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Shadow Crusade operation 23 thelious secundu ultimar sector


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Chapter 1


Nearly a hundred warships burst from the warp in the blue and white of the XII legion world eaters on the thelious systems edge instead of getting into formation the vessels powered forward heedless of cohesion or each other at the fore of the fleet flew the warship called conquer tge flagship of to the XII legione captained by lortarna and the primarch Angron.


Angron stared at the occulis veiwscreen at the rotating desert world designated thelious secundus his mission from the warmaster was to capture the titan fotges upon the planet intact if possible but if not he was to destroy them. "Captain tell me what void forces my dear brother has to offer you" Angron spoke with a voice distracted by pain from the implants his muscles constantly twitching from miss firing nerves.


"At best a picket fleet some thirty vessles sire" Lortana spoke as she consulted the tatical holithic display


Angron snorted blood trickleing from his nose "then destroy them captain brush them asside as we have at several other worlds of ultimar" he growled these words as he longed for battle and couldnt wait to be on the surface and knee deep in blood


"Aye sire " Lortana said and turned to the bridge "all ahead full raise shields and power weapons also prepare ursus claws lets wipe this fleet from the face of the galaxy" she shouted to the bridge crew who roared in approval.


Chapter 2


The XII fleet plowed into the meger fleet of the XIII legion and the void war began. The Conquer plowed ahead broardsiding a frigate called indomitable its void shields poped and its port flank was turned to molten slag before a lucky hit destroyed its reactor causing it to implode. Several more world eater vessels joined the fight moments after the conquer one of the cruisers called bloody wrath crippled the XIII legion destroyer Imperators will after cutting its engine block from the hull with lance fire to the presicion of a surgeon.


Not all went the XII legions way the cruiser bitting axe was ripped apart by two XIII legion cruisers as the XIII legion fleet sort to escape this betrayal.


Angron watched the void battle play out seeing half of his brothers fleet destroyed and most of the others fleeing or crippled he turned to lortana "Well done captain the heavns are ours now lets begin planetary assualt order all my warriors to the drop pods and assualt craft leave whats left of my brothers fleet to the escorts and frigates to mop up time for the real battle to begin " Angron spoke as he left the bridge to the embarcation deck." Aye sire" lortana spoke as he left and went about carrying out his orders.


Chapter 3


Khan stepped out of the drop pod and took a look around the manufactorum district the haze was dificult to make sense of the distant structures but he could see sevral titan manufactories and knew were to lead the 8th company "lets kill any who get in our way" Khan snarled and set off at a run.


Before any warning could be herd a migrain bright flash of a enemy lascannon lept towards Khans men vaporising the torso of the brother immediatly to khans right and the head of the brother that followed him. "Enemy devestaort squad and looks to be local millita directly ahead plus could be armoured and imperial guard support" reported one of the world eater assual squads from high up on the manufactory roofs causing khan to grunt in aknowledgement to skane his assualt sergant and most trusted commander. "Then hit there armour skane I dont want to be here for long we need to make auick work to reach our objectives" khan growled as he reached the enemy barricade shooting his plasma pistol into the faceplate ofthe lascannon operatore killing the ultramarine instantly before jumping the barricade and beheading a millicia man with a back stroke of his chain axe causing arterial blood to spray over his armour.


The fight lasted thirty seconds from landing to assualt the ultramarines feel back in good order leaving behind several brothers who were dead and nearly two-hundred militia as for khans losses they were relatively light twenty-three battle brothers most died on the charge from the drop pods.


"Barricade alpha primus has fallen sire pushing on to theta secundus and delta four" khan reported to his primarch knowing he wouldnt get a response. The growl of world eater armour came up to the barricade that was currently being dismantled by guard forces loyal to the world eaters the dull explosions in the distance told khan that the city was at war all over similar scenes would be playing out he litened to tatical reports from his fellow captains as they reported similar success in there initial assualts only one assualt had failed.


Goron growled as his 56th company was pinned he had lost fourty brothers since landing not to mention the guard assigned to his force had lost nearly three-hundred and were forced to dig in near there landing craft were the world eaters sort cover in the buildings Goron expected resistance but he hadn't expected a reaver titan supporting the thelious guard at barricade alpha seven six three. Giron grunted as he saw one of his predators tore apart by the titans gatling mega blaster its armor was shreded and its ammo cache eruped in incandecent furry immolatind some near by guardsmen who were moving in close support. "I need support enemy titan reaver class has my forces pinned downwe will be overrun in moments ultramarine armour is making ready to move forward with guard and marine close support" Goron spat into his vox bede wondering if the titan legion ember wolves had landed yet if they hadnt he hoped that the super heavy tanks that were in reserve may be able to get here and support them before the titan wiped them out. He felt the ground shudder as the titan took a ponderous step forward towards the world eater lines its gattling mega blaster turnning some of the landing craft to ruination as it spotted them.


Khan listened to the plight of the 56th company and found it bothersome his forces were on the move towards the next barricade clearing hab blocks room by room he sighed audable as he punched a enemy guardsman in the face crushing his skull with the blow as he hacked at another with his chain axe his pistol still recharging from his initial entry to the room, after cutting down the last of the rooms occupants he took stock of his 8th companys progress they were ahead of schedule they were near the barricade and the guard loyal to the world eaters were assualting up the main road towards the barricade each inch of rosd bought with lives "khan to conel uzrik how goes your assualt" khan voxed the guard commander assigned to him.


"Bloody but well we will take the barricade losses estimate about thirty percent" the conel replied as he looked from behind a rubble barricade. Khan moved to the window and watched below as a group of loyalist set up a heavy stubber in a small barricade possition just in front of the barricade khan was about to attack "brother kormack kill that heavy stubber possition" khan voxed his devistator with a rocket laucher on the floor above. "Yes centurion" kormacks reply was instant and he moved to the window lining up the frag rocket he depressed the firing stud, the rocket lanced out from the forth storey window slamming into the heavy stubber's ammo stash before detonating in a loud crump, the heavy stubber and its crew of two and several other loyalist guard nearby were blowen to peices or shredded by shrapenel.


As if on que from the rocket world eaters charged from both side buildings by the barricades and there guard forces charged down the main road towards the barricade, khan jumped from the window landing next to a ultramarine sergant who swung at him with his growling chainsword, khan parried the blow and sent a ripose on the back stroke that took the sergants leg off at the knee causing the ultramarine to curse and fall down a rubble strewn bank, as khan rose from his croch he saw two more ultramarines charge him with gladius drawn khan shot the first with his plasma pistol catching him on his shoulder guard and sent him spinning to the ground " one down but not dead now for the other" khan said as he dodge the gladius swinging for him andhe parried the ultramarines ripose, khan smashed his helm into the ultramarines visor causing him to reel in pain as the visor plate buckled, khan finished him quickly imbedding his chain axe in his throat causing thick blood to spurt all over his faceplate, khan was unable to free his axe from the dead warriors throat before the other was on his feet and attacking him with his gladius khan took the blow on his shoulder guard before tackling the foe away discarding his axe in the ruined ultramarines throat he snatched up the fallen warriors own gladius and unleashed a barrage of strikes and thrusts against his opponent that was bareky able to dodge and block before khan saw a opening and tooke it rramming the gladius through the visor spearing the marine in the eye and bursting from the back of the marines helm. Khan stared as he let his opponent fall away with the gladius still impaled through his head and burst into a dark laughter as he went and ripped his axe from his first opponents throat he looked across this new battle and saw the enemy had fell back again.


Chapter 4


Angron roared as he smashed a enemy battle tank onto its side with his twin axes leaving its flank in ruin just as another tank fired its battle cannon at the raging primarch who took the shell directly disappearing in a massive explosion just to appear again charging from the smoke at the tank, the world eaters of the 1st company followed there primarch into the teeth of a heavily deffended manufactory not a titan one but still large, Angron leapt ontop of the tank that had shot him he powerd his fist through the cappola ripping the gunner in half as he tore him out in a wash of blood before he ripped the turret off and threw it at a group of enemy infantry crushing the loyalist guards men to paste this caused Angron to laugh manicly as he ripped apart the rest of the crew leaving the tank a bloody mess as he jumped down and charged at the barricade in front of the manufactore.


Goron watched asthe last of the landers in his zone were ripped apart by the titan his forces were surrounded he watched a ultramarine predator tank oppened up with its auto cannon ripping up the cover several world eater guard hid behind he sighed in frustration as there cover crumbled and they were ripped apart by the rounds he turned to one of his brothers "kill it" he spat, the brother lined up his lascannon and fired the beam cutting through the side armour and hitting its ammo hoppers causing it to explode but it was replaced by two more tanks both loyslist leman russ battle tanks, Goron growled in anger "damn these loyalist bastards " he snarled as he saw the titan turn to fire down the street.


"Enemy titan spotted fire the main gun" commander lex spoke and watched as his shadowsword line up a shot at the reaver as it ponderously tried to face them, "to late" he chuckled as the shadowsword fired its main gun the powerful necular fusion smashed the titans void shields poping them the beam continued to smash open the bridge of the titan punching out of its back, "Engine kill" lex cheered over the vox to captain Goron.


Goron bellowed in release as the titan collapesed into a nearby habblock "full attack take the loyalist bastards now" he shouted ovr the vox as he saw the loyalist force hesitate some beginning to retreat from the battle back to the barricade the lasconnon brother fired again destroying the right track of the closest leman russ slewing its retreat the other leman russ reversed slowly its commander on the sponson stubber firing at the charging world eaters and the guard that were with them. The battle tank that was disabled was overun one world eater ending it with a handful of grenades in through the turret the internaldetonations warping the armour outwards, Goron shot the commander of the second tank with his bolt pistol blowing apart the mans head before a lascannon shot puched straight through it leaving it a flaming wreck.


When night fall came over half the city was aflame and destroyed more than half of it belonged to the world eaters as the fighting died down for the night khan took stock of the situation the next day would be the end he knew the enemy were preparing for a last stand no enemy titans other than the reaver that was destroyed had been sighted khan thought it may have been newly built awaiting a legion assignment.


Chapter 5


Day break brough fresh assualts from the world eaters there would be no more retreat this was the last battle for the planet. Khan assualted a defence point with his brothers it was held by loyalist guards and possed no threat to his warriors as he ran at them he fired off a shot from his plasma pistol hitting the enemy comander in the head causing his skull to melt and his body to combust, khan watched as skane went in low barreling into a guardsmen and crushing the mans chest with his armoured bulk, khan swung his axe in a low arc gutting two enemies before shotting another as he turned to flee disolving his back with plasma taking another step forward he split a mans skull as the man had threw him self at khan. Khan kicked out crushing a mans pelvis to dust before bisecting and beheading two more guardsmen with a backhandded stroke.


When the skirmish was other khan saw that sixty enemies lay dead at his brothers feet for only one of his men that had been shot in the throat during the charge. " they fought to the end" Skane noted as he approached khan, "they had no choice brother" khan replied as he looked at the tatical data of the battles happening all around it was similar all over but something was a miss the enemy had only been guardsmen no delyded brothers from the XIII legion had held any of these points.


Goron advanced over the enemy barricade he had just wiped out the defenders of with what remained of his 56th company "too easy" he said to him self as he advanced down the street towards the next defence zone it was the final ring before the titan forges now he saw ultramarines he advanced closer to the enemy bolter shells leapt out to meet his company and he knew this will be happening all around the enemys defensive ring, with a roar Goron charged as did the 56th company and its support into the teeth of the enemy Goron watched as he charged as every meter passed a warrior from his company fell to bolter fire or heavy weapons fire before reaching half way his advance stalled losing sixty world eaters and nearly four hundred guard caused him to seek cover as his tanks fired at the enemy possitions the battle became a grinding war of attrition he listened to the vox and herd all the assualts were suffering the same.


Chapter 6


Khan cursed he had lost fifty warriors and was now stuck his tanks had begun to fire on the enemy possition one of the tanks assigned to him was hit by a trio of las cannons turning it into a pile of molten slag "tanks advance infantry advance behind the tanks we will break them" khan snarled over his forces local vox, the tanks gunned there engines and powered forwards his warriors and guard forces forming behind them and advanced the rest of the way slowly.


Goron herd khans plan and ordered to do the same he had fewer tanks so ordered the guard to throw them selves in front of the tanks and dow a slow advance he watched the guard get punished for his orders he saw hundreds die in fire as they did a fire advance manouver his warriors moved behind the tanks towards the defensive line.


Angron was already at the enemys position having charged through the fire of the enemies position he hacked through them like a ancient war god fighting lesser foes he roared a feral roar as he hacked ultramarines limb from bloody limb, the ultramarines fell in droves before his might as the rest of the assualt forces reached the enemies final defence line and slaughter began they smashed the final line and in the hours that followed a bloody melee erupted over the titan forges.


Khan beheaded an enemy sergant after snapping his chainsword blood spirted over the ground, khan turned smashing a ultramarine straight in the visor with his chain axe its teeth cutting open the armoured helm and splitting the marines skull in two inside, he ripped his axe free and yelled in pain when a bolter punched into his armour throwing him to his back and cracking his armour open. Skane yelled for his captain and fired a trio of shots into the warriors faceplate smashing the ultramarines head off his shoulders.


Goron waded into the enemies hacking left and right he came against an enemy centurion weilding a thunder hammer "take me on" Goron yelled and charged the centurion drawing his power sword and activating its powerfield he slashed at fhe centurions face and snarled when the centuriin caught the bkade on the head of his hammer before changing his stance forcing Goron off balance then twisting with balance of a master at combat he smashed Goron in the head with the thunder hammer decapitating the 56th company captain killing him instantly.


Khan howled in anger at seeing gorons death to the enemy commander bevore charging in himself at the centurion " die bastard" khan yelled as he drove in swing his axe at the warrior who blocked the flurry of blows on the haft and head of the hammer the centurion changed his stance kicking khan in the groin sending the 8th company captain sprawling across the dirt swinging his hammer down at khans head he connected with nothing but dirt khan have rolled to the side and getting back to his feet, khan charged in again driving the centurion to his knees with his furious bkows but was still unable to penetrate the warriors defences until it hit khan on what to do, khan slashed down with his axe causing the warrior to block two handded locking them together in a contest of strength before khan raised his plasma pjstol shooting the enemy champion and commander in the side of the face melting half of his helm and face, the champion screamed in pain and lost grip of his thunder hammer his screams were cut short as khans axe bite into his throat and cleaved halfway down his chest almost splitting him in two.




Khan looked across the warzone seeing the hundreds oth thousands that died defending and attacking the titan forges with grim satisfaction he saw skane elivated to captain of the 56th company thanks to khans recommendation to Angron.


Angron entered the conqurers bridge as his forces withdrew from ground operations "sire a fleet has entered the system jgs the word bearers" lortana stated. "Logar is late as usual prepare fleet to move to next target" Angron spat turning to the ocullis to see his brothers fleet approach to join as soon as the fleets joined up they moved to jump to the warp having took anothed world for horus.


The End


My first short story hope you enjoy

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