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I looked this up last night; long story short Dreads don't need initial LoS to intercept. FW emails were included etc. I was under the impression they did need LoS** and the pivot was to get the other gun LoS if it didn't have it. But apparently that's not the case and staying out of LoS doesn't matter. I already think Interceptor should never have existed, and this just makes Deredeos auto-includes if you have the slots.


**stupid phone

Edited by Nusquam
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Not to really get into it, but yeah they get to intercept, which let's you shoot. But to shoot you have have to have LOS and range. No LOS. No shoot.


Are you saying they get a torso twist before they shoot?


Well, they don't. It's pretttttttttty clear about that.


"If the Legion Dreadnought chooses to neither move nor Run in its turn, it gains the Skyfire and Interceptor special rules for that entire Game turn (i.e. both the controlling player's turn and his opponent's following player turn)."


Other than the dreadnought in question, nothing changes in the wording across the models that have the Helical Targeting array. If someone's deepstriking a pod or whatever on the top of turn 1 you haven't had the chance to "neither move nor Run in it's turn" yet, meaning no special rules. This is reinforced by the clarification of game turn; it is always activated on the controlling player's turn and lasts into the opponent's turn.


Also no torso twist in case that's a question too; they only get that in overwatch, otherwise its the good ol' 22.5 degree arc left and right


All in all, pretty cut and dry, but I can imagine people getting mad when they find out they can't 360 degree intercept on the very first turn and then emailing FW and getting an answer saying "of course you can do that"

Edited by SkimaskMohawk
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All in all, pretty cut and dry, but I can imagine people getting mad when they find out they can't 360 degree intercept on the very first turn and then emailing FW and getting an answer saying "of course you can do that"



Amen to that. 


That is how I interpret it as well but I wanted to make sure I wasn't off the rails.  I will then hear the RAI argument and finally forge the narrative.  Which I usually have a narrative of you deployed bad...sorry.  I say it with a smile.  Sometimes I think I should have played Alpha Legion and just say as a narrative "we are all Alpha Legion".  How do you trump that?


Thanks for walking through the rules. 

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You could go for a Deathstorm if you're Pod heavy, or a full Heavy Support Squad that Infiltrates in proper firing positions.

The HSS with Lascannons might be the most "all comers" choice since you might be facing enemys with AV14 and Armoured Ceramite against which your drop meltas would be powerless.

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Leviathan carried by Kharybdis, especially if you houserule the Bombards to get Haywire (I'm awaiting the FW typing monkeys to get back to me on how they interpret it). Regardless, one of them dropping in is lethal and face eaty, and a 2 for one kinda deal that fits the Decap Strike ideal.

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I was considering a fire raptor for the one HS but the leviathan had piqued my interest. It really can put the hurt on a lot of things. It's like a contemptor in an anvillus dialed up to 11 that can take on a wider array of targets. With the price tag to match. My concern is It'll reach knight territory in price. Though in 30k marines can't take knight LoWs so it's less of "why not just take a knight at that point" since you'd need two to ally.
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