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+++E Tenebrae Lux III - Horus Heresy Strategium+++

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Started some assembly for Vow #5; I know, I know, vow #4 still needs to get painted.  Assembly/converting takes less required time for me, so I just do that at times I get brief 30 minute breaks in my day at home!










C&C always welcome!

It is the P3 putty, works pretty well, pretty much the same as other putties though, so nothing special to report on it.


It is pretty easy to do the wings, but I may have to draw up a tutorial for that one, hard to explain in words.  I will see what I can do!

Was browsing thru some material, thinking ahead a bit to some alternate Legion I had been considering, then I saw something like this in my searches:




So I am considering putting together a Consul from the IX Legion, and am seriously on the fence about the above Second Founding symbol being found somewhere on the model.  Just a thought I was having, and he would be in my 5th vow if I finish my 4th.  Which speaking of, I have gotten the basecoat of blue down and the drybrushing I do.  Recon Squad is super easy because I do not want them in full Midnight Clad because they are supposed to be a bit stealthy, so the only part colored blue is one shoulder pad.

For the second part of my vow I've got a Forge Lord on a bike with a conversion beamer and the cyber-familiar. The way I was going to model this was to have it as a kind of attack bike set up, with the familiar as a hardwired servitor manning the beamer.

Is this legal (both in-game and in ETL)?

@Pyromancer- Thanks. Eight now and planning on adding some Imperial Fists to that too...


@Blissful Brushes- I don't see why that would be a problem ruleswise. The familiar rules say you can even model it on a separate base if you wish.


So called for the terror markings daubed on his armour (in the ash of cremated foes), the master of signal for the 20th company is a fearsome sight to behold on the battlefield. With his axe rending apart any enemy that escapes the relentless barrages that he coordinates. The only noise to be transmitted through the vox from the grim figure is a static buzz, laced with bursts of maddening howls of joy and laughter as a missile strikes home. 


Many within his company say he would been better of a night lord, though the irony of their remarks was not wasted on him as the bolt shells of their cousins tore them apart. Reported m.i.a, the only piece of his armour still identifiable was his leering skull helm.


(sorry for the blurry pic, will take better ones when complete.)


this is my almost finished mos


Time for an actual update,

I have my entire vow built paint on every model:

The 20 Man Blob, only 4 left to base and finish some bolters then done with them!


The 4 I need to finish up:


A Selfie of the Sergeant:





Command Squad:



Not long now until I am rounds complete!

Dang, BattleBrother, that's a really nice yellow you've made there. thumbsup.gif I've been thinking of doing a 30K Imperial Fists army myself for a couple of months now (after discovering a nice yellow recipe) What is your recipe for yellow?

Oh and how in the name of Dorn and the pantheon of Chaos is this a Selfie? He's clearly not the one holding the camera and making the picture... msn-wink.gif

  On 7/6/2014 at 11:44 AM, Battle8rother said:

A Selfie of the Sergeant:


Ok, so finally back in painting mode after lots of real life taking up my time..

Must say that there has been some fantastic progress being done!

So much talent in the heresy forum, well done to all of you.


Right..half of vow 2 done..












Yes! Chaplain Mortis is back - and with a vengeance! Superb painting as always brother thumbsup.gif - and on the X legion no less. I'm in awe of your ability to shift through styles. I hope you've not abandoned your XII Legion project?

  On 7/6/2014 at 12:24 PM, Augustus b'Raass said:

Dang, BattleBrother, that's a really nice yellow you've made there. thumbsup.gif I've been thinking of doing a 30K Imperial Fists army myself for a couple of months now (after discovering a nice yellow recipe) What is your recipe for yellow?

Oh and how in the name of Dorn and the pantheon of Chaos is this a Selfie? He's clearly not the one holding the camera and making the picture... msn-wink.gif

  On 7/6/2014 at 11:44 AM, Battle8rother said:

A Selfie of the Sergeant:


Easy brother,

Its a Pict from the good Sergeants personal Servo Skull!

For my yellow I am using a variation of the Forge World recipe done entirely through an airbrush:

Base coat: White

First layer: 50/50 Flash Gits yellow / Blood Red

Second layer: 75/25 Flash Gitz / Blood Red

Third layer: 100% flash Gitz

Fourth layer: 75/25 Flash Gitz / Scar White

Fifth layer: Yellow ink (entire mini)

Final step: Wash the entire mini in a thinned mix of Seraphin Sepia / Agrax Earthshade / Ard Coat (just a tiny amount, I find it helps it move off of the flat areas)

And that's it for my yellow



For the glory of the IVth Legion and the Horus Heresy Forum I completed a grand total of

8000 points

between five vows during the ETL III in 2014 (plus some stuff that was out of competition):

VOW 1 (3505 pts): http://imgur.com/a/wipMR#0

- Perturabo wielding Forgebreaker (490)

- Praetor with Master-Crafted Paragon Blade, Plasma Pistol, Iron Halo (180)

- Forgelord Centurion with Conversion Beamer and Cortex Controller (135)

- Legion Command Squad: 5 Chosen with 2 Power Weapons, Power fist, Pair of Lightning Claws (205)

- Apothecary with Artificer Armor, Power Sword (65)

- Legion Dreadnought Talon: 3 Dreadnoughts with Flamestorm Cannon, Plasma Cannon, 2x Chainfist (170)

- Contemptor Dreadnought with add. DCCW (210)

- Legion Tactical Squad: 20 Marines, incl. Vexilla, Vox, Sergeant with PF, AA, Combi-Flamer (305)

- 2x Tarantula Hyperios Battery (100)

- Iron Havoc Support Squad with Autocannons (185)

- Legion Artillery Tank Squadron: 2 Medusae (310)

- 3 Thallaxii (135)

- Magos Prime Ordinator with Cortex Controller, Cyber-familiar, Machinator Array (185)

- 10 Adsecularis Tech-Thralls, Revenant alchemistry, Carapace Armor, Rite of Pure Thought (95)

- 20 Adsecularis Tech-Thralls, Revenant alchemistry, Rite of Pure Thought (105)

- 3 Ursarax (155)

- 3 Myrmidon Destructors with various weapons (225)

VOW 2 (1000 pts): http://imgur.com/a/Vh3ue

- two Warhound Scout Titans

VOW 3 (495): http://imgur.com/a/Q9RJ3

- Magos prime with rotor cannon, power fist, machinator array (135)

- castellax battle-automata with dual flamers (95)

- 3 Myrmidon destructors with volkite, rad-cleanser & conversion beamer (215)

- 15 Adsecularis Tech-Thralls (50)

VOW 4 (1125): http://imgur.com/a/YkskC

- One Typhon Heavy Siege Tank with heavy flamer (365)

- Two Legion Vindicators with Dozer Blades, Combibolter and Extra Armor (2x 140)

- Two Legion Basilisks with Dozer Blades (2x 145)

- One Legion Predator with Lascannon Sponsons and Extra Armor (125)

- One Apothecary with Artificer Armor and Power Weapon (65)

VOW 5 (1875): http://imgur.com/a/g2fyi

- one Makro-Cannon Aquila Strongpoint (535)

- one Wall of Martyrs Imperial Defense Network containing:

- two Firestorm Redoubts (400)

- three Defense Lines (240)

- three Defense Positions (120)

- two Vengeance Weapon Batteries with Battle-Cannons (170)

- one Imperial Bunker (55)

- two Comms Relay Fortifiction Upgrades (40)

- two Barricades Fortification Upgrades (20)

- one Honored Imperium Imperial Statue (40)

- three Castellax Battle Automata (255)

So here's the last completions, enjoy:







lastly, one negative issue: while the Strongpoint was fun to paint and finished in a day, that Wall of Martyrs proved tedious and I have to say I'm not too impressed with the design because of warped surfaces like these plastered all over it:


Is there a special rank for the most fortifications painted? msn-wink.gif

Whatever, I'm out. Your turn.

Some forward movement on the Javelin for my Night Lords Vow #4.  Sitting down with the Recon squad I realize just how little needs to be done, they are made for stealth and so black/grays are the way to go, with a small head nod towards the Legion colors.  No Lightning...  Minimal bright colors.  They are going to go quickly.


Anyway, enjoy.  Definitely not done though.


I know I've been behind on updates but that's due to lack of progress.  Here's at least some additional WIP to show that I haven't been completely neglecting the brush.






The arms and shields on the medusans are getting closer to done so that squad could get finished off yet today.  The only other progress I can report is that the primarch's boots are now painted.


Maybe it's due to the fact that I bought an xbox.  Titanfall anyone?  But I digress, oh, do I so digress.  Beseech the emperor & the omnisiah for me brothers, the flesh is so very weak.


Cheers, -OMG

I'm speechless with the sheer awesomeness of this thread! I've run out of "likes" yet again...




@ Telhdrat: Those Pyroclasts rock! Great work with the reptilian skins and the flames - the green/yellow combo really worked here! :tu:


@ Battle8rother: You certainly have mastered the yellow. This is outstanding quality - and more so when it's done in such quantity. The banner looks very promising too. Let's this great effort of yours finished! 


@ Tear of the Raven: I have marked your vow complete but there seems to be a head and an arm missing from the pic. :unsure: Could you edit the post with those elements? 


@ Chaplain Mortis: This is some Contemptor man! Your work is fantastic - the weathering/battle damage and the gory chainfist are all making up a story! I think you visually captured the essence of the Iron Hands here...


@ Nehekhare: What can I say? With 8kpts you are currently the best candidate for the Forum Champion title (no special title for fortifications - sorry...) Well done sir!


@ Armond: this is coming along very nicely - beautiful midnight blue there - and more importantly the lightnings - they are they make or break for any NL mini - and in your case it's certainly a "make"! 


@ OMG: :blink: Those bases are fantastic! Wow! The minis are coming along nicely too (those Thallax poses are great) but those bases... wow!!!




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