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The list was cobbled together with what i had unpacked. And it was only 2k points. It was my tactics that failed me more than anything and that warlord trait.


And that 0.926% chance to OHKO my untouched darkwing with the mor deythan

Edited by Nusquam
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Darkwing is fine. It would have been nice to be able to take a multimelta, but blind can be a nice bonus when mixed with graviton cannons.


That said, to me, you take it for hth units. I get it. Mor deythan can't get pods easily, but still if I take one, is got termis in it.


I also find they get better with more fliers.


Btw - fun last. What did you do with the apothecaries? Put them in the tac squads?


Also, how did Next do? Love that guy.


As for IW. I find beating then is all about krak grenades. Especially with rerolls with chaplains. But they can bring sooooo much fire power. I sometimes even switch off the power weapons to stay on hth and not win on my turn.

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Yeah the Apoths went in the tacs. I also forgot to mention I had a Navigator with the Mor Deythan. His -1 to enemy BS kept the survivors alive for a while but then I rolled a fistful of ones and twos.


Nex died horribly. He took a point off the sicaran though. That trait got his WL outside of Nex's range. I need to reread Master Tactician and Nexs rule to be sure on the timing because man that messed me up

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That's weird that you can take them as part of your detachment then and don't have their own ally detachment of 1 navigator to make the rules run smoothly; because I just imagined they were one of the legions navigators so it was kosher.

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So after reading through this thread I was wanting to pose a question it seems like we favor infiltrating power armor but how would you all go about capitalizing on free furious charge for our terminators and bikes etc I like the infiltrating tacticals and such, however I'm definitely looking for some variety in the army I feel like setting up a kind of hammer with bikes/jet bikes to come and hit units my forward infiltrators have tied up any thoughts?
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You can always run Raven Talons Cataphractii Terminators in a Caestus Assault Ram in addition to a normal Decapitation Strike-Style List.


S+1, Ap3, Rending, Shred, Master Crafted Lightning Claw terminators are a scary prospect for pretty much anything to face.


(iirc anyone with LCs can take Ravens Talons, right?)


But then, you can do similar with Dark Furies for possibly better since they can still sweep. You do have the benefit of a 2+/4++(5++) with TDA.


3 Man Outrider Bike Squads with 2 Power Weapons (1in 3 + sarge) and Twin-Linked Plasma Guns can be quite the small, nasty surprise for most enemies.

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3 Man Outrider Bike Squads with 2 Power Weapons (1in 3 + sarge) and Twin-Linked Plasma Guns can be quite the small, nasty surprise for most enemies.


You know, I've been trying my darnest to fit in at least a unit of outriders and 10 man assault troops in my list planning ( I'm not going to lie - I'm still in my plan-for-purchase stage), and for some reason the larger community doesn't quite favour them...

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Because people see discounted options and automatically fill in how many they can afford; and when a unit of 20 Marines appears for 450pts (with 5 Power weapons) it is all 'hell no'.


This then colours their opinion. Meanwhile, 3 Power weapons at 280pts with jump packs amd deep strike, and you are pretty much golden.

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I've got a feeling that if you run 10 Jump Marines, either you throw them in a Storm Eagle, either you Deep Strike them later on for objective grabbing. 20 men seem needed for direct charges through the open battlefield.


Obviously, we're looking at 20 men assault blobs for Sons of Horus or World Eaters or Night Lords, that get benefit from outnumbering people in melee, rather than taking advantage from surgical strikes.

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20 Assault Marines also have large enough of a Footprint that you could, with proper positioning, reasonably expect to pull off some really wacky Multi-Charges.

  1. Give them all Melta Bombs (....they wont live long).
  2. multi charge multiple vehicle squadrons if possible.
  3. ????
  4. Profit!

...then again Random Charge Length is possibly the stupidest thing ever sooooooooo Pray to RNGesus.


Your pretty much only likely to see this in Apoc Level games though.

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So if I'm going the biker route do I take a normal squad or a command squad to tag along with the praetor? Jump unit is easily dark furies no doubt about it


So the the big difference is that command squads don't get scout, but instead they basically come with artificer armor, more weapons options per trooper and an extra attack. The way i look at the points, the extra attack is actually free. 


So it kinda depends on what  you are going for. If you are doing the iron father on a bike with rad grenades with the praetor and a bunch of power axes to try and oblit 2W T4 models, the command squad is likely more efficient. It also benefits from RG special rules so. it's kinda fluffy, fun and RG unique. 


If you are thinking flexible, fast harrasser, tank hunters, the outriders are probably better. Also no note that the attack bikes are really quite good at that as well. 


It should be noted you can't assault if you scout, so the outriders don't really get into hth faster. But they do get an opportunity to scout up and blast things with assault weapons first turn. This said, it's not something RG do better than other legions. Honestly units like mor deythan do the same thing for cheaper and better.


In the end they are basically a unit other legions usually take to mimic RG tactics :p

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Yes. Valid point. I'm not of the opinion that the hvy bolter and extra speed is worth the 15pt difference, but from a rule of cool perspective, jet bikes are mega sexy. 


The other little tid bit is that the forge lord can also take a graviton gun and a jet bike gives you relentless :) 

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