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Night Lords 33rd Company - The Mongrels of the Eight


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Well it's time for the promised update...






”A lone candle, almost melted down to nothing, was the lone source of light in the room. It's weak light would have stung the eyes of most souls aboard the Darkest Hour but for Bayaz Khalul it was both a reminder of how he in some ways still stood apart from his new brothers, aswell as it was a tool to ease his meditations. The room itself would mark him as different though as it was spartan even beyond what would have been standard for an Astartes still loyal to the Golden Throne. When compared to the chambers of the other warriors on the ship it could only be described as 'prisitine'.

Fiiting isn't it, Bayaz? They have decades and centuries of battles and trophies to show off while you left every such thing behind. There are no proud moments of you in 'midnight clad' to display are there? He had to let a bitter smile show upon his face at the thought, even though no one was there to see it. Pride was something that had once been the core of his existence and he had performed many heroic deeds because of that. That mindset had been part of what had led him down the path of an Astartes, it had been what had made him and the rest of the chapter stand shoulder to shoulder with the Astral Claws against what they had seen as an misuse of authority from the Administratum and the Inquisition. Pride had destroyed all that he once held dear so he had renounced it just as he had renounced the Imperium after the Charchadons had been let loose to ravage Tranquility at the end of the Badab War. His former brothers had surrendered to those that had allowed that atrocity and been meek as sheep before them. How they must hate me now, he thought. Hating me for having the courage to do what they did not, to spit upon the oaths to the ones that knew nothing about a warrior's honor. In a sense it was ironic that he now lived and fought with warriors for whom 'honor' had another meaning than most other Astartes. He did not complain though as he had two scores to settle and the Night Lords gave him the best option for

them both. The Astral Claws. for all that they now called themselves the 'Red Corsairs', had to pay for their lies and trickery but there were scores to settle with the Inquisition and Administratum aswell. Once it would have been inconceivable for him to leave the chapter but the need to adress the wrongs suffered had left him without any choice.


It had been hard at first. Not the actual 'leaving'-part though as the chaos of the Badab War meant that there were more gaps in the 'wall' around the Maelstrom than usual. No, what had been difficult was to find a way to strike back at the Imperium without falling to corruption. There were many warbands operating from within that wound in reality but in his eyes they were all too tainted, even after leaving the Emperor's service there were things he would not do. In the end he had to make do with a pirate band so wretched that barely no one were bothered by their existance. It had proved a blessing in disguise though as the pitiful raiders had occasional dealings with the Mongrels. It had been a lucky coincidence as the warband seldom spent any longer periods of time within the Maelstrom but he had switched his allegiance without hesitating when the chance arouse, sick and tired of putting up with mere mortals as he had become. The fact that the Mongrels spat upon both the Imperium and the powers of the warp had been a sweet 'bonus' for him.


There had been a few 'minor' difficulties to begin with though, partly because he was seen as a 'thinblood wretch' and partly because the sons of the Eight Legion mostly saw his psychic abilities as a taint or a curse. Not that my former 'brothers' were much different, he thought. Still, there was a subtle but distinct difference. Where Brother Epistolary Bayaz had been respected  but not accepted  by the ordinary battle-brothers of the Mantis Warriors, things were different in the halls of the 33rd. While no Night Lord respected  a 'witch' they were fully prepared to accept  one among their ranks as long as he showed no outward signs of corruption. He had to endure an endless number of 'humorous' jests and nicknames from his new 'brothers' aswell as some comments about how he at best should be wearing the blood-red gauntlets of the death marked. When he had proved himself in both battle and torture, Bayaz the Mindflayer had been as accepted as any other warrior onboard. They might not show him any respect, but then there were few enough among their numbers that were shown such things. What mattered to him was the fact that the warriors of the 33rd , beside a few still suspicous of him, involved him in their lives. As far as they were concerned he had proven himself one of them and was subjected to the same jokes and treatments as any of them as long as he showed himself worthy of that 'privilege'.


He sometimes wondered if his former brothers would even recognize him now that he wore the midnight colour of a renegade legion. His armour was no longer the prud suit that he had carried as a Maelstrom Warden, now it was composed of the pillage from many different battles as he needed to replace those parts that had failed him in combat. No longer was his skin the slightly golden tone that it had been when last he had set his foots upon Tranquility II, it was almost the same pale tone as his fellow renegades. Only his lack of black eyes and proclamations to the Legion's past would set him apart if someone were to see them and survive the experience.

He knew that the Mantises were searching for him though, sometimes he felt the vague touch of psykers looking for his warp signature that could be no others than those he had left behind.


His new duties suited him fine though as the Captain did not expect a 'proper' sorcerer or seer under his command, he wanted something more subtle to ease his path among the stars. The recent capture of the Inquisitor was a perfect example of his strategies. While the Captain had broken the flesh of his prisoner, Bayaz had been there in an adjacent chamber to slowly peel the layers of the Inquisitor's mind. As all of the Inquisitor's attention had been to the apparently random torture he suffered, he had never noticed how Bayaz had stolen every secret he had knew while he had been rummaging trough his tortured brain. The Mongrels now knew several sector's worth of the Inquisition's and the Imperial Guard's deployments and secrets. Some of it the Captain would use for himself and other pieces of information would be traded to other warbands for supplies, favors or other secrets. Either way the 33rd was on it's way of gaining a reputation being second only to the Alpha Legion when it came to knowing the secrets of the Imperium.


With his skills when it came to dissceting a mind, Bayaz had found acceptance among the ranks of the Mongrels and he could have chosen chambers worthy of a king if he so wanted. Instead he had chosen the halls of the Darkest Hours former astropath. Shielded from the Warp as they were, they provided him a sense of peace. While a psyker could never truly let his mental shields down, lest the powers of the warp tried to consume him, chambers prepared for an astropath was secure enough for him to relax to an extent he could not do anywhere else. As such it was with some reluctance he rose from the position on the floor. The Captain would be expecting him for a counsel soon and it would not be wise to leave his benefactor waiting. As he was leaving his chambers, he raised his mental shields once more to mute the many whispers from the Warp, their twisted promises falling on deaf ears.”



And here he is, Bayaz Khalul. Formerly an Epistolary of the Mantis Warriors, now Bayaz the Mindflayer  of the Mongrels:















Not the best pictures I've ever taken as a lot of highlighting and blending doesn't show, but why complain? I've never been much good with a camera before either. :tongue.:


C&C is always welcome of course.



@Augustus: Well minus the hair, glasses and striped suit I probably did look a little bit like that picture last night. :wink:

A traitor bug Marine Cool. A great addition to the 33rd.:thumbsup: 


Cheers mate, since many Night Lords doesn't seem to be that fond of sorcerers I thought it would be fitting to let that position be filled by a 'disillusioned' outsider instead. A former Mantis Warrior seemed perfect for that. :smile.:


Work have started on some more reinforcements aswell, of pure Nostraman lineages this time. Haven't gotten much done yet but lousy weather should make painting the logicial choice of activity for the next couple of days :wink:




So, two things today... First out is some minor progress on the first guy of the next Claw. Just as a sign that things do move forwardeven though the speed could be greater.






I've also managed to take a somewhat better picture of the sorcerer so I might aswell add that one to the post.





As the weather continues to be rather subpar I'm fairly optimistic to get more painting done. Me and optimism when it comes to painting seldom gets things straight though so who knows?

The painting progress is fairly good, I'm still a little bit from being finished with the latest guys but it shouldn't take too much longer. No new pictures of them though, instead I got into a modeling mode and put together the next bunch in queue for painting.





I really like the pose, and great work on the face, but the staff is kinda unimpressive lol

Just looks a little goofy to me with the one giant skull on it.


Thanks for the feedback brother! I can't say that I agree 100% (as I wouldn't have put him together then) but you have a point, it could look better. With no skills when it comes to green stuff and a rather limited bits box that's pretty much the result. It's supposed to be the skull of a demon he defeated, with it's essence being a source of power for him. It could be more impressive though. :smile.:

Time for another update!






”The air in the sparring chamber was heavy with blood and mechanical fluids and it tasted sweet to Hathsin's nostrils, it almost made him not want to deactivate his power mace but he repressed that bloodlust without much effort, he had seen what became of warriors that walked down that path.

He had no desire to become a drooling madman oblivious to all but blood-spilling, the Pantheon might be useful as a source of power occasionally but it was folly to think that outright worship to any of the powers made the worshiper anything but a slave.

Still, it would be just as foolish not to use their power for yourself even if it's barely much safer than swimming among barrasal sharks. There are times when the risk is worth it, no matter what the 'Captain' says. Thinking about his commander made his mood sour once more though, turning twelve training-servitors into pulp and pieces of machinery had been just enough to make him forget his frustration with the situation of the 'Company' for a few seconds but now all that was lost.

We are led by a Terran madman that doesn't understand that the 'purity' and morals of his precious 'Great Crusade' are of no use to us. Even when they had been still loyal to the Imperium those things had been alien to Hathsin, the only universal moral he recogniced was that might was right, those with power could do as they wanted unless a greater power forced them to do otherwise. He had slaughtered for the Emperor not because of any ideology, he had done it because he enjoyed it and his enjoyment had been even greater when the Legion had left all pretense of imperial law behind and simply done what they wished. Not that the, oh so noble, Justinian Vorbis had cared though, he just shaped the events so that they fitted his own view. If they had rampaged through an agri-world, skinning the inhabitants just because they could, he would find a 'crime' to justify it and talk about how they denied the Imperium vital resources. It was enough to make Hathsin grind his teeth sometimes.


It was not just the Captain, even though he had survived numerous duels and outright assassination attempts when the waves of Nostraman recruits entered the Legion he was but one man and no man alone cheated death for ever. Only a fool of the highest class would try to do anything to Vorbis as long as he had 'First Claw' with him though, Taan Zhar, Talaxin, Kersaid, Yomen... the whole Claw really, was either too respected by the rest or too deadly to ignore. Hathsin had been patient and made the best he could of the situation, building alliances in preparation for an eventual power-vacuum, gathering those among the Mongrels most amiable to his views into Second Claw. It was not surprisning for him that they had all been Nostroman, therefore they had named themselves 'The Trueblooded'. But things had turned upside down for him nonetheless, first with the thin-blood witch attatching himself to them. Even though the bastard claimed to be uninterested in the warband's internal politics he had destabilised them even so, as a proclaimed 'neutral' his stance favored status quo and the Captain more than anything else. And as that was not enough Hathsin had lost his closest 'ally' when Shallan died and Sazed took over Third Claw. While he had had a 'understanding' with the former about the 'ideal' state of the warband, the latter was too influenced by Vorbis' follies to uphold any previous agreements. Shallan's death in itself was suspicious but Hathsin had to admit that freak accidents did happen now and then.

I can almost convince myself that Vorbis wasn't involved in some way, there's no reason for Third Claw to lie about the dropped crate and would he soil his precious 'honor' with an arranged 'accident'? He couldn't be sure though, if the bastard Bayaz had been involved there was no telling how things might have been manipulated. It didn't really matter how it had happened to be honest, what mattered was that his position had been weakened and that of the Captain had been strengthened, especially after this latest raid. The fact that Hathsin did have the opportunity to trash twelve newly constructed servitors showed how much resources they had gained and the information they had supposedly taken from the Inquisitor was another triumph for Vorbis. No one was going to have the least interest in intrigues against him now.


With those bitter thoughts in his mind, Hathsin turned from the small mound of smashed servitors to the other two of his Claw that was using the sparring chamber. Vasher and Tevidian was having another go at each other again, another round of their endless efforts of besting the other. It was no secret among the Astartes aboard that each of them barely could stand to be in the same hall as the other outside combat or training. It was perhaps inevitable considering how Vasher had grown up hating the aristocrats of the upper spires for how they 'hunted' among the gutter-trash of Secondus as a sport, and how Tevidian, a proper 'blue blood', had had his father skinned and mutilated in one of those rare occurrences when the hunted managed to reverse the table and take some revenge upon their tormentors. It was obvious that the educated Tevidian with his elegant way of speaking and the half-feral Vasher with his gutteral, snarling lower class dialect could hardly have backgrounds more different wich Hathsin found quite ironic given how the gene-seed had made them look like identical twins. While not as common as among the XVIth, it did happen that recruits got an eerie, resemblance to their gene-father that over-wrote their previous faces. Not that this had given the two any fraternal feelings toward each other and they made every effort they could to customise their armour so that no one would mistake them, even though they couldn't do anything about those instances when they not wore their battleplates. That problem seemed to have been solved though when Vasher lost his left eye to a guardsman's lasrifle, much to Tevidian's glee, but as the latter lost his right eye in their next battle a new problem arose.

Their brothers now called them 'Left' and 'Right' to distinguish them but with some of them meaning the natural eye, some meaning the mechanical one and both Vasher and Tevidian arguing about what system to use, the situation was even more confused than before. All that was clear to Hathsin was that sooner or later one of them would kill the other in their attempts to prove who was the better of them. And we will finally have one less problem onboard when it happens.


He shook his head and stepped out of the sparring chamber, leaving his brothers to their feud. As he expected Korath was there to greet him, his bodyguard taking his usual position behind Hathsin as they moved through the corridor. While trust wasn't something he usually felt towards other Astartes he made an exeption for Korath, if he couldn't trust his own blood what use would there be for a bodyguard? Even on Nostramo kinship was a bond stronger than most oaths. As the son of his sister's daughter, there was little physical likeness between them, especially as Korath was a head taller than most other warriors onboard but there were other signs of kinship between them. Both of them had a deep fascination with fire, making it their prefered method of killing. Let the others sneer and praise their skinning-knives it they wish. He thought as he kept walking back to his quarters. One dayy I will demonstrate upon the 'Captain' what an intricate form of torture a naked flame can be.



And here are the guys, starting with Hathsin:





























And finally Vasher











Any c&c is of course always welcome. :smile.:


Another nice mix of bits, buddy. I'm looking forward to paint on them. :smile.:


Thanks mate, I will probably start with these guys sometime the next couple of days. I'm also converting the last three guys of the claw so there will be a picture of them soon aswell :biggrin.:

The last three guys of Second Claw are constructed, still some cleaning of mould lines to do and the matter of giving them some trophies. I'm going to start painting the three previous guys tonight probably so these guys will have to wait for their turn for some time.






Time for replies!




Some very nice NL you got there! This thread needs some more observation...


Thanks man, observe away whenever you like. :smile.:


I love the character you put into each one. It really is fun to read all the infighting and subtleties in your fluff.


Thank you brother! I have to confess that the painting and modelling (however fun they may be) are probably just an excuse to write fluff. :biggrin.: I haven't even played a game of 40k for ten years! Thus I have plenty of time to try to make them into individuals, and using them as 'unreliable narrators' where none of them knows everything that happens (or why) gives plenty of opportunities for subtle misunderstandings and conflicts. :devil:


Once again another winner.Always look forward to new up dates.


Thanks ds7, we aim to please!  Always glad to see you around! :smile.:


Yeah, so cool that you make each and every one of your guys a character in his own right. :thumbsup:


Thanks pal! Collecting just for the fun of it instead of gaming gives an incentive to be creative about their backgrounds since I have the time to think about everyone of them. Wouldn't work with a proper gaming army of course, I would never be able to play a game at the speed I tinker with these guys. :biggrin.:

Out of curiousity, do you play tabletop rpgs because I feel like you would make a fantastic gm/storyteller/dm. If you haven't, you might consider getting your feet wet with one of the 40k rpgs as the universe would be familiar. I just feel like you would be really good at it, considering all the characters you create here so regularly.

Out of curiousity, do you play tabletop rpgs because I feel like you would make a fantastic gm/storyteller/dm. If you haven't, you might consider getting your feet wet with one of the 40k rpgs as the universe would be familiar. I just feel like you would be really good at it, considering all the characters you create here so regularly.



Now there's an interesting thought... I did dabble a bit with some D&D but that was about 12 years or so ago and me and my friends didn't take it very serious, it was mostly just a good excuse to be able to drink a few beers with the lads without having our girlfriends around. It could be fun to take it up again but there is a small problem, one of the reasons I don't play 40k anymore is that I live in the middle of nowhere with around 100 km to the nearest gamers and I don't think that I'll have more luck finding anyone interested in a tabletop rpg anywhere nearer either. I might move next year though so that could open up some opportunites to try it out though. :smile.:

The painting progress is fairly good, I'm still a little bit from being finished with the latest guys but it shouldn't take too much longer. No new pictures of them though, instead I got into a modeling mode and put together the next bunch in queue for painting.






I am liking these guys, I might have to 'borrow' these poses for the 'tactical' /basic csm squad i'll do after the Terror Squad! I also liked the previous bunch of marines too. I think I actually prefer the kit bashing and converting to the painting. 

Things are slowly moving ahead and there are some (very) rough progress with the next couple of guys.






Quite obviously plenty of work left to be done but we're getting somewhere...



Alternatively, you could also give online tabletops like roll20 a shot, but they aren't for everyone. Anyways, sorry to derail.

What's up next from the 33?


No worries mate, an interesting subject is always worth discussing. Roll20 might be worth checking out, with the vacation almost over it will have to wait for a while though.


I'm not sure what I'm doing after finishing this squad to be honest, it might be some Raptors since I've had them for a year without putting them together. It might also be a Rhino since I have some story ideas from a machine spirit's perspective floating in my mind, might be a bit difficult to get that right though. And it's very tempting to get a Contemptor... One of those three alternatives are the most likely things to show up when 2nd Claw is done. 


Or get your old crw together and book a hotel room, one weekend in every month or 2 for dedicated gaming!!!


Oh and on-topic. Models are absolutely ace.


Thanks mate! Regarding the old gang... We're spread out all over the country and most have families now so the logistics would be mighty difficult. Worth thinking about though.



I am liking these guys, I might have to 'borrow' these poses for the 'tactical' /basic csm squad i'll do after the Terror Squad! I also liked the previous bunch of marines too. I think I actually prefer the kit bashing and converting to the painting. 



Borrow away whenever you like man! From my personal perspective writing fluff is usually my favourite, it varies though. Sometimes I prefer the converting and sometimes the painting depending on what mood I'm in.


Yep they are looking good.


But the torso on the furthest right? Its not you it is the torso itself, I think it is the 2 horizontal bands across the midsection, almost looks like he should mechanically rotate his top half... Maybe its just me.


But I have faith you can make it look really cool :)

The vacation is over and it's back to work, or at least something vaguely like work as the students won't be back for the new semester until next thursday. Having to wake up early and then spend the day discussing pedagogy, planning upcoming lessons or having group meetings about what the school 'vision' should be means less time and energy for painting though...


Even so there have been some work done, mostly on metals and armour. The picture is not what I would call 'good' as the light wasn't exactly what I wanted it to be, but at least it's possible to see that we have things happening.






Looking good as always. Damn, you really know how to inspire others into making regular foot sloggers - and make them look awesome. 


Thanks pal. I guess I've alway liked the regular infantry, no matter what army I've been painting, but I haven't always had the chance to make them into induviduals (pretty impossible in an Orcs & Goblins or an  Empire army really :tongue.: ) so I'm making the most of it now instead.


Yep they are looking good.


But the torso on the furthest right? Its not you it is the torso itself, I think it is the 2 horizontal bands across the midsection, almost looks like he should mechanically rotate his top half... Maybe its just me.


But I have faith you can make it look really cool :smile.:


Thanks mate. I hadn't thought about it until you mentioned it but it does look a little like he would be able to rotate his upper torso doesn't it? It will stay like it is for now though, if it looks 'ok' when he's finished or if it's covered by the bolter if it isn't then it stays for good. If not? Well... then I'll just paint it some other way. :smile.:

  • 2 weeks later...

Man, preparing for another year of teaching tends to eat up a lot of hobby time but the next three guys are finished now. Their fluff ain't though so that have to be sorted out aswell before I do anything else.


That being said, time for a small teaser... :wink:





Damaged pict feed recovered from Adeptus Mechanicus installation on Juvens Secundus, radiation from a reactor overload probable cause for the deteriorated image. Traitorous Astartes confirmed as the attackers, Night Lords warband known as 'The Mongrels' suspected.


Kalyne Goyle, Inqusitor Ordo Hereticus



These guys look bad a$$ MrBear! keep up the good work!:thumbsup:



Thanks man! Hope you'll like the finished guys aswell, I can hopefully have their fluff ready for a proper post sometime during the weekend. :smile.:


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