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+++E Tenebrae Lux III - Horus Heresy Strategium+++

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I, Armond, proud member of the Horus Hersy forum vow to complete the following units of total value 265 points on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to the Eighth Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

Recon Squad @ 170pts

-5 x Sniper Rifles

-Nuncio Vox

-Sgt w/Artificer Armor(the only one with a Legion Pauldron), Chainglaive

Javelin Land Speeder @ 85pts

-Twin Linked Las Cannons

-Heavy Bolter

265 points Total


Ave Dominus Nox... In midnight clad we stand... Death to the False Emperor!

Sorry for the smaller vow, I don't want to wait too long to put a vow in, I am waiting for pieces to throw together another Terror Squad, and maybe a few other things! But hey, at least by the time I am done I will have over 2.5k painted total! Then, heathens and I shall settle our differences on the field of battle! msn-wink.gif

  On 6/27/2014 at 10:39 PM, Jaspcat said:


  On 6/27/2014 at 8:33 PM, Captain Semper said:

Well Jasp is running out of time... What next? Earth is flat after all? :D

Seriously have lost a whole month of hobby time.

July is nearly here and I'm pushing it


*cracks whip*



Work faster thrall!!!


Unless you want to become a lobotomized servitor....

Wait, so I only listed 4 Sniper rifles, can a Recon Squad's Sergeant not carry one?  I could be mistake, I hope he can carry one, but if he can't then the above vow is fine.  If he can carry one I will change the vow a little. I may have to remove that sniper rifle the Sergeant is carrying right now.

@ Barabas: A great (soon to be unemployed :P) Apothecary! Well done mate!


@ Armond: My read of the rules is that the Recon Sergeant can indeed carry a sniper rifle. I have updated your vow as made above - if you want to change this detail do so by editing your vow accordingly and then letting me know to make the change in the first page.



I Rumour Control answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete one 10 man legion terminator squad in cataphractii armour from the Betrayal book of total value of 420 points on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to Iron Hands legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end



  On 6/28/2014 at 4:36 AM, Captain Semper said:

@ Barabas: A great (soon to be unemployed tongue.png) Apothecary! Well done mate!

@ Armond: My read of the rules is that the Recon Sergeant can indeed carry a sniper rifle. I have updated your vow as made above - if you want to change this detail do so by editing your vow accordingly and then letting me know to make the change in the first page.


Done, I changed it, it is only a 5 point difference, but I did it. Please make any changes you have to!

Enough Free Time for me, now back to work.


I, Passeltov, proud member of the XIVth legion vow to complete the following until the end of the month. Should i fail, i will carry the badge of shame till the end of time(or less)


* Tarantula Sentry Gun Battery (150pts). --->using alternative Models by Maxmini(?) <---

3x Tarantula Sentry Gun , 3x Twin-linked Lascannon


* Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron (370pts)

Command Tank

* Legion Predator Tank


* Legion Predator Tank


* Legion Predator Tank



* Legion Typhon Heavy Siege Tank (390pts)


Total 910 points




Now back to building some more tanks....

Finally managed to get some hobby time after 3 weeks of life and death in the way and latest update can be found here


Quick heads up too, it may come to the point where I may have to amend my vow as I'm currently in dispute with a muppet off ebay who tried to sell some god awfully cast rip off Tartaros Terminators. Hoping to hear off the dispute handler this week which means I can get some replacements. Fingers crossed since my vow isn't exactly big as it is and shaving over 250 pts off it would be annoying

  On 6/26/2014 at 7:14 PM, longfang66 said:

I Longfang66 answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete 1 Falchion Super-Heavy Tank Destroyer at a cost of 505 points on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to the Horus Heresy sub-forum and the VII legoin astartes..and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end

I was wondering, whats the general process you use to paint your imperial fists yellow, without the weathering? If you could, drop it to me in a PM so I don't clutter up this thread :)

Vow 2:

I, Pyromancer, answer the call of E Tenebrae Lux and vow to complete:


Thunder Hammer, Boarding Shield, Melta Bombs, Artificer Armour


Melta Bombs, Artificer Armour

Tactical Squad-175

Melta Bombs, Artificer Armour, Combi-Weapon

For a total of 340 points, on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to the Fourth Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

Centurion 1 (Breacher Sergeant in large games):


Centurion 2:


Tactical Squad (Ignore the five guys on the back right):gallery_75567_9476_361473.jpg

Vow 2 Complete - see below for the Glory of Ferrus Manus!


Left to Right: Champion w/ Lightning Claw + Shield & Artificer, Consul w/ Bolter, Power Axe & Artificer, Moritat w/ Jump Pack & Dual Plasma, Master of Signal w/ Power Sword and lastly a Consul w/ Fist, Shield, Artificer & (on the back) a Meltabomb biggrin.png

All that's left is to tidy up the bases - other than that (and for the purposes of this comp) they are complete - unfortunately due to various things (work picking up, away for a week from Thursday and a need to visit family/get out the house more) that is my last vow for this ETL...

Good luck to all those still painting away and many thanks to those who've completed already.

As was said by many a great man (and my father's home regiment) - "Audentes Fortuna Adiuvat" - Fortune Favours the Bold.

@ Telhdrat: Those are some sweet Salamanders - go MkII!!! :D Look fwd for the Pyroclasts and Iron Hands!


@ Russ Brother: Your style is getting perfected borther - I really like it! You had a glorious contribution in this years' ETL and you should be rightly proud of it!




Wow I just browsed through this entire strategium nd I have to sy there's some quality stuff going on here. thumbsup.gif Good work guys - it's a shame so many of you are popular at photobucket, because I'd have loved to see more pictures msn-wink.gif


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