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So, how's your ETL prep going?


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A tide of Nurglings. Billions and billions of Nurglings!



Come on - how about it? I say we each do like a thousand.

Start video at 6:24


Also Kilofix ready to join chaos yet?  


Everyone else, excellent job.  


I don't know man, Chaos is still my core affiliation and I still have a bunch of new Chaos stuff to paint, but I have more 30K models to paint, and yet even more GK/Inq models to paint currently. Still conflicted.


Edit - Unless, reading the old ETL II rules - I can use "count as" and do all my 30K and GK/Inq as Chaos. Not sure if that'll still be allowed though. Would be awesome if I could though. I probably have 8,000 points + of painting waiting now, and I previously did my 8K Chaos + Daemons and my 8K Renegade IG in 3 mo. respectively so I know I could do it.

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I don't know man, Chaos is still my core affiliation and I still have a bunch of new Chaos stuff to paint, but I have more 30K models to paint, and yet even more GK/Inq models to paint currently. Still conflicted.


Edit - Unless, reading the old ETL II rules - I can use "count as" and do all my 30K and GK/Inq as Chaos. Not sure if that'll still be allowed though. Would be awesome if I could though. I probably have 8,000 points + of painting waiting now, and I previously did my 8K Chaos + Daemons and my 8K Renegade IG in 3 mo. respectively so I know I could do it.

Semper has hinted that traitor guard may count for chaos, so a traitor inq force may be allow as well(I would pm semper)  Count as wise, anything go, so that an possibility.  For you death guard legion have them be count as well.


In the end, you will get models done, which is the greatest reward of them all, but be on the winning side, the chaos side is a nice bonus as well.  


You love chaos, why betray your family to an uncaring empire that turn their back on your primarchs and brothers?  

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I am so glad that this year I have no grandiose plans that leave me in uncertainty as to if they will be allowed. Makes life much easier.


Those of you who are planning to pledge several thousand points by yourself, how are you doing it? Really easy scheme and an airbrush, or the luxury of having no other real commitments?



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...and now my box of FW goodies arrived before my GW shipment did so now I'm getting all confused again...



...no, no no no no nononono! I'm sticking with chaos, no temptations for me! :P

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It's complicated... biggrin.png

bit like my relatonship

I am so glad that this year I have no grandiose plans that leave me in uncertainty as to if they will be allowed. Makes life much easier.

Those of you who are planning to pledge several thousand points by yourself, how are you doing it? Really easy scheme and an airbrush, or the luxury of having no other real commitments?


red spray for the word bearers, everything else with brush. may even take some time off work

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I have a whole lot ready to go; cultists, zombies, daemons, daemon engines; a contingent of traitor guard and a chaos knight if it ends up being allowed in. I think I even have an Iron Warriors Baneblade rummaging around somewhere.


However, out of nowhere, I am also feeling the pull of the blood of Sanguinius. So whether I end up going for Blood for the Blood God or Corpses for the Corpse God is still a bit up in the air.

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I am so glad that this year I have no grandiose plans that leave me in uncertainty as to if they will be allowed. Makes life much easier.


Those of you who are planning to pledge several thousand points by yourself, how are you doing it? Really easy scheme and an airbrush, or the luxury of having no other real commitments?




Between my job, wife, son, dog, house, gym, playing the game....yeah not much else to do. ;)


Its months of time man, an hour a day, and things get done.

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I am so glad that this year I have no grandiose plans that leave me in uncertainty as to if they will be allowed. Makes life much easier.

Those of you who are planning to pledge several thousand points by yourself, how are you doing it? Really easy scheme and an airbrush, or the luxury of having no other real commitments?


Between my job, wife, son, dog, house, gym, playing the game....yeah not much else to do. msn-wink.gif

Its months of time man, an hour a day, and things get done.

Have a full time job and wife of 17 years but no kids. Paint nights. Use an airbursh for base coating and even some layers. I batch paint everything; 20 models, 30 models, etc.

Also am fortunate to have somewhat steady hands so I can usually paint a Bolter that has been assembled on a Marine in a few seconds in four strokes (left, right, top bottom) with only a Large GW brush. Lol, I also use a Large Brush for Chaos shoulder pad trim, etc.

It doesn't end up competition quality but I don't skip any details and it ends up table quality.

I did this in about an hour, assembly line like:





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Yeah. I find that if you take it a day (or an hour) at a time, turn off your computer, put an audiobook on and just paint for as long or short stretches as you feel like, a lot of models get done at a surprising rate.


I was really impressed/surprised with myself last year, as I'm famously good at starting grandiose projects and equally bad at completing them. But I managed 3000+ points last time and I wasn't terribly rushed, if at all.

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I am so glad that this year I have no grandiose plans that leave me in uncertainty as to if they will be allowed. Makes life much easier.


Those of you who are planning to pledge several thousand points by yourself, how are you doing it? Really easy scheme and an airbrush, or the luxury of having no other real commitments?



I currently work two jobs and going to college this summer for 8 credits, so that really my life currently.  The good news is I will probably bulk paint everything and simple color schemes do help(I am not going to sacrifice quality through, every mini will get base, wash, and at least two highlights).  My goal is to do two hours a night with friday and saturday doing nothing else.  I want my armies painted is the major drive, and since I am moving to an apartment soon, I will have more free time.  

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@ Kilofix - You do that with a large brush! I hate you like you were a follower of the corpse-emperor. 


Yeah for those Brutes I used 1 GW Large brush for everything except the eyes and pupils. For like the left hand nails I would paint a broad stroke that would cover all 3 nails at once closer to the tip then I would angle and use the corner of the large brush to complete the edge close to the hand.


For the trim, I'd use the corner of the Large brush all the way. More pressure where it widens, less pressure where it narrows.


Maybe I should do a video sometime.

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Kilofix, they look damn good for something painted with a large brush. Me, I paint at the PC. I had to divorce my thinking from the concept of 'painting sessions'. Now I just have what I'm working on ready to go, and just paint stuff while I browse the net. As someone said upthread, a bit here and there adds up.



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