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From the Crucible - A Labour of Glory, and Self-Hate


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Ok, got 10 Plaguebearers and the Sorcerer based. My first 'complete' models in an embarrassingly long time. tongue.png



And one of my favorites, though really the whole kit is amazing for its character.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, progress made (I've been playing 30K....Erebus rules!)

First the Drake.


Then the last model of my Vow (I've replaced the LoC with this Bloodthirster count as, Semper gave it the green light!) He was base coated today, so tomorrow, the painting.


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The Malacant was a real joy to paint. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a quality 3rd party Bloodthirster.




Vow 2 getting laid out on the table, looking like this.


10 Plague Marines w/2 Melta, Power Fist (Breachers)

10 Chaos Space Marines w/ Power Fist (Tactical)

1 Daemon Prince with Black Mace (Lorgar)

1 Dark Apostle (Erebus)

1 Chaos Lord w/ Terminator Armour, 2 LC (Kor Phaeron)

1 Storm Eagle

10 Raptors w/ 2 LC Aspiring Champ (10 Assault Marines)

5 Havocs, AC

5 Terminators, Power Fists


Not sure what to do with the Sicaran, just call it a Predator? Either way, I think that will get me my Soul Vow!

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  • 5 months later...



Mewling, despised, and wretched, It-That-Was-Scribe spewed from the warp rift to suffer through Its final moments of pathetic life.

Its cries went unheeded by those who had once chanted his name. The Chapter, disbanded and absorbed by more those more righteous, more worthy, and more determined to see Chaos rise.

The Gods withdrew Their gaze from It-That-Was-Scribe and It shuddered, its shattered mind unable or unwilling to comprehend what it had become.

Spawnhood was the reward for failure, and as It drew breath into lungs filled with gore, It-That-Was-Scribe died, one more of the Lost and the Damned...


If someone could be so kind as to provide me the links to the badges of failure. whistlingW.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...


I thought I had left a navel gazing post here to excuse my failure...it appears I did not.

Long story short? I took what I had painted here to a tournament, with some Daemon support and won. I dont take winning well, as I quite often get bored. It didnt help that I then went on to win 6 or so games in a row, which leads to a terminal sense of 'what else could I try'.

As any veteran of the Long War could attest, its the effort, the struggle, that pulls us from Beyond. msn-wink.gif

So where do I go now? My Chapter shattered. It-That-Was-Scribe, a mewling spawn....

It seems only right, that their strength would continue the War under a more deserving lord.

I will raise the banner of the Black Legion, and shall log my efforts here, in preparation for a Tournament early March. biggrin.png


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Ok, last post here responding to myself before I get pictures up.


Looking at the new IA 13, I see Abby was buffed and now unlocks an additional Infernal Relic.


As I already have a Sicaran, so figure I may as well fill out on a second relic.


Preliminary list, not fully 'tournament hardcore' not at all actually, but a few neat model opportunities present themselves. :]


4 Terminators, MoN, VotlW, Bringers of Despair, 3 Combi-Melta, Chainfist, Power Fist, LC x 2, Champ with a Sword
Land Raider, Dirge
Chaos Sorcerer
LvL 2
Disc (Jetbike)
Crucible of Lies 
Force Axe
5 Chosen 
10 Cultists
6 Bikers 
2 Melta 
Power Weapon 
5 Raptors
2 Melta
Melta Bomb
Spawn (It-That-Was-Scribe)
Heavy Bolters
Fire Raptor
AC Upgrade 
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