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Scythes of the emperor.... Update 13/11/18

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Belated condolences, brother.


Loving the LotD models. The heads really brings them together in addition to the gs work :happy.:

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Condolences, man, we all know it's going to happen someday, but that never helps.

The LOTD look very good and I like how you're going to put a very fluffy twist on them. I seem to remeber Brother Tyrax did some purple flames on his Marines Malevolent LOTD (also yellow and black, how about that?) and it worked well so I'd second that as an option.

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They are fantastic looking!



Thank you bro


Belated condolences, brother.Loving the LotD models. The heads really brings them together in addition to the gs work ^_^



Thanks fella, and I'm pretty pleased with how they've turned out


Those LotD are awesome. I like how you've done the fire, and I eagerly wait to see them painted.




Cheers fella, don't worry these will be painted this side of this year, got to get my commission (scythes again) lol out the way before I get back to my stuff


Condolences, man, we all know it's going to happen someday, but that never helps.

The LOTD look very good and I like how you're going to put a very fluffy twist on them. I seem to remeber Brother Tyrax did some purple flames on his Marines Malevolent LOTD (also yellow and black, how about that?) and it worked well so I'd second that as an option.

I completely forgot about them, thanks for the reminder. And thank you for the props :-)

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 *little girl screams* AHHHHHH i absolutely freaking love your LOTD!!!

The little details like the gap in between the armor overflowing with fire, and the nonchalant i don't give a:censored:  pose of your power fist astartes. Oh my god I'm fan-boying so hard on these guys!




seriously, this is an idea i've wanted to try sooo hard since i first got the LOTD book for christmas in 2012! I absolutely NEED to see them painted ASAP. Emperor have mercy I really need to calm down, i still have like 7 threads to go to.......:biggrin.:

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The flames look great. :tu: 



Thank you bro


These are lookng ace, I think the purple, blue flames wil look really cool and quite spectral


Hope this raises a smile :)





That did indeed raised a smile, thank you and hopefully I can get the colour right.



*little girl screams* AHHHHHH i absolutely freaking love your LOTD!!!

The little details like the gap in between the armor overflowing with fire, and the nonchalant i don't give a:cuss  pose of your power fist astartes. Oh my god I'm fan-boying so hard on these guys!




seriously, this is an idea i've wanted to try sooo hard since i first got the LOTD book for christmas in 2012! I absolutely NEED to see them painted ASAP. Emperor have mercy I really need to calm down, i still have like 7 threads to go to.......:D

Thank you very much for the compliment and props brother. I really like the GW LOTD but I dislike the fact that they essentially (to me) look like salmander chaplains (the fire and bone)


I really wanted to get them to look like spectral ghosts.


Thanks a lot guys

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First of all, so sorry for your loss, my condolences at this sad time for you and your family.


For these new dudes - oh yes they are excellent! I am going to nab me that idea, not sure for what yet, but I must have it. Really, really cool work.

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First of all, so sorry for your loss, my condolences at this sad time for you and your family.


For these new dudes - oh yes they are excellent! I am going to nab me that idea, not sure for what yet, but I must have it. Really, really cool work.


Thank you bro, and nab away :-)


Awesome looking LotD.  Get some paint on them asap!



Yes sir lol


The LoTD rock, man.



Do I spy a Vanguard Vet/Shrike in the background?



Thank you also fella, and yes you do, I toyed with adding vanguard to my scythes but decided against it


Great LotD mate, a really fresh take on them. Whatever colour you do the flames I'm sure it'll look amazing.

Thank you aswel fella


Right not a massive update just to show you guys the sgt and last guy I've done and a shot of all of them together











Hope you like this small update

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They are looking amazing... Certainly wouldnt want to encounter them on a dark night.


Out of curiosity, are you planning on putting any eyes in the socket, or little microbeads, amybe painted witha fiery glow, or are you foing with empty dead eyesockets?


Either way, the look immense!

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Out of curiosity, are you planning on putting any eyes in the socket, or little microbeads, amybe painted witha fiery glow, or are you foing with empty dead eyesockets? Either way, the look immense!


I stared into the deadlights...


Seriously though, that is a fabulously creepy idea. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks a lot guys.


Brother Tyrax....thanks for that compliment, but it was yours that gave me the idea for lost souls of the chapter and the purple flames.


So on to my update...I bought some other skills off ebay....and in all honesty was a bit disappointed.....I'll show you why






In my eyes they just match up with the ones I've used for my LOTD.....


But away from that issue ive done and gone some painting.....















And I kind made my high chaplain....again.....but he's been upgraded like Optimus prime......


Original idea...




Now the final idea






And I made a master of the forge...






Hope you like the new update, as always drop a comment or two on your views, opinion and critism.



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As usual everything you do looks badass. Is it a choice between the two poses for the Chaplain? If so my vote is for the first one.

Thanks man. And it was really because my chapter is based off of typhons body and head and biohazard pointed out Id have two big characters near enough in the same pose....


I wanted my chapter master to be wading in but I also wish to keep the hatred my high chaplain has for the nids in his pose and armour.

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