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Dude, where's my Palanquin?

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Alright, I may have found some good bases to use as Palanquins, but they aren't elevated enough. Do you guys know of any bitz that would help with that? Also, since it gives your HQ the Very Bulky special rule, what size base should I get, 40mm or 60mm? I found out that you can have a lot of dead enemy squads in less time when you give a Chaos Lord the Black Mace along with his CCW and bolt pistol and a combat familiar, you get between 8 and 14 attacks, 12 of which have Fleshbane. That's not including the charge. Am I correct to assume this is legal?

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So a 40mm is would be preferable. Thanks Kythnos.


This by the way is the Mace I was talking about.


Looks pretty cool - definitely go for it!


You can see my WIP palanquin here, if you want some inspiration: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/199456-kythnos-iron-warriors/?p=3628892


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