course.

I've been giving MoT to my spawn, on the off chance I roll Forewarning on Divination (for a tasty 3++), but even the 6++ has helped out on many occasions. Doubly so if I manage to combine it with Endurance from Biomancy!

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