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Discussion: "New BA Codex" bet thread


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Anyone care to make any predictions on what they voted?


Im convinced they're going to change DC again.

I'm also of the opinion theyre going to make it a BA dynamic, to stop other armies from getting them as easily. (Wishful thinking maybe?)


Im thinking something similar to 3rd ed - and i would not be suprised if we lose members in main squads to the Rage.

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I'm not sure about definitions - we already have 'Chapter Tactics' in all but name (Red Thirst and Descent of Angels) but I don't think they'll be referred to as such. As for predictions - I reckon we MIGHT get our own flier as BA are supposed to be the 'mastery of the skies' chapter according to fluff. The problem is that GW is leaning towards combi-kits, and I'm not sure we'd get access to 3 fliers (two new and the Raven). DC has changed every edition to date, and they MIGHT go back to 3rd edition as the game is leaning towards a more random nature. Definitely the fluffiest of the ways to generate them. Previously unseen model/unit is kind of a given. Psychic powers I predict will go the same way as Dark Angels - we'll keep one unique power on our chief librarian (Ezekiel got to keep one, Meph will get Wings) and then be reduced to the rulebook tables - most of ours have reasonable equivalents in the rulebook already (Strength booster = biomancy; shackle soul features in Telepathy, shield of sanguinius and unleash rage have equivalents in the Divination table). Meph I suspect will take a hit, I was re-reading the PDF book last night and he skyrocketed in stats; I think they'll drop his stats as they better most monstrous creatures, but points will stay the same/lessen. I've hedged slightly with Dante/Astorath's axe, I can easily see one becoming an AP2 at initiative weapon, but don't think they'd give it to 2 SCs in one codex, so I've said Yes to both :P.


If you're taking suggestions for questions, I have a few:


Will we see a return of Moriar the Chosen?

Will we re-gain the Sanguinary High Priest as an HQ option?/Corbulo returns to HQ?

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I had just bought a storm raven a few weeks before GW opened it up to all space marine chapters.  I didn't like that it was no longer unique, so I sold it.  If we get a BA Specific flyer I will immediately buy it and rush it to the table :)

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I believe that things like the IC status for Meph, Typho and the Sanguinor will never come, because it was build in intentionally by the design team/author. It doesn't make sense for the first two, but hey, it was stated in an pdf that these changes were intentional and no oversights on their part. Assuming we get the same author to write the new codex again.


Also, I'm expecting changes how we use our vehicles, as it was back in the day. Perhaps disembarking after a 12" move, or 6" move and charge from all vehicles. Would be pretty awesome and not very broken. We used to have that rule, anyway, so....


I expect Heroic Intervention to get reduced to what C:SM got now, which wouldn't benefit us at all. Actually it's quite the opposite. While I think that things might be ret-conned to what they used to be in 3rd edition, I'm not sure about random DC and upgradable fast vehicles. The first would be a pretty huge step and the latter...I'm not sure, just a feeling perhaps.


Also, Dante striking at initiative and/or EW, because GW usually doesn't come up with original rules for our existing characters these days.




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I am fairly certain that we will get a character (perhaps Dante) who give a particular unit he is attached to the ability to assault when they deep strike.


I bet that someone (Sanguinor, Mephiston, Dante, Astorath, maybe Tycho) will get an AP2 weapon at initiative.  Only one though.


I am guessing that fast will be an upgrade for the vehicles, only built in automatically to Baals.

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I believe that things like the IC status for Meph, Typho and the Sanguinor will never come, because it was build in intentionally by the design team/author. It doesn't make sense for the first two, but hey, it was stated in an pdf that these changes were intentional and no oversights on their part. Assuming we get the same author to write the new codex again.




For these particular iterations of the characters, yes - it was intentional. If they were toned down, I could see them reverting to IC status. Mephiston now is too powerful to be allowed to hide in a unit (as I mentioned above, I can think of bone fide monstrous creatures with a worse statline), but if he was dropped to S/T 5 and only 3 wounds, he's not absurd. Sanguinor doesn't really fit in a unit according to the fluff, got no problems with him on his own.

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I am fairly certain that we will get a character (perhaps Dante) who give a particular unit he is attached to the ability to assault when they deep strike.


I bet that someone (Sanguinor, Mephiston, Dante, Astorath, maybe Tycho) will get an AP2 weapon at initiative.  Only one though.


I am guessing that fast will be an upgrade for the vehicles, only built in automatically to Baals.


Or they could just give Mephiston the Smash Special rule (the guy is basically an MC and being a guy who suffers from the Black Rage it can be justified pretty easily in my opinion) and someone else will get the AP2 weapon at initiative (most likely Dante). 


Also what kind of relics do y'all think will be included? I think we can safely assume that more then half of them will start with Blood (Blood Hat, Blood Shield, Blood Sword and of course the dreaded Bloody Frying Pan).

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I would hate to see random DC come back. Back in 3rd they always came out of my terminators or bikes leaving me with two man squads of termies. I would imagine any unit restricted in size like Sanguinary Guard would disappear from most lists because of it. I know they did back then.


I could see a new flyer based on the Stormraven hull, but I'd rather just have a Stormtalon.


What I really expect is stupid to take over. We will get some nice new models with stupid names, bad rules, and lazy writing with bolt on wings.

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This is hillarious.


I dont think Meph will get an AP2 weapon, but I do think he may get Smash.


Too many BA characters with AP2 axes, not all of them can attack at initiative.


I reckon Dante will, and Astorath will not. Astorath will get FNP built in.

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Anyone care to make any predictions on what they voted?


Im convinced they're going to change DC again.

I'm also of the opinion theyre going to make it a BA dynamic, to stop other armies from getting them as easily. (Wishful thinking maybe?)


Im thinking something similar to 3rd ed - and i would not be suprised if we lose members in main squads to the Rage.

I don't think the DC generation will change, but will get moved to elites or somehow moved in the FOC.  If for no other reason than to keep others from allying in a DC squad easily and to soak up one of our elite options.  Getting an elite squad as a troops choice is a pretty nice perk.  


Hmmm, thinking about it now, I could see it going back to 3rd like you said.  Hell the whole game is going the way of random dice rolls (psychic powers, random terrain, warlord rules, charging distance etc.) why not DC too.


I believe that things like the IC status for Meph, Typho and the Sanguinor will never come, because it was build in intentionally by the design team/author. It doesn't make sense for the first two, but hey, it was stated in an pdf that these changes were intentional and no oversights on their part. Assuming we get the same author to write the new codex again.


Also, I'm expecting changes how we use our vehicles, as it was back in the day. Perhaps disembarking after a 12" move, or 6" move and charge from all vehicles. Would be pretty awesome and not very broken. We used to have that rule, anyway, so....


I expect Heroic Intervention to get reduced to what C:SM got now, which wouldn't benefit us at all. Actually it's quite the opposite. While I think that things might be ret-conned to what they used to be in 3rd edition, I'm not sure about random DC and upgradable fast vehicles. The first would be a pretty huge step and the latter...I'm not sure, just a feeling perhaps.


Also, Dante striking at initiative and/or EW, because GW usually doesn't come up with original rules for our existing characters these days.




TYPHO...  hahaha that's hilarious.  I think DC Tycho was a brainfart typo, and Meph is going to get hit so hard with the nerf bat that he is going to need a squad to carry him into battle.  Sanguinor will stay the way he is.  


I would like to see 5 man tac squads getting a special weapon and the ability to disembark and shoot like in the pdf days.  I wish we could disembark and charge...but nobody gets that anymore, hopefully a 7th ed change will at least change that bit back to 5th rules.

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N 7.  BA will get a previously unseen unit/model.  (Y/N).

I think if you count escalation BA will be granted something from Forgeworld heresy range as a relic or lord of war


Y 8.  BA will get chapter tactics, with 2 general army rules. (Y/N).

I think Descent of Angels and Red Thirst will become "general army rules" aka formalized tactics.


Y 14. We will have a BA psychic table that is random. (Y/N).

I think some characters may have a signature power or improved access to the BRB tables.


N 18. Fast vehicle will be an upgradeable option. (Y/N).

I think this will remain "built in". I'm not sure it will remain 15 points difference between standard codex though.


N 19. BA will be able to dismount and charge in the same turn. (Y/N).

Yes, if you use a vehicle with assault ramp. Maybe from a land speeder storm.


Y 21. BA will get a WS bonus on the charge. (Y/N).

Furious charge via a war gear or sanguinary priest.


Y 25. Will Assault Squads still be troops? (Y/N)

This could be a second chapter tactic if descent of angels or Red Thirst are restricted in availability or rules.


Y 31. Will Red Thirst change? (Y/N).

I'm thinking this will be the method of gathering death company *if* DC don't become a 5 or 10 man max squad size. If not, I suspect Red Thirst and Blood Chalice effects become the same.

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This is hillarious.


I dont think Meph will get an AP2 weapon, but I do think he may get Smash.


Too many BA characters with AP2 axes, not all of them can attack at initiative.


I reckon Dante will, and Astorath will not. Astorath will get FNP built in.

Pretty much this - I think Meph will get smash (if so then a points increase too) in way of Sanguine Sword. In fact Smash may even = Sanguine Sword if we don't lose it. Agreed On Dante and Astrogoth. Dante has a master crafted, lightened and balanced relic axe (hence hit at his I6). Asty has a huge double handed Executioner's Axe so should be I1. I do think we will however get an AP2 @ init relic for generic Catpains (and Art Armour!!)


Good topic Mort :)

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xx. Will Mephiston get his force field from 2nd edition back....? No :P


I've pretty much voted in the expectation that they will make Blood Angels more like normal marines and make every decision possible that would increase the sale of models.


The change in how the DC works is pretty much a given at this point considering they get changed every edition.

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This is hillarious.


I dont think Meph will get an AP2 weapon, but I do think he may get Smash.


Too many BA characters with AP2 axes, not all of them can attack at initiative.


I reckon Dante will, and Astorath will not. Astorath will get FNP built in.

I figure 1 character will get the AP2 axe at initiative, I just listed the candidates as I am not sure which it will be.

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what do you think to torrent on flamestorm cannons? right now i see little reason to run flamestorm on a baal as if you get close enough to use it you'll likely be dead next turn, giving it torrent would really make it a worthwhile option, the manuvererable mid range dakka baals, or the close range template version, as even with torrent you'll still need to be pretty close.

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