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Time for vow 3, by popular demand!


Leman Russ Battle Tank, weighing in at 175 pts. Battle Cannon, Heavy Bolter Sponsons and a Dozer Blade:




I shall have this beast done by August 1st or else...

Yeah, depends what you mean by a piece of wargear... A power weapon would be no problem at all, a Baneblade on the other hand... no.gif


Nothing that big!

It's the 'Tactical Auto-Reliquary of Tiberius', an Heirloom of Conquest (snazzy bit of AM warlord gear) worth 25pts. I would be adding to the quad-melta command squad's officer.

My modified vow would be:

Company command squad, 4x plasma gun, officer w/ 2x plasma pistol. 150pts.

Company command squad: 4x flamer, officer with bolt pistol, laurels of command, blade of conquest. 131pts.

Company command squad: 4x melta gun, officer with blade of conquest and tactical auto-reliquary of Tiberius. 150pts.

One triple mortar heavy weapon squad. 60pts.

Infantry squad one: grenade launcher, auto-cannon. 65pts.

Infantry squad two: grenade launcher, missile launcher. 70pts.

Standard bearer.

Vox carrier.

If you allow it. smile.png

That's fine. I'll add the 25pts in your vow and you can amend your original vow accordingly.

Before Captain Semper loses any more sleep (or gets a divorce for that matter ;D), here are the finished bases being waited on from Vow 1.


Good... At last some peace...

@ Captain Sox: Your vow is in! Good luck mate! msn-wink.gif

Over in the Chaos forums they have vows to double the points of your first vow (or highest if you have already done this) and motivation vows where one participant vows to paint something extra/special if another participant paints something they talked about doing. E.g. I could say I will vow an Imperial Knight in my next vow, if Mikey vows another squad of those gorgeous Scions, or Ldorte does another brilliantly quick vow and finishes his tank company ;)


Might help us get more points/completions if we were to 'borrow' this idea. What do you think Commissar WarriorFish?

If we were to ignore the fact that anything tainted by their ilk is heresy to be purged - it's a nice idea but I don't think it's viable for us. We don't have the numbers to accept challenges and return them effectively and many of us are either finishing or already have planned vows for what models we have.

Besides, all who complete vows join the elite ranks of the Veterans - what more motivation could you need? msn-wink.gif That's not to say you can't issue your own challenge if someone is up for it of course smile.png Have you made a penance vow? If I fail to complete all my vows I've pledged an Eldars Farseer and in case you didn't know I greatly dislike the Eldars so it's a sign of my resolve to my comrades tongue.png

That's fair enough, just wondered if it would help raise completions but it sounds like there is already plenty of motivation. I'm definitely looking forward to becoming a veteran of my first ETL ;)


No actually, I was not sure what to do a penance wow for really. What sort of things do people normally do?

Good work Cap, I was wondering where some of our quieter comrades had got to. I'm eager to see them! If you need any pointers on getting images into the B&C let me know smile.png

As for the penance vows, they're not official ETL rules (perhaps next year, if Semper is a glutton for more punishment...) so there's no enforcing of them but they're a pledge of not only devotion to the cause but also your comrades. As a punishment for failure it should be something you won't want/like/use (so no sneaking in a model from another of your armies!) which is why mine is an Eldar model. Just keep in mind that if it's a non-B&C model as is likely you'll have to link to a picture of it elsewhere when done.

Not that anyone needs to worry too much about the logistics of course, as there will be no failures here? Isn't that ight comrades? :P I'm back to my vow tonight, the light is fading but still enough for me to do the black coat on the modelling sand which will save me a lot of valuable daylight time over the weekend. Emperor willing I could make quite a bit of progress biggrin.png

Fix your sights forwards soldiers for that is the only direction we know - onwards as glory waits for no man! thumbsup.gif

I was not sure what to do a penance wow for really. What sort of things do people normally do?

Before they wasn't out of production I bought an Imperial Priest miniature from the 54mm(?) Inqusitor game with the intention of painting it up as a statue of my IG homeworld's savior and patron saint.

My penitence vow is to model it as a desecrated version of the statue.

Regarding the penance vows:

As WarriorFish correctly pointed out, they are an unofficial feature of the ETL. By unofficial I mean that completing them or not do not have a bearing in the ETL mechanics and I'm not going to police their fulfillment. They are there to add a bit more flavor in the process and add to the motivation and morale of the faction. In fact that was something that was spawned last year by the frater and not by me... I just record them in the first page for fun... smile.png

A penance vow does not have to be a direct challenge to another forum/frater. It can be something like a self-chastisement thing. Such as in case you fail your vow you'll build and paint something of an opposing faction (a special character will do the trick) but it'll be meaningful only if it really pains you to do it. Otherwise it's not much penance at all... hahaha!!!

Now as WarriorFish again correctly pointed out anything touched by Chaos is desecrated, corrupted and driven to excess. As such they have created a convoluted system of vows to their Dark Gods (4 different kinds of vows so far and counting) as well as creating an entire satellite event to boost their drive. Apparently it's working for them. laugh.png

Looks like it's up to me to keep pushing us onwards with more progress this weekend - maybe we need a standard for us to rally behind:


Just the bases and odd details left to do now so I will be doing my bit and finishing my vow this coming week! biggrin.png

Nothing technically wrong with it, but I'm not a fan of gloves on the guardsmen. I guess it misses the opportunity to emphasize their "mere" humanity? Or, more personally, I have direct experience with soldiers HATING to wear their gloves, even when required to do so by regulationtongue.png

so i got back from normandy yesterday and managed to get a proper day of painting in, finishing my third vow! (god i love easy camouflage patterns!)


the hydra platform:




and the malcador infernus with chemical ammunition:





I've also been thinking on how i could quickly add a lot of points to our total and figured out scratchbuilding a new tank or painting infantry would take too long.therefor i've decided to repaint my imperial navy detachment into the cadian 812th camouflage style.


I therefor vow to (re)-paint the following:

-Thunderbolt Raver pattern; 6 skystrike missiles, infra red targetting, distinctive markings 245 pts


the infra red targetting system:





 Now go play the Roman but keep a tablet handy so that you'd be in touch...


 ;) perhaps i should include some rough riders!

Excellent, Rough Riders are essential now msn-wink.gif How many barbarians did you slay for Rome? Sadly I'm out of likes for the day... ETL syndrome and all that. Good work on your vow, it looks like the Hydra platform belongs there - you remembered to take it back and clean the mud off right? tongue.png

Wait a minute, is that some Lego I spy on the Malcador? Damn it you monster we've been over this! laugh.png

and a couple hours later only the basing and some minor detailing remains to be done!


comaflage and especially the yellow snout was inspired by the luftwaffe's airplane decoration during the battle for britain


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