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The blood angel fleet left the warp with the fury of unatural colours from the tear they created in there wake, arriving on the system edge of the noctis system. Numbering two-hundred and seventy four ships the blood angel armarda moved towards the center of the system.


"Contact on augars my lord" captain hellios reported to the towering figure in gold armour with angeluc wings follded against his back. "Its my brother konrads fleet prepare to engage we will show them no mercy for defying farther and attacking dorn" sanguinius replied to the captain in a voice that almost sounded like a song. " they are forming up to attack" hellios reported as he checked the holithic console. "Prepare for battle captain I must tend to my sons" sangiunis replied as he went to talk his chapter masters and company captains.


The two fleets sat in opposing formations the blood angels IX Legion vessels in blood red colours sat thousands of killometers away from the VIII legion night lord vessels in midnight blue, they converged on each other slowly and maticulously nearing optimal firing rage vessels on either side began rolling out there guns and raising void shields.


"Entering fireing range my lord". "Target the cruise black night, fire" captain hellios order was accompanied by several affirmatives. With a silent roar the battle bardge red tear oppened fire with its forward weapons and lances slamming into the shields of the black night causing them to flare with blinding light for several moments the ovrrloading with a silent sigh then the punishment began for the black night lance beams cut open the hull with molten furry spilling crew and oxygen into the cold void, solid shells slamned in next ripping holes in the armour with devistating but silent detonations, a shell slamned into the black nights bridge ending its command crew in a raging inferno of shrapnel and cold airless void.


Captain hellios watched the end of the cruiser black night as it became a lifeless hulk as the rest of the two armardas began to attack each other "get me a firing soloution on another target" hellios ordered. "Got one a frigate called night shard" replied his second. "Then destroy that tratiorus ship" orderd hellios. ! Aye sir" replied the gunnery officer as he entered the firing solutions and pressed the firing studd.


The frigate night shard didnt stand a chance against the red tear as it was supperior by several classes the night shards void shields didnt even last a second before failing the ships reactors were ripped open causing it to explode like a new born sun, the red tear moved through the blinding detonation like an avenging blood god its batteries and lance weapons booming sillently at the enemy flottila.


The weeping angel a blood angels cruiser came across the battleship night terror and was destroyed after several broadsides exchages from the two vessels, the weeping angel becoming a expanding cloud of debri.


"The weeping angel has been destroyed, the blood shard has been crippled..." and so the ship casultiy reports went on the void battle had be raging for half an hour now hellios thought and already we have lost thirty vessels and destroyed fourty - two, he turned to look across the bridge befor drawing breath to speak " give me tatical capabilites of the enemy flagship we are going to hunt it" he looked at at the night terror on the occulis , "knock out its shields and prepare the boarding torpedos" helios ordered and watched as his crew carried out his order.


The night terror was caught by supprise its void shields collapsing under the barrage from the red tear who now launched red darts that flew at the night terror crumping into its hull to disgorge blood angels into its bowels.


Sanguinis listened to the reports from the strategium as his sons borded the enemy vessel that he knew was the enemy flagship but didnt have his cowardly brother on. "Enemy fleet is trying to disengage and flee tto the warp point" reported captain hellios. "Very well destroy what you can chase them down " sanguinis replied and went back to the reports of his sons.


Centurion zethen smashed his boarding shield into a nightlords armsman crushing his bones as zenthen fired his bolter into another group of crew armed with auto pistols and shotguns killing the group with mass reactive shells that made them burst like blisters. "Zethen we need support we are stuck on corridor tetriarc junction two enemy legionaries are engaging" centurion alexis report buzzed in zethens ear vox bead, "aknowledge" replied zethen as he sent another burst of bolts into a knot of enemy crew trying to flee.


Alexis held his boarding shield before him as the night lord legionaries fired at his he could feel every mass reactive shell hit his shield with dull crumps, aiming his boltgun through the slot designed to allow him to shoot from behind his shield unleashing a torrent of bolts at the enemy legionaries grinning as he saw one collapse sevreal bloody holes punched in his chest plate the shells detonating and pulping the enemies internal organs killing him, he saw he had winged another seeing blood leak from the trators hip joint. "This is taking too long" growled alexis, "were are you zethen" he asked before hearing burst of bolter rounds from the left corridor pulping the woundd traitors head and killing the armsmen that had surged forward In support.


Zethen approached Alexis"junction secure" zethen stated to alexis. "Confirmed ill move to enginerium and secure zethen move to the bridge centurion helaris is attacking the gunnery deck" Alexis replied nearly three thousand blood angels were invading the night lord vessel they moved out to there objectives.


Helaris opened fire with his twinlinked boltgun spewing mass reactive rounds down the gunnery decks as he lumbered forward wearing his cataphracti terminator armour that could take all but the most heavy fire power his rounds ripped into armsmen bursting them open the bolts chewed uo the meger cover that they were offered aswell as the bodies of slaves who worked the guns blood began to flood the deck in a crimson pool the same colour as the blood angels armour, Helaris detected enemy legionaires with heavy weapons near the end of the deck with a slight gesture one of his terminators with the new model assualt cannon and cyclon missile laucher on his shoukder and in his right hand andvanced the wur of the assualt cannon spooling up became a wine followed by a loud unending roar as it sent a storm of rounds down the corridor, the velocity and amount of rounds chewed the traitors power armour to peices tearing them too bloody chunks and as for good measure he lauched half a dozen cyclon missiles that engulfed the corridor in fire and devistation killing the few surviving human slaves at the junction. "A little over kill brother tellion" chuckled Helaris as he linked to the vox " gun deck secured" he stated to the other captains.


"Aknowledge Helaris" replied Alexis, his team had cut open the bulkhead to the enginerium as one of his warriors peelex the door open a crack from a bolt gun sounded from within the enginerium causing the warriors head to snap back a bloody crater were his faceplate was. "Charge brothers" Alexis roared and burst in boarding shield raised to protect him from enemy fire which leapt forward to meet him his sheild juddering from the impacts his own boltgun retorting to the enemy fire his own rounds killing enemy crew and tech priests, another warrior by his side went down his chest a cratered mess as he fired back at the killer hitting the traitor legionarie in the throat decapitating the night lord in a gout of blood, the gun battle intensified as more blood angels joined the fray. "Kill the warp engines brother killion" Alexis shouted to the tech marine who nodded in aknowledgement and moved to the consol. "Take the walk ways brothers" Alexis shouted as he killed another night lord with a trio of shots to the chest gunning him down as he moved up the metal steps to the first walk way. Alexis stopped looking back and forth along the walk way seeing nothing but dead crew and tech preists their blood dripping to the deck below, the sound of gun fire slowly died down as the last of the night lords were killed by the blood angels who assualted the enginerium "secure the area check our dead" he couted thirty brothers dead but double the amount of traitors had died defending the area.


Zethen blew the bridge bulk head door charging in firing his first bolt hit the captain of the ship in the lower spine cutting him in two as the bolt detonated, his second round hit a armsman in the arm tearing the arm off in a whelter of blood causing the man to fall screaming as he bleed to death, his third bolt hit another armsman in the groin doubling the man over before he collapsed into a lifeless heap on the deck, the brother by zethen lost his leg at the knee when a traitor bolt round breached his shield causing him to fall cursing as his leg sought to clot quickly to stop excessive bleeding, the warrior behind fell when a wellplaced bolt hit him in the visor blowing the top part of the warriors skull off killing him. Zethen shot the traitor marine several times killing him at least twice over for good measure as he strode further onto the bridge. Zethen gunned down the bridge crew and servitors aswell as any armsmen and traitor marines that lurked in the shadows only losing ten of his warriors for thirtytraitor marines " bridge secure my lord primarch the night terror is ours" zethen reported over the genral vox net.


The nightlords fled into the warp at the systems edge being chased by the blood angel armarda every step of the way the cruiser darkest black was split in two after it opened a warp point just to be struck in its reactor by the grim angel causing the warp rift to close swallowing half the vessel and the rear half left in the void, the night lords fleet of two hundred and fifty warships had been desimated only seventy had escaped to the warp to rejoin there legion else were in the galaxy the others were either captured, crippled or destroyed by the blood angel onslaught of the two hundred and seventy four blood angel vessels only seventy two were destroyed and fourty were crippled awaiting repair from mechanicum support vessels that were even now entering the system to do repairs and collected the wrecks to either remake them or rebuild them into new vessels.


Sanguinus watched this happen as he conversed with his brother lion el johnson of the dark angels who even now was engaging the night lords in the thamas sub sector. "You should go back to terra and help farther and our noble brothers dorn and the jaghatai" johnsons hologram stated as he watched sanguinis pace the deck. "I know brother im just waiting for my ships that were damaged to be repaired, tell me how goes your hunt for konrad brother?" Sanguinis asked as he watched the lions passive face. "He is wounded maybe dead I cut his throatin single combat I am now looking for the remanets of his legion and there fleet to lauch the final attack and wipe them out" lion spoke impassively to sanguinis as he motiined to some crew outside the holograms projectors, "very well brother good hunting see you at terra if you make it before horus and the other traitors" sanguinis bowed to his brother johnson and made to end the communication. "Good bye brother ill speak to you when I reach terra" Johnson spoke and ended the communication with a gesture neither primarch knew this would be the last time either of them spoke.


Sanguinis came to the bridge of the red tear and looked to hellios, "make ready for warp captain we are going back to terra" he said in a calm voice as he looked over the system wide void battle wrecks and hulks still floated as silent tombs. "Aye my lord" helios replied and carried out his orders.the blood angek fleet returned to the warp leaving the space graveyard for the mechanicum to pick clean.


The End

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