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Raptors Taskforce (WIP - Modeling/Kitbashing/Converting)


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  • 1 month later...

Those just scream Raptors.



Hmmmm these look awesome well done brother



Don't know how I missed this update!


Good job Seathal, you're on a good way to getting your army painted. Keep it up, they are looking great!


Glad you guys like them! I don't have as much time to paint as I'd like but ETL and 7th edition have been great excuses. Here's a scout squad to the collection! As I did for the previous badge they still lack decaling, chipping, basing and weathering, but here they are, 90% finished.



  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

These all look awesome! Love you idea for the Talons and the Raven seems more practical and realistic. I was thinking of converting my Talons also, was going to try to go for more of a helicopter feel but after seeing your creation now I'm torn! Keep it up man!

  • 2 weeks later...

No advances yet (just got another Talon and a LS Storm waiting to be assembled and put together and magnetized an assault squad) but here's some photos of the crazy 25000vs25000 Apocalypse Games we held at a local store in Barcelona. Try to spot some of my Raptors (they were all across the board, about 7 to 8 meters across, camouflaged here and there).











Pretty hard to spot them amongst all the utter chaos. I actually had around 2700p. of them scattered here and there. It was awesome!



These all look awesome! Love you idea for the Talons and the Raven seems more practical and realistic. I was thinking of converting my Talons also, was going to try to go for more of a helicopter feel but after seeing your creation now I'm torn! Keep it up man!

Thanks mate! Whatever you do converting them will make them personal and unique! It's time well invested and not that hard.

I love these Raptors! makes me want to build some.

Thanks man! Join the club :)

Holy cow, what a mosh pit!

Looks like it was a good game. smile.png

It was complete and utter chaos, but a lot of fun. Long term strategy basically flew out of the window first turn and the table got divided in dozens of war-zones with lots of assaults, explosions and mayhem. We could only do two turns but with so much happening on the table there was no time to get bored. It ended up being 9-2 to Xenos/Demons (I scored 1 of the 2!) but really since it was a "short" game turn-wise no-one could tell who was going to win if it lasted until turn 5, 6 or 7. We've taken note of the things to improve next time, either less people/points or more space and no cards (specially the smoke screen which is stupid and boring on games this scale). But we had lots of fun :)

I love these Raptors! makes me want to build some.

Thanks man! Join the club smile.png

Dang it Seathal, curse you! lol i have caught the raptor bug. I am starting to build a list right now.laugh.png

One of us.... one of us... Please do share your progress!

When do we get to see some more of your progress on your raptors? biggrin.png your work is awesome

I am a busy man but I'm squeezing time here and there. Right now plan is finishing the assembly of a LS storm and then priming everything I have to prime (the stormwing and all the transports) to start painting it on. Once all the basics are done I'll apply some custom decals drawn by myself and then chipping and weathering. Still a long way to go :). I'll post soon enough.

  • 7 months later...

Still kicking the project. Last addition are new bolter scouts and a bike command squad and captain!

Also some older pics of the Razorbacks (that I won't use much in this edition unless I make a 3000+ game for two demi-companies or something.

Pics of two LS Storm, Centurions and more soon enough.




  • 7 months later...


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