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1 S10 Smash hit is more of an "OH :cuss!" button than anything else.


You should ask Wolf_pack how that went vs my Contemptor; spoiler alert, my Contemptor bopped 2 (of the 5 remaining) Castellax in his praevian unit before dying to the thunderhammer.

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1 S10 Smash hit is more of an "OH :censored:!" button than anything else.


You should ask Wolf_pack how that went vs my Contemptor; spoiler alert, my Contemptor bopped 2 (of the 5 remaining) Castellax in his praevian unit before dying to the thunderhammer.


We agreed not to talk about that anymore, the therapy is still ongoing!

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  • 3 weeks later...



+once per game every model gains zealot for the turn


+slay the warlord grants D3 vp instead of 1


+allied imperial militia and warp cults are fearless within 6" of RG


-not shattered legions


-no fort or slow and purposeful units


-loyal only

I'll be straight; by comparison(re:The Iron Fire, the new IF/UM RoW or even our Decap Strike) this RoW is mediocre rules-wise. I get the cinematics behind it, rallying human allies and stuff. So if you want to represent it you can for a fluff perspective. Maybe I just got too hyped after reading how good the other RoWs are...


First thing that comes to mind is RG CamoCenturions leading Levvy blobs. Fearless is nice, then once per game Zealot pop. But Cult Horde does it better.


StWL isn't bad, but not stellar.


Edit: Actually since its confirmed you can take a RoW in an allied detachment; use a RG Delegatus as an ally to a Militia army for some fearless buffs. Still nothing exciting outside narrative but something to consider.


Still personally disappointed our new RoW seems to function better as an ally. Maybe we'll get soem good stuff via shattered legions.

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Appears to be at all times. Then if, say, you have an attached RG Cent and he get's zealot he becomes a psuedo Chaplain. But Chaplains already exist for giving out Zealot and Cult Hordes do too for mass fearless and zealot.

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That's actually incredibly powerful. The artillery options are the strongest part of that codex but they are hard to use because things like warp cults make you snap fire. The standard provinces are almost unplayable due to ld issues. If this true you could field a VERY shooty mass infantry army.


Strange though that they mention warp cults and it's labeled loyalist. If I can run fearless, rending mass infantry that can shoot artillery I will be totally psyched!


Need to find a picture of that page!

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You don't need fearless on artillery though. They should be tucked away. If you're facing things that are deepstriking, Terror Squads, Termis, etc, being fearless isn't going to save them. Besides you have ordnance batteries for artillery. And space marines get, now much better, rapiers anyway. The strength in the Militia list lies in cheap, spammable, and sometimes still retaining quality troops. Aux does tanks better(but not as cheap), and marines do tough infantry better(unless you take Survivors and make a lsit around them relegating RG to allies). They're the custom guard of 30k, lots of ways to put more bodies on the table and ways to flavor the army.


Also what leadership issues? One prov adds +1Ld, then there's spammable discipline masters, vexillas everywhere, grenadiers are Ld 8 and can take a vex, and so on. Sure Its not 8/9 like marines but they are cheap. The only thing with low Ld that aren't fodder or grenadiers are ogryns, which are prime for discipline masters, and the heavy weapon squads. The latter of which strength lies and being cheap, spammable, and cheap. A Sv5+ with fearless is going to get evaporated by anything.


I can see the value of having psuedomarines through Survivors with RG support marching up with perhaps a Master of Signal in a huge heavy weapons squad. But at that point you're going out of your way to make Militia better, which is exactly what RG tried to do, but we aren't stuck with limited troops and military strength. We from he game perspective can always get the best.


Also consider one side must be an Ally. So if it's RG that means fewer centurions leading squads, no Master of Signal. And really whats the point of this RoW if you're stuck being allies when every other one is primed for being the primary detachment. So when Militia is allied then you theres only two units to really benefit from the fearless. We don't need recons, nor the standard militia squad, we don't need ogryns, militia enginseers dont have the haywire. Heavies are BS3 but a MoS can buff them and give them stealth, but at that point you could have just taken a Legion Heavy squad for better everything and cost less. So that leaves Levy and Grenadiers. Fearless blobs of Levys aren't bad by any stretch, but 30k has plenty of arty, typhons, and easy ways to burn through T3 6+ unless you take 50 bodies. Which is probably the biggest advantage you can gain from this RoW. Then Grenadiers advancing in a rhino or holding back to score with the Survivors prov. But they can take a vex with Ld8 so they dont need fearless babysitters.


So really the only thing that can actually be advantageous through this RoW is fearless blobs of 50 dudes charging up and unloading some assault 1 flashlights or pistols and CCWs. Then pop zealot with Alchem Jackers and Cyber or Feral or Abhuman provs etc. Which is very Pale Nomad-esque to use jacked up fodder, but not RG proper. Imagine 100 psychofueled maniacs charging up the board firing away with lasers though. That's actually pretty spooky. Add in the HQ for provs and all that can be yours for just shy of 400 points.


I think the labeling was just mistyping the militia army lists full name.

And honestly, the Recon RoW and the UM RoW are a much better fit. And inversely if you run a Militia army as standard then you would probably love this RoW to basically have ninjamarine body guards.

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Well the insane combo is flesh tainted troopers that get fearless from zealot.


Its only 700 points for 300 mooks with 900 rending attacks on the charge ☺ And now you can make them fearless.


The artillery have a tough time getting ld bumps. But they are great for killing spartans and such, so they are alternative long range grav cannons. Plus if they have rending they you don't worry about deepstrikers and the like.


Plus one unit of fire support can really be awesome with ap3. Hell. You can build an army around these.


Kinda reminds me of how penal legions used to have rending.


Shivs for the win!

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The Cult Horde/Tainted Flesh is Traitors only and this RoW is loyalists only.

The militia doesn't have access any grav weapons. That's another reason marine rapiers are better.

10 AP3 autocannons at BS3, T3, W2, 5+ isn't really worthy of making a list around outside of small games. Marines already have AP3 in spades via phosphex rapiers and fire raptors alone, plus plenty more low AP things like typhons.


The best I can imagine is


So the only way I figured to make the new RG RoW good is to take

>camo, boarding shield, rad grenades

>camo, boarding shield, rad grenades


>typical RG list core, mor deythan, lightings, etc etc etc


>Alchem Jackers, Abhumans, punchy upgrades or whatever

Levy Squad
>Chems, 50 dudes total

Levy Squad
>Chems, 50 dudes total

Each FL gets a Levy squad of Chem-fueled beastmen and takes it to the paint. The rest of the list operates as normal.

For you fallout fans I call it "Psychobuff Ballad"

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I have a photo of the page. I don't think I'm allowed to post it here, but yeah it looks valid. No option to buy the claws and it's included in the wargear for everyone.

Don't need a photo, I trust your word on it :). Don't sweat it, don't risk a penalty for posting stuff that aren't allowed.

Thank you :). Still working on my RG list and this really helps.

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2.5k I'm drafting up a list now. Needs more AT. My rapiers usually filled the gap, but now they're packing my newest obsession instead of shatter shells; Phosphex canisters. I won't have trouble with power armor, that's for sure.


Also just realized you could make a Predation Fleet esque list with Shattered Legions taking SoH stuff like Reavers representing terran XIX and combine with RG stuff. SO THEMATIC. So fluffy and fitting. That one is next.

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2.5k I'm drafting up a list now. Needs more AT. My rapiers usually filled the gap, but now they're packing my newest obsession instead of shatter shells; Phosphex canisters. I won't have trouble with power armor, that's for sure.


Also just realized you could make a Predation Fleet esque list with Shattered Legions taking SoH stuff like Reavers representing terran XIX and combine with RG stuff. SO THEMATIC. So fluffy and fitting. That one is next.

You mean use the Reaver rules, or the models too? I don't like mixed looking armies/allies :rolleyes: , but using the rules an build some cool looking RG units to use them... sounds like a cool thing to do when the bulk of my army is done :). 


Could you show your list when it's done? I'd like to see where you land on AT and other units.

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I love the reaver models personally. I'd change the eye of horus parts though. Predation Fleet XIX are grey and look different anyway.


Here's the first draft of 20 furies.


  • HQ
    • Legion Centurion (Goes with Mor Deythan)

      Artificer Armour, Refractor Shield, Combi-Weapon, Infravisor, Phosphex Bombs x1, Power Axe

      • Consul

        Siege Breaker

    • Strike Captain Alvarex Maun(Goes with Rapiers)


      • Master of the Legion

        Decapitation Strike

  • Troops
    • Legion Tactical Squad

      Legion Tactical Sergeant, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox

    • Legion Tactical Squad

      Legion Tactical Sergeant, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox

  • Elites
    • Contemptor Dreadnought Talon
      • Legion Contemptor Dreadnought

        Chainfist, Fist, 2x Graviton Gun, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod

    • Legion Rapier Weapons Battery
      • Legion Rapier Weapons Battery

        x3 Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun') Phosphex canisters

    • Mor Deythan Strike Squad

      6x Combi-flamer, 8x Mor Deythan, Shade, 3x Plasma gun

      • Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier

        Dozer Blade

  • Fast Attack
    • Dark Fury Assault Squad

      Chooser of the Slain, 9x Dark Fury

    • Dark Fury Assault Squad

      Chooser of the Slain, 9x Dark Fury

    • Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter

      Battle Servitor Control, Ground-tracking Auguries, 4 Kraken penetrator heavy missiles

  • Heavy Support
    • Legion Sicaran Battle Tank

      Dozer Blade

  • Legion
    • Legion Astartes

      XIX: Raven Guard


9 Points left. Maybe a MB somehwere. I always forget that because Furies are S5 on the charge; so now with rending and master crafted for all they can tear apart Av12-13 pretty well. Lightning and Dread pop spartans, typhons etc. Sicaran hunts the light-medium stuff. Voxii everywhere for the Rapiers and in case the Furies need to deepstrike.


Looks fun and is dedkilly against power armor.


Onto a Predation Fleet list

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Here's the supposed recon RoW


Legion Recon Company

+Legion recon squads compulsory

+scout and infiltrators gain shrouded on turn 1

+reroll first turn and seize initiative rolls

-Any heavy support units must start in reserve

-additional compulsory troops which must be recon

-no termies


Its everything I ever wanted. Recon troops and shrouded everything. Throw in some camo and enjoy 2+ everywhere. Imagine a vigilator scouting furies that have +3 to cover? It even has the best part of maun and decap strike, the huge chance of going first. Missing out on the pods is the only real down side but then again not limited to one consul.


Its easily my new go to

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