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Deet's Grey Knights


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Hey there, I've just started my first army of the Imperium, a small Grey Knights force.  As a little background, I've been in the hobby for a little over a year- since Dec 2012, mostly focused on my Tau force.  Oddly enough, both armies were picked purely based on models- I had no idea I was jumping in to two of the most hated armies in the 40K universe, but oh well.  GK hate seems to have softened a bit as the meta has gone all Death Star-y.


I've been working on these guys as a background project for several months without any real focus.  I keep bouncing between all the models you see here, moving them all forward bit by bit without finishing anything.  Probably the one that's furthest along is the Dreadnought. It's missing something though, and I can't really decide what it is.  There's a lot of flat areas on him, and that perhaps makes him feel like he lacks definition?  I dunno.  Better now with some wash on him, but not where I want him to be.




The Terminators are coming along well now.  I was having the same feeling of missing something on these too, but once I threw a black oil wash on they jammed forward pretty well.  I've gone back through and done some steel edging on a couple of them and that's really looking good.




The Scibor commander (liked the sculpt- wanted an HQ I could use as a counts-as anything until I got the hang of the codex) is still a ways off, but gives me a little something different when I get bored.  I'm finally getting to some tough freehand work- really trying to challenge myself with mixed results.  The Terminator shoulder pads came out...OK.  The skulls are pretty unremarkable and the swords are 1 for 3 being centered properly.  The commander's cape though, is off to a nice start and I'm excited about where that might go. Maybe not pro level yet, but heading in the right direction. I'm planning on something similar to Castellan Crowe's cape from the GK Codex, so lots more to do.




I'm going to have to break out the airbrush and do the force weapons on the Dreadnought and commander, so I might just go back and redo the terminator's weapons too while I'm at it.  Really not happy with that lightning, and I think I can do much better now




That's about it.  Thanks for checking it out.  I'll post up some nice studio pics when I get these finished. Always happy for ideas and constructive criticism. 


If anyone's interested in my Tau stuff (recently featured in White Dwarf Daily!) or curious about more in depth process on the Grey Knights stuff, higher res pics, as well as my buddy's 'Nids and Ultramarines, check out my blog http://thehammerofwrath.blogspot.com

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Nice. One day I will paint some of my own.


Question about the white cloak. Does it have any shading on it, or is it just a shadow from lighting. I ask because I have shied away from painting white fabric in the past because it is hard to shade/highlight. Your cloak looks nice, so I am curious if the shading is paint, or an optical illusion.

Thanks guys.  Yes, the cloak does have some shading, but it's probably more the real world shadows you're seeing.  In the past, I've done some light preshading with a grey primer before spraying the white base coat when I've done light colors like this.  That subtlety doesn't pick up well in photos, but looks nice in person. It also only really works on a white primer. This figure was primed black though because of all the metal, and I didn't airbrush anything on the cape.  For that, I started from a darker bone color (ushabti?) and worked up to white. The shading on this model is actually a little more brown, and it either got washed out by the light or I accidentally killed it trying to brighten up a crappy cell phone pic in post processing. I'll put up better studio pics when he's done. 


Force weapons were a little different from methods I've seen.  I'm probably not the first to do it, but rather than spray multiple levels of blue on for an NMM effect, I just sprayed the whole sword steel and then used Tamiya clear blue to get the blue sheen with the steel shining through.  Love how that part came out, but not happy at all with the lightning.


And yes, I love that drawing too...clearly.

  • 2 weeks later...

Finally finished my ForgeWorld Dreadnought.  Termies up next.






High res versions and progress on my blog if you're curious.

My first Terminator squad is finally done!  So.  Many. Details. 









High res versions on my blog: H.O.W.

  • 2 months later...

Finished up a conversion of the DA Librarian for my slowly growing GK army.  Did some shaving and green stuff work to get rid of the DA iconography on his chest and gave him a more appropriate =][=. Fun to paint, and can't wait to bring him out for a game. 












Been working on my freehand work.  Slowly getting better.  Still hard to get nice crisp corners on those brush strokes though. 


High res versions on my blog in the sig below. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Finished off my Interceptor Squad.  These guys are not quite at the level of my Terminators, probably another 4-5 hours of edging to get them there, but I'm itching to start work on my first flyer so it'll have to wait.  Stormraven Ho!








As always, WIP process and high res pics on my blog in the sig below.



  • 1 month later...

Been away for a while.  Here's what I'm working on.  A couple WIP shots on my Stormraven.





  • 4 weeks later...

Some more WIP updates on my Stormraven.  Almost done!








Pretty sad about my first NMM attempt.  It was looking fantastic, but after I sealed it with satin varnish and did a little wash touch up it clouded up and lost its contrast.  Looks OK now, but not as awesome as I had hoped. 




Just starting to lay out my base. 




More pics and progress steps in the blog link below. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Quick update- I'd had this Culexus Assassin sitting around for the better part of a year.  His new rules are so nasty, I had to paint him up really quick for a game against my buddy's Nidzilla list. He was troll-tastic, helpng bring down a Flyrant and then one-shot melee killing a Swarmlord all in one turn. Kind of felt bad using him...  This was a speed paint- did the whole thing in less than 3 hours, but I'm pretty happy with how he came out. 



It's taken me more than two months, but I've finally finished my Stormraven.  I always have to force myself to stop, knowing there's plenty more I could do on the model.  Part of me wants to do a little more edging and some chipping, but two months is enough.  Time to move on to my first NDK.


I magnetized the side doors/bolters and the wings for easy transport.  All the other weapons are friction fit (thanks GW for making that an option!).  Incidentally, I recreated that little sheath that goes over the top turret guns (in red on my model) in 3D so I could have one for each of the weapon options instead of double-magnetizing.  If anyone wants the file to print their own, I'm happy to send it on. 


On to the model porn!














Lots more views on my Blog's Showcase, and plenty on the construction and WIP of this model if you're curious.  Comments and crit always welcome. 



  • 4 weeks later...

Just finished an Aegis line.  Have been stealing my buddy's for a long time and was well overdue for my own.  A no frills model like this gave me the chance to focus a lot more on the weathering than the paint.  I learned some good stuff and got a lot better on my rust and powders.  Full details and step by step on the blog







  • 1 month later...

Been adding to my GK collection with my first Dreadknight.  Assembly, layout, and sculpting done.  Now to paint!






As always, plenty more pics and step by step on the blog below.


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