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From the Crucible - A Labour of Glory, and Self-Hate


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Hail the Warmaster!

Credit: Slaine69

Call me the father of lies
Just watch these saddened creatures
They've turned you into their savior
You'll hold your ground until your last breath
You twist then turn, and now you're falling down
The battle rages on and forever and ever the wheel will turn.
Source: Bards of antiquity.
Welcome Brothers, to my Word Bearers project log. :]
I'll be expanding on this army fully, with a number of FW Items, Daemons, and some third party offerings, so I hope you find some things you enjoy, and of course comments are welcome and appreciated.
My initial starting pictures for ETLIII with my initial Vow.

Vow1 PB


As well as my 'table top' level of painting that I am hoping to improve upon during this journey into Transcendence. msn-wink.gif

Clean Dread

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Nice clean dread.


These particular bards may be ancient, but they are not

. I'm not so sure how well the lyrics of a song dealing with another fictional universe fit in WH40K.
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And yes, not forgotten at all, though I find the lyrics fitting from a WB perspective. I can see Lorgar saying those words...but relevance is a personal thing I suppose. :]

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Hopefully you enjoy the completed works, I dont consider myself talented with all the great artists around here, but I do try and stay within the lines. :]


Tonight I did a bit more work on the Sorcerer, but mainly I got out for a game with a friend!


1500 Points, Emperors Will, Dawn of War. Chaos vs Dark Angels.


Word Bearers (Daemons, Allied Black Legion, Helcult!)

Lord of Change, Greater x 2, Lesser
Herald of Nurgle, Greater, Lesser, FnP
2 x Butcher
Dedication of Nurgle
15 Plaguebearer
10 Plaguebearers
Ridden, Lesser Reward
Musician, Banner
Sorcerer, VotLW
Chosen, VotLW, AC
Helbrute, AC, Scourge
2 x 10 Cultists

Dark Angels - By memory


Libby on Bike (Divination x 2)


2 Tech Marines, 2 Dreads

5 Terminators, TH/SS Cyclone

7 ish Scouts ?

6 Ravenwing, Attack Bike


I feel like I must be forgetting something because that doesnt look like it adds up, but I dont play DA at all.


I got turn 1 held the PB in reserve to Deep Strike onto his side.


WB Turn 1

Objectives where across corners to eachother. I set up one unit of cultists on my objective, the other + Brute + Sorc (he had puppet master) on the other flank, ready to run at the DA objective.


Decimator and LoC held the middle (my Warlord trait was reroll instability, my Greater Gifts where Reroll Inv, and Gaze, Divination Powers of Scriers and Prescience)

LoC Prescience on Decimator, jumps into some Terrain with range for Gaze on one of the dreads. AC from the Chosen fires on the Bikes who had scout moved to mid table, Gaze gets through the Power Field and pops the lead dread.


Decimator lights up the other Dread, takes a hull point in a glance.


DA Turn 1

Bikers roll up, have range, and assault loses one driving through terrain. :/ 

He didnt do enough to clear the cultists off the objective and due to the helcult formation, they hung around.


Not much else happened as he took some pot shots at my LoC, but failed to do much.


WB 2

Even with Scryers, I only get 1 squad of PB's in. They come in on my side as his bikers where coming for my objective and I didnt have much left to hold. My LoC however after casting Prescience again on the Decimator doesnt have much to do on his side, so moves over to support my objective in assault, which he proceeds to clear out.


The Brute starts moving with his cult meatshield while the DA Attack Bike is flanking, likely to get a rear shot on my Brute next turn, but not much I can do but move forward due to terrain.


Decimator shooting is murder, pops the other dread, as you can tell its heading south pretty fast in the face of the True Pantheon...


DA 2

Terminators come in behind the Brute, line up with the Attack bike to try and take it out.


Some more shots at the Brute Cultists, it doesnt do much, as both flanks are getting smashed. Shots bounce off, with just a single glance.


WB 3

Heldrake and larger PB squad come in, PB squad mishaps! Thankfully they go into ongoing reserve.


Heldrake kills the attack bike with a Vector (It had been wounded by the Brute turn 2 I think) and roasts a few scouts from the DA Objective.


Some additional shooting happens, but its mostly bouncing off of the Techmarines 2+, or Cover.


DA 3

Shooting isnt doing much, the Terminators start making for my objective, but with 3 fearless cultists, 10 PB, 5 Chosen all hovering around, its a lost cause.


WB 4

More shooting bouncing off of cover or 2+ saves, Brute + Cultists running for DA Objective, large PB squad drops in, ready to assault into DA objective next turn.


DA 4

Just rolling it out at this point, he makes a long assault with his Techmarines on my Decimator, one gets stomped into the ground, the other whiffs hard...the dice have fallen in the face of the Dark Gods.


Hand Shake and Good Game.




Not sure what DA lists look like these days, or if my friends dice just betrayed him, but it went my way early and often. The Helcult is great for some super cheap scoring as the fearless is just annoying, even you call the Brute a tax, its 100 odd points over 20 models...I'll take that. :]


Will do a ton of work tomorrow hopefully hoping to finish the blocking out on the Brute, and maybe just focus on the Sorcerer. Really looking forward to painting the Plaguebearers though, so look for some work on them over the weekend as well.

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Weekend wrapping up but I did make some progress today so some WIP shots. :]

Sorcerer coming along, his pack is going to be the same 'black' as his helm, which is really just grey with a black wash. Still need to work on his eyes, and the Axe mostly.

Sorc WIP

An example of the Plaguebearers, I'm pretty terrible with pictures, I think I take them too close?


The Plaguebearer squad, Banner guy is off stage left...

PB Squad1

And the next few are looking ahead, at my second Vow.
Bloodthirster count as from Mierce Miniatures

Vow2 Bloodthirster

Decimator, one of my favorite models. biggrin.png

Vow2 Decimator

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Great progress brother! 


And I have to agree with the decimator. It looks awesome.




Wow! The Decimator is MUCH bigger than I thought! I've been planing on buying a Defiler to convert into a Decimator, seems like the size comparison is worth the conversion!


Great paint job btw!


Yeah its huge actually, bigger than the Greater Daemons by a fair amount, I'll have to get my Defiler out but I think its just a bit shorter.


I like the paintjob on your sorcerer, and the Decimator with the bigger guns is great!


Thanks, shamelessly stolen (or getting there) from the Iron Warriors Decimator on Coolminiornot, but I saw it first actually the February after the drop of CSM as a Forgefiend conversion at a local tournament. :D


Goal today is to get the Helbrute up to the level of the Sorcerer. Then the real pain starts with either the Lord of Change (I'm going for white...) or the Heldrake.

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I love that decimator, I know what I am getting for xmas this year.  Keep up the good work!


Its my second Decimator, as I have sold a number of Chaos armies, but I hope you'll like it. Its a solid kit.


Well I'm going to have to steal your decimator design, minus converting it from a Defiler (if possible). 


Also, beautiful work.


Thanks! I'm surprised we dont see more with those guns, its a really solid look.


Cannot WAIT to see that Bloodthirster finished. Always loved that model, although I thought he was way bigger (like, An'ggrath sized). Keep it up fellow Bearer of the Word!


Thats actually the (new?) small one greg, his larger brother (and yes its a 'he', I can prove it if needed) is currently soaking in preparation for building. :D

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@Scribe: ...are you telling me there's a smaller version of Krull that's a perfect scale for a Bloodthirster/kick-ass-prince?!


With regards to the actual Krull you say you have, how tall is he (in inches or cm)? Would he actually work well as a An'ggrath counts as?


Edit: don't worry about it, lol. The real An'ggrath is only 20 quid more than Krull :P

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Thanks noctus!


I did get some work done on the Krull build, but mostly on the Helbrute. Its a bit of a challenge to paint, but I'm done the skin and armour at the 'wash' stage of things (I still cling to my washes!) and am hoping to put some more work towards it, cleaning up the trim, flesh, armour, tonight.


That said, Nurgle has blessed me with a righteous head cold, so we will see. :D

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Agreed Tenebris!


So flash forward a few days, and yes Nurgle did rule supreme among the Pantheon here for a few days. I was laid out big time.


That said, I was able to accomplish a bit.


A few of the Helbute, very annoying to paint for me!



Updates to the Plaguebearers, done but for bases.



Group shot.



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Nurgle has blessed me with a mighty Sinus infection. I did get 10 of the Plaguebearers + Sorc (gotta get ready for 7th it seems!) bases started, I'll paint those up tomorrow and have some units done.


I also did the first green on the 15 plaguebearers, only took an hour or so, maybe I'll get the 2nd layer on them tomorrow + the wash. If I can get all that done, I may be able to wrap that part of the vow up over the weekend.


I have to admit, I had hoped to crank through my vow's, but I'm not much for speed, so will need to temper my 2nd and further vows I think.

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Thanks Sith'ari. I cheat by using old paints, but I think equivalents can be found. :D


Black Base

Mechrite Base Red (Meph Red isnt too far off in the GW line, I'm out on an Island and dont have many options from stores)

Devlin Mud wash (Army Painter has a carbon copy of this I believe)

Scab Red, the more purple/brown of the old GW red's.

If I highlight, you can see it possibly on the Contemptor at the top, its a Blood Red equivalent on just the edges.

Finally, a Red Ink (ooooold GW) which does the lions share of making it pretty.

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