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+++E Tenebrae Lux III - Horus Heresy Strategium+++

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Okie doke - Vow 2:


Master of Signal - Power Sword and Artificer Armour - 110


Legion Champion - Lightning Claw, Boarding Shield and Artificer Armour - 125


Moritat - Jump Pack and Dual Plasma Pistols - 135


Consul - Power Axe, Artificer Armour and Bolter - 77


Consul - Boarding Shield, Power Fist, Melta Bombs and Artificer Armour - 90


Totals - 537 if my maths holds up. Capt Semper I'll have pre-paint pics up asap.



  On 6/14/2014 at 2:44 PM, Ramell said:


  On 6/14/2014 at 12:14 PM, kizzdougs said:
Very nice. I've been thinking of making standards exactly like that, including using the FW Vexilla to top it off. Nice to see it works.

If you don't mind, I'd like to know the diameter of the rod and the discs.


Thanks mate! I'm not entirely sure about the dimensions of the rod and discs. The rod is an Uruk Hai pike from the LotR range. The discs are just plastic card that I punched out with a hole punch, they're about 6mm across. Sorry I can't be more specific.

  On 6/14/2014 at 7:37 PM, Vazzy said:

Vow Complete!

14234977820_61f12bbee2_c.jpgvow complete by vazzy2012, on Flickr

Congratulations mate! So much needed points there for the Heresy faction. Now that the Ultras showed up everyone can sleep safe at night! biggrin.png

  On 6/14/2014 at 5:14 PM, Russ Brother 92 said:

I give you, Your Lord - The God of Flesh and Steel - The Gorgon himself... THE GORGON.



Another fantastic completion there! This is an top notch mini and you certainly did it justice! I agree that a bit more light would be better, but regardless, that's a sweet Primarch there! Bravo for being brave enough to follow up with a another vow - for even more points! thumbsup.gif

  On 6/14/2014 at 12:14 PM, kizzdougs said:

After some deliberation I've decided to bite the bullet and make a third vow.

I Kizzdougs, of the III Legion, vow to paint a squad of 10 Legion Veterans by the 1st of August.

10 Legion Veterans, Legion Vexilla, melta bombs, power weapon, 2x plasma guns, artificer armour : 285pts.

Now this I wait with great excitement! yes.gif

@ Relict: Looks good - this assembly line seems to work very well indeed!


Awesome work guys. Love this Ultramarines, must admit a secret, I'm a closet Ultramarine fan. Rus Brother, you have done the Gorgon justice. Can't wait to get mine :)


Going to crack the paints out in a bit, get working on my vow.


  On 5/4/2014 at 9:56 AM, Relict said:

I, Relict, Master of the 77th Battle Company, 3rd Echelon, XII Legion, hereby answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and solemnly vow to complete the following units and formations:

1 Legion Praetor equipped with Cataphractii Terminator Armor, Master-Crafted Paragon Blade, Volkite Charger, and Digital Lasers for a total of 192 points;

5 Terminator Bodyguards equipped with Tartaros Terminator Armor, 2 Power Fists, 2 Chainfists, and 1 Grenade Harness for a total of 115 points;

2 Legion Apothecaries for a total of 90 points;

5 Legion Terminators equipped with Cataphractii Terminator Armor, 1 Heavy Flamer, 1 Reaper Autocannon, 2 Combi-Weapons, 2 Thunder Hammers, 1 Pair of Lightning Claws, and 1 Grenade Harness for a total of 259 points;

10 Legion Tactical Space Marines equipped with 10 Additional Combat Blades for a total of 170 points;

From The Horus Heresy: Book One of a grand total of 826 points on or before the date of August 1, 2014. Success will bring eternal glory to the XII Legion and failure will doom me to a bloody end at the hands of my brothers upon the red sand, with "Oath Breaker" as my only epitaph.

Before/after photos will be provided at the appropriate time. Progress may be tracked by following the link in my signature to the dedicated WIP thread for the 77th.

  On 5/8/2014 at 12:34 AM, Relict said:

The "before" photo of my ETL III vow. Freshly arrived FW order. biggrin.png



My ETL III vow has been fully completed to the best of my abilities. The Legionaries have since joined their brothers in my growing army, as pictured above.

I would like to thank all of you for your support and especially my fellow World Eater Chaplain Mortis for baiting me into making a vow in the first place. :P

Holy crap, man. That is awesome. Congratulations.


I can't even seem to finish painting eight figures for my vow and I see guys like you knocking out this many great figures in less time. *sigh*



What he said! ^ And yet again I've run out of "likes" for the crucial moment where I really need them! :D


Congratulations Relict - a very well organised effort that paid big dividends! You can now relax or take to the battlefiled again. Your choice!



Thanks brothers. 


I'll be taking a break from modeling/painting to focus on writing. As far as this year's ETL goes, I've fulfilled the goal I set out for myself (hopefully making a decent showing in the process, considering that I only joined this board and began painting three months ago). 


The 77th will continue to grow until it's sufficiently large to fight on the tabletop (I'm aiming for a 3000-point army). Remember, what you saw in that photo is but a little over half of the planned force.


Thanks again and carry on with the great work, brothers. I'll be looking forward to seeing everyone's finished vows. We may not have the other factions beat in terms of sheer numbers but we can absolutely beat them on the quality of our models. :D

  On 6/10/2014 at 9:01 PM, Nehekhare said:

the depths of my forges may yet have something special in store for a fifth vow...


I, Nehekhare, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX (for a fifth and last time) and vow to complete


- one Makro-Cannon Aquila Strongpoint (535)

- one Wall of Martyrs Imperial Defense Network containing:

          - two Firestorm Redoubts (400)

          - three Defense Lines (240)

          - three Defense Positions (120)

          - two Vengeance Weapon Batteries with Battle-Cannons (170)

          - one Imperial Bunker (55)

          - two Comms Relay Fortifiction Upgrades (40)

          - two Barricades Fortification Upgrades (20)

- one Honored Imperium Imperial Statue (40)

- three Castellax Battle Automata (255)


from the Legiones Astartes Crusade Army List and the Stronghold Assault Fortification Expansion of total value


1875 points


...and one Dark Mechanicum War Engine* that should not (yet) exist in the Army Lists of the 31st millennium and is thus entered out of competition/for the honorable Captain to decide upon its worth of points....


on or before August 1st.


Success will bring an even more ridiculously stupifying amount of eternal glory to the Iron Warriors IV. Legion while failure is not an option


because the Hammer of Olympia needs an Anvil.






*it's a Great Brass Scorpion of Khorne (700pts) Conversion out of two Defiler Kits from the Warzone: Pandorax Apocalypse Expansion currently not available in the HH series. 



I, TearsOfTheRaven, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX (for a fifth and last time) and vow to complete:

​- Legion Centurion
  + Consul (master of signal) 

  + Artificer armour

  + Power weapon

  + Bolt pistol

Total: 120 pts


- Legion Command Squad

  + Artificer armour

  + Bolt pistol (1)

  + Lighting claws (2)
  + Power weapon (2)

  + Combi-Bolter (1)

  + Legion standard

  + Melta bombs 


Total: 185 pts


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