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Completed Raptors


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Finally got some final pics for the Raptors.  Still have more to come, in the form of a storm talon, jet bikes, scouts and a fire raptor to bring them up to 1750.  



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Please excuse the finger print on the top of the rhino.blush.png

That Captain looks gorgeous. Great mix of bits! If you don't mind, I may steal that conversion and modify it a bit :)


Really liking the look of the army as a whole, nice simple paint job coupled with some nice conversions :tu:

I love how you've tied all of these very different units together, using such a small color palette. The greens are super deep, and the little weathering touches make definitely make them believable as a force stuck behind enemy lines without resupply.

Nicely done, the whole force is very evocative and captures perfectly how I imagine the Raptors to be. So many nice little touches here and there, I think the bikers are my favourite unit, really liking the subtle little conversions/modifications. Great job, look forward to seeing more of your work.

The three greens I've used are all vallejo model air and are Black green, Camp green, and light camo green. This has then had a very dilute black wash. And then edged in the light camo green.

How do you find the Vallejo model air paints to work with? I've gotten hilariously black and white reviews from everyone I've asked so far.


Also, now that I look back over them, your color scheme looks like it would make an amazing pre-heresy Salamanders green as well.

Recon 0321 - Lias is made from a legion praetor. With a legion vox pack, evanus enkomis head and the left arm off one of the gun crews on one of the rapier batteries. The bolter is a stock one with a piece of plastic tube for the suppressor and a fine chain for model ship building.


Cyrox- not a problem. Go for it. Conversi I need process for the centurions is pretty simple. Terminate helmets of choice really. Get rid of the cod plates completely and replace with two with assault terminator cod plates on the thighs. And be for you glue the torso to the legs raise the height by a mm or 2 with GS or plastic tubing. Your choice.



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