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+++E Tenebrae Lux III - Dark Angels Strategium+++

Captain Semper

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Darn, those numbers are scary...


I'm gonna try and give it a PUSH this weekend...who know, I might even do the whole thing and call it a completed vow.


Man, do my 200 points sound small when facing the 65.000 of the Chaos...luckly I have 4 TL lascannon shots per turn :P

Well don't let those big vows scare you, there is still room for 2nd and 3rd vows (or more).  I hope we can have the highest vow completion %age! It's easy to make vows, but not to complete them (unless of course your chapter's colors are 90% black)

Rummages in the box of unpainted stuff..... Thinks sod it......


I will make a blood oath of moment right now!

By the time the challenge ends in August I will double the points I have pledged in my first oath!


If I fail in this I vow to paint a Space wolf character as pennance.

I will not commit to doubling my points tally.........as I can't start painting until July.....but to give me some added incentive....


Should I fail in my vow, I hereby swear by the lion that I will paint an equal undertaking of xenos scum.  
















First time poster, long time lurker hoping to assist the Unforgiven in proving their dominance for yet another year, though i do have one question about the ETL rules. It states that the first vow must be submitted before June 1st to participate. What about subsequent vows? Must all vows be announced prior to this, or simply the first, and later vows permitted after June 1st?

    I, Tanyr, answer the call of E Tenebrae Lux and vow to complete;    



    Deathwing Terminator Squad




    Deathwing Terminator Squad

        TH/SS x3

        Heavy Flamer


    Deathwing Terminator Squad

        Lightning Claws x3

        Assault Cannon


    Deathwing Terminator Squad

        Assault Cannon



    Deathwing Terminator Squad

        Assault Cannon



    Deathwing Terminator Squad

        Assault Cannon


    Venerable Dreadnought

        Plasma Cannon


    from Codex: Dark Angels for a total value of 1600 points on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to the First Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

I Polythemus answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete, for the Dark Angels Chapter


6 Ravenwing bikers with dual plasmaguns, a multimelta attack bike and landspeeder typhoon

6 Ravenwing bikers with dual plasmaguns, a multimelta attack bike 

6 Ravenwing bikers with dual plasmaguns, a multimelta attack bike 

1 muliti melta attack bike


for a total of  868 points on or before august 1st. completion will bring great glory to the Sons of the Lion and failure will bring great shame and i must bear the mark till years end

@ Tanyr: Welcome to the B&C and the ETL! Good luck with your vow. If you have any further questions on the ETL mechanics feel free to ask. Just to make it clear,now that you placed your fist vow you have until August 1st to complete it. If you complete it earlier you can make another vow and so on. You have up to 5 vows in total!


@ Polythemus: Good to see the Veterans return! Good luck Polythemus! :tu:




  On 5/9/2014 at 5:18 AM, Chaplain Lucifer said:

If push comes to shove I have 2000 points of stuff ready to be painted. But I would prefer to take it easy. msn-wink.gif

We're not talking pushing or shoving here chaplain we are talking a massive Heave! Ho!.... :) With Zealotry on one side and heresy on the other...it's "everyman to the walls! The Battlements!!!"


yeah! now we're rolling.  Keep them coming guys!



I have a ton more to do if I complete this vow, but I'm not sure how long painting takes as this is my first time painting warhammer..and figurines >.>


Have a command squad, another 2? tac squads, veteran squad, predator, dread, razorback and more that my WH40K eBay addiction has purchased in the last month >.> just need to complete the first vow before I start worrying about all this! and decide if Im going to do any conversions?

This is great commitment guys - but our rivals are building up their their numbers - and also deliver early completions....
So this a call to arms for all DAs who have yet to take the step in and join our effort: 







I, Lemarshall , new initiate of the Deathwing here to answer the call of the Inner Circle to join the E TENEBRAE LUX.

I vow to complete, for the Dark Angels Chapter


Belial with SoS/SB

Belial with TH/SS

Librarian with TA and PFG

Chaplain with TA and Mace of Redemption

DW CM Squad

Banner of Fortitude


1 HF


DWK Squad


DWT Squad



DWT Squad




LRC with DW Upgrade

LRC with DW Upgrade

on or before august 1st. completion will bring great glory to the Sons of the Lion and failure will bring great shame and i must bear the mark till years end.

I can't compute the army point atm because my codex will arrive next week. Hope I can finish this list in June to make a 2nd Vow for our chapter. May the Lion bless your brush all my brothers smile.png . Let's bring the glory to our chapter.

@ lemarshall87: Welcome to the ETL and the Rock! When you calculate the exact value of your vow edit your original post and give me a heads up so I can update the first page. If you need assistance let me know.

@ Liberame: I sure hope you take to the field of battle and at the DA side brother... Your history is to heavy to ignore (peer pressure to the maximum tongue.png )


I , Belial83 answer the call of E Tenebrae Lux and vow to complete :




Belial with SoS/SB




Belial with TH/SH





Belial with LC





Chaplain with TDA+ Mace of Redemption





Command Squad

1x Heavy Flamer

1x TH/SH

1x  PS/SB

1x Champion

1x Apo

1x Deathwing Banner






Deathwing Squad

1x Heavy Flamer

1x TH/SH






Deathwing Squad

1x Assault Gun

1x TH/SH






Assault Squad

2x Flame




Land Raider Crusader






from the codex Dark Angels of total value 1905 points on or before August 1st.

Success will bring eternal glory to the First Legion and failure wil doom me to Bear the Badge of Shame until the year end.




For the Lion


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