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Kitting out Terminators

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That'd be nice except our group stays away from named characters, we're of the older school of thought where legendary characters are only used if both parties agree on it and then only if it's for narrative purposes, kinda takes the fun out of the game when warlords who command massive fleets and warbands are taking the time to fart around with 20 tactical marines and a couple tanks.


Tonight I'm gonna be playing a couple proxy games to try out Codex Marines again in anticpation of my future Executioners army, but I'll try to squeeze in a game with my Night Lords and see what works well for the terminators. I think for now I'll try the 4x Power Sword/Combi-Plasma, 1x Autocannon/Chainfist, Mark of Slaanesh configuration and gauge the results.

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I run a variety of different units:


5 with combi-plasmas, power axes (champion with power sword), 1 chainfist, which all comes in just under 200 points and can be a huge pain in the ass for the opponent.


4 Bringers of Despair: mark of slaanesh, sword/melta, claw/melta, maul/melta/icon of excess/champion, pair claws... obviously i only run this with Abaddon in a Land Raider, while not the most competitive build, a bunch of WS/BS/I5 FNP terminators with Abaddon makes quite a fun death star.


5 with combi-meltas, heavy flamer and power axes, cheap as chips, sometimes I give them MoK since they're typically sent quite close to the enemy, basically a bigger termicide squad


I don't find the reaper autocannon worthwhile on any squad, it unfortunately just doesn't pair well with the fire power of the unit, and really only the cheapest squads ever pan out as being worth their cost.

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If your running your terminators in a Landraider, I guess it means you intend them to assault out of it and into something.

That said, I'd go with a Heavy Flamer as the Heavy Weapon.


You mentioned you were wanting Mark of slaanesh for the +1 initiative and FNP (apothecary on a stiiick) but I wouldn't want them to be completely without AP2.


Take a Guy with dual claws, Guy with maul (concussion FTW), and maybe a Chain or power fist.


I'd keep the Combis all the same (if you feel inclined to take them), Meltas are always good...unless you come up against something that Melta's can't hurt (Goddamn Avatar-he is my Chaos army's bane while the little fairie folk nickel and dime my guys to death)

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That'd be nice except our group stays away from named characters, we're of the older school of thought where legendary characters are only used if both parties agree on it and then only if it's for narrative purposes, kinda takes the fun out of the game when warlords who command massive fleets and warbands are taking the time to fart around with 20 tactical marines and a couple tanks.


Tonight I'm gonna be playing a couple proxy games to try out Codex Marines again in anticpation of my future Executioners army, but I'll try to squeeze in a game with my Night Lords and see what works well for the terminators. I think for now I'll try the 4x Power Sword/Combi-Plasma, 1x Autocannon/Chainfist, Mark of Slaanesh configuration and gauge the results.

I cant stand that attitude, there are entire lists that cannot be run without special characters. what do you tell deathwing players? bad luck? how about hellion lists? gone? does not sound conducive to a "healthy" gaming environement.

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That'd be nice except our group stays away from named characters, we're of the older school of thought where legendary characters are only used if both parties agree on it and then only if it's for narrative purposes, kinda takes the fun out of the game when warlords who command massive fleets and warbands are taking the time to fart around with 20 tactical marines and a couple tanks.


Tonight I'm gonna be playing a couple proxy games to try out Codex Marines again in anticpation of my future Executioners army, but I'll try to squeeze in a game with my Night Lords and see what works well for the terminators. I think for now I'll try the 4x Power Sword/Combi-Plasma, 1x Autocannon/Chainfist, Mark of Slaanesh configuration and gauge the results.

I cant stand that attitude, there are entire lists that cannot be run without special characters. what do you tell deathwing players? bad luck? how about hellion lists? gone? does not sound conducive to a "healthy" gaming environement.

Bad Luck. I said it.


Also, special characters are super underwhelming in big apo games, where they're one shotted by D weapons regardless in inv saves or eternal warrior.

Well yeah anything other than super-heavies and Titans are underwhelming in Apocalypse, but I don't play Apocalypse because I have other things to do with my weekend besides playing one game then going back to work on Monday.

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My point is that saying special characters only belong in big games where they'resuper terrible doesn't exactly do them justice, either. I'd rather play them leading a smaller strike force in a regular game where they actually have a chance to shine.
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Let's not have an argument about what our gaming groups decide upon, shall we gents? Every group enjoys playing the game in their own particular way and that's fine. Heinrich and his group are most likely guys who have been playing since the olden days and I don't even think they play in a gaming store, so if they don't like using special characters, that's fine.


Let's keep on the subject of terminator loadouts.

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Let's not have an argument about what our gaming groups decide upon, shall we gents? Every group enjoys playing the game in their own particular way and that's fine. Heinrich and his group are most likely guys who have been playing since the olden days and I don't even think they play in a gaming store, so if they don't like using special characters, that's fine.


Let's keep on the subject of terminator loadouts.

This. Also Malisteen I wasn't implying they only be used in Apoc games, my statement was more from a fluff standpoint (which is what most of my group and my opinions are based on).

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What's the concensus on the standard twin-linked boltgun? It seems like a reasonably useful weapon once you hit rapid fire range, but how much point is there lugging it around when you could take a combi-weapon instead? I happen to really like the way they look and I'm magnetizing my terminators, so I have them as options, but I'm not sure I'm ever really going to bother fielding them.


Also, where do you all get your numerous combi-plasmas from? I assume yu kitbash/convert them?

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I always field my terminators with Combi-plasmas and a heavy flamer. Generally I kit then with just axes and powerfist for their weapons.


Ya I kitbashed the combi-plasmas with the over surplus of plasma pistols and combi-bolters. It's pretty easy really.

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combi bolter's not bad, there's something to be said for basic kit, particularly for primarily melee oriented units delivered by some sort of assault transport (spartan, maybe storm eagle).  You'll want 2 to 3 combi meltas in that sort of squad, in case your desired target is ensconced within their own transport, but other than that there is definitely some merit in shaving those points.


For an infiltrating or deep striking squad, the fact that you're stuck in the open not charging for a turn means that the shooting upgrades are more important, and really shouldn't be skipped.  In infiltrating squads or larger deep striking squads, I prefer combi plas for the 12" optimal range over combi meltas with their 6" optimal range.  Combi-meltas are nice on MSU sacrificial deep striking squads (which you can afford to risk losing on suicidally close deep strikes) and, as previously mentioned, for a couple models in larger transported assault units.


I'm not a big fan of the flamer, combi or heavy.  If deep striking, the optimal range is a bit too short for me to trust it, and if you're hopping out of an assault transport, then it runs the risk of killing too many models, resulting in your assault target falling back, leaving your termies high and dry.

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What's the concensus on the standard twin-linked boltgun? It seems like a reasonably useful weapon once you hit rapid fire range, but how much point is there lugging it around when you could take a combi-weapon instead? I happen to really like the way they look and I'm magnetizing my terminators, so I have them as options, but I'm not sure I'm ever really going to bother fielding them.


Also, where do you all get your numerous combi-plasmas from? I assume yu kitbash/convert them?

I personally used a power sword from the CSM box for power swords, given no Chaos Termie model has those, and the combi plasma from the SM Commander kit.  A bit pricey, and now you could do better by buying a box of Sternguard for combi plasmas.

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This. Also Malisteen I wasn't implying they only be used in Apoc games, my statement was more from a fluff standpoint (which is what most of my group and my opinions are based on).

But it is impossible to play let say a DW army without specials and farsight HQ section is made out of specials HQs.


combi plasma aren't hard to make , specialy when chaos players are to knees in plasma pistols they will never use.

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This. Also Malisteen I wasn't implying they only be used in Apoc games, my statement was more from a fluff standpoint (which is what most of my group and my opinions are based on).

But it is impossible to play let say a DW army without specials and farsight HQ section is made out of specials HQs.


combi plasma aren't hard to make , specialy when chaos players are to knees in plasma pistols they will never use.

I never said my mindset was fair and equal, hell we're all posting on a forum that doesn't allow xenos at all and basically supports and encourages racial supremacy in armies of little plastic men. Also our group doesn't have any Death Wing players, so it's not an issue. We use generic HQ's because they are fun and don't bring too much power to the table IMHO. However if you want to discuss the merits of this further you can do it in this thread:




Otherwise talk about terminator loadouts.

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If you're not into magnetizing your terminators and want them to have variable combi-weapon loadouts simply glue the warpflame gargoyles from the vehicle sprues onto the combi-bolters. Those could be combi-bolters and any combi-weapon. As long as you tell your opponent before the game starts what those weapons are supposed to be and every gargoyle bolter is the same weapon for that game all should be well with the world.

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If you're not into magnetizing your terminators and want them to have variable combi-weapon loadouts simply glue the warpflame gargoyles from the vehicle sprues onto the combi-bolters. Those could be combi-bolters and any combi-weapon. As long as you tell your opponent before the game starts what those weapons are supposed to be and every gargoyle bolter is the same weapon for that game all should be well with the world.

That's actually not a bad idea, cheers!

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We use generic HQ's because they are fun and don't bring too much power to the table IMHO.

like eldar farseers, buffmanders , CS nurgle lords, TH/ES Iron Hands chapter masters on bikes etc ?




IMO the best way right now to run terminators is to make them  as counts SW terminators with ally sm and cortez to buff centurions with divination . That covers nicely a lot of the units we don't normaly use in 6th[terminators, csm dudes for GH] and uses the stuff we often use [bikers=sm ally . oblits=centurions and a random cultist as cortez]. At the cost of a SW/SM and inq codex we get a new army using the same models . We also get options to run stuff we would never run terminator lords[aka logan] or Sorc  [Runepriests or Njal who supplements elite armies realy nice].

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