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Night Lords 33rd Company - The Mongrels of the Eight


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Writing Night Lord fluff when the sky is clear and the daytime temperature is above 25 degrees C isn't exactly optimal for some reason so the update is a day or two later than I expected but here it is:





”There were those that imagined a jungle to be silent during the dark hours of the night, these people were usually wrong. Contrary to their beliefs a rainforest did not fall asleep when the sun had fallen below the horizon, instead there would be insects chirping, frogs croaking and a multitude of other sounds as different animals called out to each other, hunted and fought. The jungles of Juvens Secundus would normally be no exception but this night there was an eeire silence instead, as if the beasts of the forest knew that those armoured forms that moved in the pale light of the moon were more deadly than any other creature there.

Azalec registered the silence surrounding them as they made their way through the undergrowth but he could not savor it, not with Jaddeth's voice filling his ears with seemingly endless chatter. In a lesser man he would have seen his brother's behaviour as fear, remembering his nostraman childhood and how some fellow gangers would use keep chattering in an attempt to try to mask their fright before a clash with rival gangs. It made him think though. They say an Astartes feels no fear, he thought. But if so I wonder what Tsagualsa was then... Those were uncomfortable thoughts, though having the whole of the XIIIth Legion coming for their lives had seemed enough for some ghostly remnant of mortal fear to manifest among those Night Lords in the fortress. Let the others try to brush it away and laugh about it if they like. They ran no slower than I did.


He knew why Jaddeth kept their vox 'clogged' with his ranting and self-aggrandizing boasts though and while it had nothing to do with fear a certain amount of nervousness was involved.

Jaddeth was Hill Folk, the blood of those that had been eking out their existence in the mountains outside the hives of Nostramo. Seen as savages to their more 'civilized' brothers it was a clear disadvantage if one wished to reach the higher echelons of the Legion, not an unsurmountable one though as those of the Hill Folk tended to group together for support. Jaddeth, however, could not count on that 'blessing' as he was born in Tertius to parents that had left the mountains in search for a better life. Thus his kinfolk saw him either as a city weakling or a traitor to the ways of 'his' people and cared nothing for how he fared. It is now wonder he talks enough to make a servitor's ears bleed, it is as much to convince himself of his abilities as it is to make others belive it aswell and hopefully give him the status he thinks he deserves. It was almost enough to make Azalec feel some pity for him, but just almost. All that talking had washed away any sympathy he might have felt as it had only stopped once, when some bird or other beast in the trees had pooped on Jaddeth's helmet. The 'shock' had kept him absolutely quiet for a few precious seconds, his hands trembling with indignation as he barely managed to keep himself from turning his bolter on the offending creature. The blessed silence had soon been interrupted by an impressive stream of caustic curses that had gone on for quite a while before Jaddeth managed to calm down enough to fall back into his old tracks. All the cursing had been mildly entertaining though, there were even several phrases that Azalec hadn't heard before.


The whole incident had even made Yazad chuckle over the vox, the first sounds he had made since they stepped out of the drop pod. All in all he was almost the antithesis of Jaddeth, seeking neither the company nor the acceptence of his brothers, silent except for when speech was absolutely needed. Whenever he was allowed, he would range ahead of all others, sowing confusion and fear on his own as he stalked the prey with his precious scoped bolter. In truth most of them was glad to have him in the far distance instead of at their backs, there were few who felt truly safe feeling the eyes of armed brothers upon them but Yazad's scope and cold stare were among those least wanted there. No one knew much about him. There were those that said that he should be dead., that he had committed crimes that even the gangs of Nostramo frowned upon and that only the fact that he was genetically suitable for transformation into an Astartes had spared him. If rumours were to be belived he had murdered dozens of children, and done... things to them before they died.

Azalec could very well belive that the whispers were true, as he glanced towards Yazad he saw a skull hanging from his back, a small skull. He knew how much mortals valued their young and how they often tried anything to spare them from death, but he doubted that anyone would see Yazad coming and feel more fear due to that fact, they would most likely soil themselves no matter what skull his brother would hang from his armour. The suspicions didn't particulary bother Azalec though, firstly because he had long since left mortal concerns behind him and secondly because transforming someone into an Astartes would have slain whatever lusts that Yazad might once have felt. The only lusts that any of their kind knew after that procedure where those for blood or for power. Thus he didn't really care what odd habits or quirks Yazad might have, save for how they might show a lack of finesse or efficency unworthy of a veteran warrior.


What a wretched group we are, he thought. A silent freak, a miserable bastard in love with his own voice and an opportunist who managed to back the prime challenger for leadership at exactly the wrong time...

In a way a warband was just a scaled up version of a Nostraman gang and in those the power struggles were as natural to the gangers as breathing, rare was the ganger who died of ald age in his sleep and rarer still was the gang boss who had a natural end. Thus it had been only logical for Azalec to weigh the odds and to back Hathsin in his intrigues, not because he had anything against their Captain or because he liked the Claw leader, he merely thought that Justinian's power must surely be waning after so long. If he had stood by the Captain he might have had his own Claw of youngbloods to lead by now but would have risked fallen in any powerstruggle, instead he had chosen to join Hathsin's squad with the hope of rising with him. At the time it had seemed like the most intelligent choice. Much joy that decision gave me, he thought as he cut his way through a dense mass of bushes. I'm as happy as a gutter rat that's one hour late to a corpse. He should have played it safe and chosen neutrality instead, it wouldn't have given him any greater standing among the rest of the Mongrels but he wouldn't have been seen as a turncloak who switched between Claws either. While there was little honor among the Night Lords the way the throne sworn weaklings would see it, leaving your brothers in a Claw without good reason was dishonorable though, it marked you as untrustworthy. In itself almost laughable considering how the whole Legion had spat upon their oaths of loyalty and how most warriors were happy to do what ever they needed to keep breathing.


May the Warp damn Hathsin and his honeyed tounge. He muttered to himself. He had been snared by the bastards visions and now he was stuck with some of the worst cutthroats of the Mongrels for the forseeable future. If he hadn't been blinded by his own ambitions he would perhaps have wondered more about the moniker that was whispered about the Claw leader. Hathsin 'the Hollow' indeed... The name hade merely brushed his mind and he had seen it as jealous slander from the non-Nostraman parts of the warband. The bastards were right though, there is nothing solid in what he dreams, just an illusion of strength. The plans had had seemed promising at first but Hathsin's illusive window of opportunity had closed abruptly as the Captain's power once more was ascending after their latest raids. None would risk upsetting the warbands good streak by abandoning their commander and his pet sorcerer, especially as success gave them a sense of purpose they craved. Captain Justinian's words meant something to most of them, he made them feel like they were fighting a war instead of just murdering and plundering. If I was to fall for illusions why couldn't I have fallen for those instead? he thought with regret.


Instead of glory he was making his way through a rotting jungle with 'brothers' he would happily leave behind, heading for a Mechanicus outpost where he was unlikely to find any entertaining prey as those bionic grotesques hardly would show more fear than a servitor. Though he might not have any fond feelings for either Juvens Secundus nor the attack he was part of, he had to admit that the Captain's plan was both brilliant and ambitious. No one really knew all the information he had tortured out of the Inqusitor that First Claw had captured, but rumours said that the Inqusition had made the priests of Mars conduct testing of the Feral World's population and that they had found it suitable for future recruitment for an Astartes Chapter. While Azalec and the rest of the so called 'Trueborn' were busy converging on the Imperial outpost, Captain Justinian and his bodyguards would be visiting a score of settlements, pretending to be 'Sky Warriors of the Emperor Above', tricking the tribesmen to give them the best of their youths to join them among the stars. One could not help to admire the subtlety of the plan, the Mongrels would grow stronger still, an Imperial base would be destroyed and when the Imperium comes to investigate what had happened they would find multiple Legion tokens left among the natives, given to them as a sign of the 'Emperor's favor'. It couldn't lead to anything less than a planetwide purge from the Inqusition and a certain doom to any plans of a 'Founding' taking place on Juvens Secundus, thus weakening the Imperium further.

That thought did ease the melancholy Azalec had been feeling and he even had a slight smile upon his lips when he at last saw the lights from the base and thought: I wonder if they are going to weep proper tears or have oil running from their eye sockets if I flay what little skin they might still have on their bodies? "



Left to right we have Jaddeth, Azalec and finally Yazad











Fairly pleased with the photos for a change! C&C always welcome of course :smile.:



I spy a death mask!


Indeed it is! The helmet looked quite ok without one but I couldn't resist to add it anyway :biggrin.:

I've started painting the last three guys of Second Claw (well, undercoated them atleast) but more importantly I've decided what to do after them!  After three claws, a Lord, a Sorcerer and a Warpsmith it's time for something else...








It's just a dry fit at the moment as it will probably be a couple of weeks before I will have time to do anything else with it but this is what's coming next. :biggrin.:



Awesome Mr Bear  I like these Marines. Really nice guys:tongue.:



Thanks pal! 'Nice guys' though? Well compared to some of their pals I guess... :wink:

Excellent fluff MrBear. A particularly clever plan at the end there, reminiscent of the cruel subtlety of Talos' plan in the third book. I love the models too, the character you get into them is outstanding. Keep going!
  • 3 weeks later...

There's been a couple of weeks since last time again, mainly due to work as usual. Things are easing up a bit though so there is some (minor) progress on the latest three guys, still a lot to do obviously but I thought that I should show some signs of life at least.






Well the VROOOOMMMM! is still a bit theoretical since I haven't started on it but we'll get there eventually. :cool.: 


Excellent fluff MrBear. A particularly clever plan at the end there, reminiscent of the cruel subtlety of Talos' plan in the third book. I love the models too, the character you get into them is outstanding. Keep going!


Thanks man! While I like the painting and modelling aspect of the hobby I have to admit that writing fluff is the favourite part of it, combining the three takes some time but I', in no rush. Captain Justinian and his lads aren't as ambitious as Talos though, they'll settle for a world here and there instead of a whole sub-sector. :wink:


Loving the armour mash ups


Individuality for the win mate! :biggrin.:

Great mix of bits as always, MrBear! :) Glad to see you're back and found some hobby time despite work pressure. I know the feeling - you're craving some hobby time but sometimes too tired from work to find the energy to do it, what with family/GF and all. 


Kudo's on mixing the FW heads and torso's. Makes 'm look ancient and grizzled.

They are coming along nicely. The MkV helm is a winner .



Great mix of bits as always, MrBear! :smile.: Glad to see you're back and found some hobby time despite work pressure. I know the feeling - you're craving some hobby time but sometimes too tired from work to find the energy to do it, what with family/GF and all. 


Kudo's on mixing the FW heads and torso's. Makes 'm look ancient and grizzled.


Thanks for the encouragement guys! Turns out teaching 6th & 7th graders for the first time can be quite exhausting  (I'm more used to older pupils to be honest), I should be fully adapted in a while though so that should make things smoother. No family problems or any GF that takes time or energy either, though the latter may be subject to change in the months to come... :wink:


Anyway... I've been feeling mighty lazy today so there's been no painting, but I played around a bit with some bits I ordered a few weeks ago. Even though the Rhino is still the next thing in line thoughts about the next infantry squad have already started. I guess I'm a sucker for the regular footsloggers. :tongue.:



That last head is from the new BA upgrade sprue, isn't it? It's got a very Rambo feel to it. Please tell me that he's getting a heavy bolter, or even better, a heavy stubber. Or at the very least, a mahoosive knife. :cool.:




  • 4 weeks later...

Time really does fly sometimes... Got to say things at work remain a bit hectic still so there have been rediculously little time and energy left for paintning, not worth taking any new wip-pictures as the painting progress is fairly minimal. That being said, there is something worth an update at the end of the post... :wink:


Regular Footsloggers are the Bestest:tongue.:. Really they are.


Well, my national service was in the infantry so I can only agree with that statement.:cool.:


That last head is from the new BA upgrade sprue, isn't it? It's got a very Rambo feel to it. Please tell me that he's getting a heavy bolter, or even better, a heavy stubber. Or at the very least, a mahoosive knife. :cool.:





It's from the upgrade sprue alright, bought just that one online though. I hadn't thought about Rambo before but it's obvious now. I think I can guarantee a heavy bolter though, that breast plate and a Rambo look-alike really deserve a big gun. And who knows? There might be a big knife aswell. :tongue.:


Anyway, next week at work is going to be really, really easy for me so I'm feeling optimistic enough to think that I should be able to finish the three guys that have been in painting limbo and then start with the Rhino. I better get some speed up again, because I couldn't keep myself from doing some 'investments' a short time ago...




This guy (and some other goodies) will be needing some paint aswell and I wouldn't want to keep such an 'esteemed' veteran of the Long War waiting too long, such offences are a certain rout to the skinning pits. :ph34r.:



That last head is from the new BA upgrade sprue, isn't it? It's got a very Rambo feel to it. Please tell me that he's getting a heavy bolter, or even better, a heavy stubber. Or at the very least, a mahoosive knife. :cool.:


That's funny-- I personally think that head is almost a spitting image of Gordon Ramsay on a bad hair day.  I do agree that he needs some kind of heavy weapon though. 

Did 8 years in the Grunts loved every moment. The old one will rock. What weapons are you giving him?


Only did 10 months (my conscription time) as a radiooperator/squad medic. Might have considered staying in the service if I would have had the option but we didn't have professional soldiers back then, just officers. He's going to carry a Assault Cannon and a Close combat arm. No special reasons why, I just like the look of that combo. :smile.:



That last head is from the new BA upgrade sprue, isn't it? It's got a very Rambo feel to it. Please tell me that he's getting a heavy bolter, or even better, a heavy stubber. Or at the very least, a mahoosive knife. :cool.:


That's funny-- I personally think that head is almost a spitting image of Gordon Ramsay on a bad hair day.  I do agree that he needs some kind of heavy weapon though. 



Well... until I give the guy a proper name he shall now be known as Gordon Rambo/John Ramsay:teehee: And not only will he be carrying a heavy weapon, he now definitely needs to have a big knife aswell. I'll have to try to remember to write a scene in which he's showing some temper too!

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, yet another time I have proven that I can't keep the deadlines that I give myself. The latest guys are done but I haven't had time to finish their fluff yet, if I manage to do it this weekend I'm technically only a week late though and that's pretty good by my standards! :tongue.:


No pictures of them until the writing is done... Doesn't mean that there is nothing to show though! The Rhino is still next in line for painting but I got the idea to add it's driver. He was mentioned way back when I wrote the fluff piece for 1st Claw, Yarda the 'designated pilot/driver' whenever they need to go somewhere:




Third picture in a row without any paint but the next update will hopefully make up for it...

Update time! A bit late as always but here we go:



”Tekiel moved through the ruined city with a smile hidden behind the skull face of his helmet, partly because he was enjoying himself and partly because he knew how much his brothers hated taking part in a cult uprising instead of their ordinary raiding. Oh how they had moaned and cursed when the Black Legion called upon an ancient debt, all but calling the Captain a craven for giving in to their request. Tekiel didn't agree with them though, he didn't like Justinian and thought that he was delusional at best in his 'vision' for their future, even so he could not do other than to respect his skill and cunning. Yes, it had been a 'request' for assistance and not an order and it would probably have been 'acceptable' to refuse it. Only an utter fool gambled with the potential 'displeasure' of the Despoiler though and no matter what some whispered among themselves the Captain was no fool.

I might be the only one who would have cursed if he had refused though, he thought with a widening smile as he crouched behind a burnt-out veichle to scout the surroundings.

Smoke was drifting across the darkened square in front of him, the buildings ahead in various states of ruin from the fighting that had raged through these city blocks. He could see corpses all around him, some of them fallen in battle and some of them clearly displayed as some form of crude homage to the Dark Powers by the rebels.

Cultists... he thought with contempt. Neither finesse or true purpose in any of them. Any Mongrel, even one of the new-bloods, would have done a better work and they would not have tried to seek any misguided favors with the Warp. But if those mortal fools wanted to barter away their souls to the abyss for nothing he wasn't going to be the one to stop them. He could hear sounds of fighting from several directions, telling him where the others were leading groups of cultists in battle. That was another thing that had made most of them growl, that they were supposed to provide 'leadership' and 'steadfastness' to the rebels instead of employing their own favourite tactics. That they were split up made sense to Tekiel, it made the different cults more coordinated and effective. In the end the protests had been rather meek though, with the Captain's power so clearly rising no one hade wanted to make themselves a target for his wrath. Tekiel had not even bothered, he just left the rabble he had been assigned to lead behind as they could not keep up with his pace. It would be all but impossible for anyone to prove that he had not obeyed his orders anyway, he could point at any of the many piles of corpses in the city and say that 'his' men had died in battle and no one could prove him wrong. He had briefly considered to use them as decoys but the 'sport' was better if they were somewhere else instead of clinging to his heels.


As he moved on he heard some faint bolter fire from the west, that should be Ashravan and 'his' men unless the PDF suddenly had gained access to better weapons. He wondered idly what had made his brother use the bolter as it would have been wasted upon most of the defenders. Probably just venting his rage, he thought. Ashravan was usually as stoic and laconic as they came, aswell as a master of irony, but even he had been become enraged when the local leader of the cultists had thought that he could order a Night Lord around. Apparently the fool had been in the upper echelon of the whole uprising and presumed that it somehow made him special. It had taken Ashravan a whole minute to decide that it was not some kind of bizzare joke before he had made the man regret he had opened his mouth. Even though many of them mocked him for his sluggishness, every Mongrel agreed that the imbecile's eye-less head hanging from their brother's armour was a proper respons to the insult, especially as the word had spread and made every other potential troublemaker think twice about drawing unwanted attention to himself.


Tekiel had grinned when Ashravan at first had failed to understand what the cultist had been going on about and grinned even wider when he enacted his punishment. He couldn't claim to particulary like any of his brothers but Ashravan was among those he disliked the least. For a son of the Night Haunter he was fairly trustworthy and Tekiel appreciated his sense of humor as most of the Mongrels were much too serious for his taste. Anyone who continued to wear Imperial honour markings upon his armour as an ironic statement was someone that Tekiel would feel a certain sense of approval for.


As he wasn't leading any troops he hadn't payed much attention to the vox calls about their movements but it was fairly obvious that he was starting to move through blocks where Kahar had passed by. Partly because there were no effegies praising the Powers as his brother would have gutted anyone who wasted time on such a thing but also because Tekiel could hear faint whispers and other sounds from civilians still trying to hide among the ruins. Kahar had a very focused mind and would not let himself get distracted from his tasks by the chance to slaughter unarmed mortals as some others would, and any cultists under his command would have either followed his example or found themselves killed in short order. That focus was something that Tekiel could respect, Kahar might be a little too predictable at times but you could count on him doing what he was supposed to.


Not that Kahar had a shred of mercy within him though, if he'd had the time and opportunity he would have made those he had passed by scream until their voices were beyond mortal hearing.

That mindset never ceased to amaze Tekiel, to some extent he could understand how massacring and terrorising the defenceles would give some form of satisfaction or release, he had after all indulged himself that way from time to time. What he could not fully understand was how his brothers would one minute be so serious in their hate, boring him with their age-worn phrases, and in the next act like spoiled children finding their joy in casual destruction and killing those that could not even hope to resist them. Oh how Nostramo still haunts us, he thought with a frown upon his brow. He guessed that they were influenced by some flawed perception of the behaviour of the gangs, as if those had done nothing more than preying upon the weak and tearing down everything around them. Do they really think that the gangers sought no challenges? That they never fought for what they had? It seemed like they really were so misinformed. While it was true that the gangs made their living by taking what they could from the ordinary people they had also fought among themselves to keep that which they had taken and certain gang-bosses had made thrill-seeking their favourite pastime. Did they never notice the bitter street wars?The duels? The expeditions into the wild for the pelts of crag cougars? He had to sneer when he thought about the ignorance that his brothers displayed. The gangs had not been mere scavengers that fed upon the weak and dying, they had been apex predators and had behaved as such. They had fought for what they wanted and gotten status for the risks they had taken. They had not been reckless but they had not been afraid of danger either, they had known how sweet life was when only your own skill was what kept you breathing.


That had been the leson he had learnt from his childhood and the reason why he wore the rune of 'the Trueblooded' upon his shoulder pad. It was no misguided loyalty to what Hathsin saw as the 'true ways' of their homeworld. The simple fact was that all predators fought among themselves and there was no greater thrill than that. If it hadn't been Hathsin that sought to create strife within the Warband he would have found someone else to follow instead. He needed something 'sweeter' than the fear of mere mortals which was why he approved of the uprising and why he had abandoned 'his' men, if he could find one of the PDF's tanks he would have a worthy challenge. He had played the game of two hunters stalking eachother many times before and always walked away the winner, once he had lost an arm but if given the choice he would do everything the same as he had never felt more alive than that triumphat moment when he had survived and the Predator he had been targeting hadn't. With a mad grin upon his face he moved on northwards, he had the best chance finding what he was searching for where the fighting was the fiercest”





Tekiel with his lascannon, Ashravan with a Mk III helmet and Kahar to the right.












You know the drill, if you have any C&C you're more than welcome to comment. :smile.:




Looking good MrBear. Is that a DA head?



Like the DA Head.:thumbsup:


Cheers mates! When I ordered the Contemptor I couldn't resist buying a few other things aswell, the DA heads among them. They just look so good! The fact that all of them are unique doesn't hurt either, expect them to be used here and there in coming updates. :wink:

Just read through the lot. I realy like how each story is linked into a full ark, I'm intrigued to see what the Mongrals are doing for the Despoiler. The models are looking ace, must be time soon for a group shot? The coming bigger additions look promising. 

Consider me subbed.

Reply time coming up:



Looking great brother, haven't checked in on a while


Thanks mate, you haven't missed much to be honest. Things have been a bit hectic at work so I haven't really had time/energy to do much, hopefully easing up a bit now though. :smile.:


Bad ass I say.The MK-III mask looks great.


Quite fond of it myself mate, terror markings + Mk.III can't go wrong. :biggrin.:


Just read through the lot. I realy like how each story is linked into a full ark, I'm intrigued to see what the Mongrals are doing for the Despoiler. The models are looking ace, must be time soon for a group shot? The coming bigger additions look promising. 

Consider me subbed.


Thanks man! I'm quite intrigued to see what they are going to do myself to be honest, I have a rough idea in my head but I tend to make a lot of it up on the spot when I'm writing things down for a new update. :tongue.: All I can say at the moment is that I think that things will turn out better for the Mongrels than for Talos and 10th Company but that is not a guarantee.

A group shot can be arranged, I will probably have time for that in a day or two. :smile.:



Work has (sort of ) begun with the Rhino and driver, in the sense that they are now glued together. The Rhino is totally sealed up! I'm a slow enough painter without having to paint the interior aswell, especially as this is my first tank in... 11 years I think. It required a little gs work as there were some minor gaps around the FW front so undercoating will have to wait until tomorrow or so.




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