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Scythes of the emperor.... Update 13/11/18

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I've been following your progress on other sources, however I have finally found my way back here. Excellent progress and beautiful painting skills. I love the varied and appropriately dynamic poses for each individual marine. Some of the painting techniques I'm going to have to message you about or something (if you're willing to share that is) because I want to know how you do it.

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Looking good for the most part. I think a couple of pose tweaks might be necessary on the powerfist guys and the thunder hammer chap with the more passive legs looks very out of place given that the other four seem to be at a dead run or sprint; his legs are kind of advancing and the torso is aligned with them, which means the direction of his head doesn't really fit and if you rotate that to work the posing of the arms then looks a bit awkward. The way the whole upper body is now would work on a different set of legs where the left leg was the one leading.

Left-handed powerfist guy could do with having his shield arm rotated upwards a bit so the shield is more square to the body and the fist rotated down a few degrees so it's a bit more horizontal. Right-handed powerfist I'm not entirely sure what looks off with him, but I think twisting the body a little more to the right and bringing the shield arm up a bit would help.

The (presumably) sergeant with the thunder hammer is absolutely spot on, though, and looks really bloody mean!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guys thank you so much for inputs, advice and comments, when I get to the vanguard I'll be putting your advice to great effect. But....little update on the assault squad first after a 9 day holiday....and a scout sgt....AND a little something with nails......




Now I've gone for this colour block on the jump packs as I though the solid yellow back packs that is the scythes would look too imperial fisty for them considering the size of jump packs










The start of a scout sgt








Hope you like the scythe update....BUT now something way off the scythes path...this next model I'm about to show you all....the character I have loved and loved even more from betrayer, just loved loved loved his story and emotional standing within his self and the legion....the stick model just die at do it for me though....so I did this....ladies and gentlemen I give you....


Khârn the betrayer






And I never knew or realised how big this guy is





Hope you like.....

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Where is the head from, that needs to go on one of my space wolves!

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Sons of horus reaver squad


looks like that will be my first fw purchase then. i need that head

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Thanks a lot gents, I'm thinking of putting Khârn on a 40mm base with the dead marine now on the base.


Quick question....


I was going to make the dead marine an ultramarine BUT I'm thinking of painting him as an imperial fist, purely for the reasons as I know yellow, battle damage & blood will show up in greater detail on yellow rather than blue....thoughts?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the nid blood, but I think you need to add it to more than just the jump pack, and maybe smaller more splattery (if such a word exists) blood maybe through stipling or somesuch.


That minor nit picking aside I love the vibe of these guys, they just scream Scythes of the Emperor knowing they are doomed, yet determined to sell their lives for the highest price possible.


Keep it up dude

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@ ratboy: thank you fella, I do agree with you so will look at adding tinny splats else where.


@magicman: I can see your thoughts on this brother, it was a mistake trying to do them late at night before bed tired as lol.


@charlo: thank you fella


@blindhamster: thank you also bro

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@lionofjudah: thank you fella. I'll be looking forward to seeing your work


Now this small update, I've made Thai guy as a 'treat' for when I've completed my 5 man assault squad....you chaos guys.....well.....I can already feel your eyes burning though me over this lol.....













So hope you guys like my Abby conversion/mash up


This guy will be given a back ground story, was sent to the Death Watch, not because he opposed the new chapter masters choice of rebuilding the chapter rather than going out in a blaze of glory but because he wanted to further his understanding of tyranid killing, after Serving with the deathwatch for 5 years he was awarded a prized suit of terminator armour that had seen action ever since the crusade era.

So he's come back to the scythes of the emperor and has taken the unofficial position of "first Sargent" of the scythes newly formed 1st company.

So I wanted his armour and weapons to really stand out. And what better base model than old Abby's, fantastic sculpt and model. And as you can see I've imperialed it up.

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