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[HH1.0] 30k Alpha Legion Tactics


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Yes, I've run Dark Compliance a couple times, but most often resort to Sacrifical Offering if I want to run my Militia models in conjunction with my AL.

(My fav. RoW these days is (once again) Recon Company though.)

Oh yeah? Is that because of the cover you get combined with mutable tactic of Infiltrate + lots of Seizing the initiative shenanigans etc?


Seems pretty good!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Oh yeah? Is that because of the cover you get combined with mutable tactic of Infiltrate + lots of Seizing the initiative shenanigans etc?


Seems pretty good!



Yes, and by running Skorr as my warlord and two units of Vet Tacs as my main scoring units besides the three Recon squads I get a multitude of options for deployment, counter-deployment, seize the initiative and move-through-cover shenanigans.

It's not overly powerful in terms of firepower or brute force, but highly adaptable. Which I like.

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I never played 3k before to be honest, but in general in 2k or 2.5k a list would look like this:



Apothecarion Detachment (1-3 models, depending on how many units will be spiced up with one)

2 small Recon sniper squads

1 big Recon 'melee' squad (for scoring purposes)

2+ units of Vet Tacs

Rhinos all around

1 unit of Destroyers in a dedicated Proteus.


Since one cannot deploy heavy support units in LRC, lots of Dreadnoughts are the way to go here. 

A fact that sits well with me, since another of my fav RoW would be Fury of the Ancients which is barely playable.

Some Contemptors (& variants) deployed, and several more deepstriking in pods. I don't own a Leviathan, but deepstriking one would also be plausible here in theory.

On occassion, I bring an allied detachment of two Knights, depending on the scenario and if my opponent brings Superheavies / Lords of War. 

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I never played 3k before to be honest, but in general in 2k or 2.5k a list would look like this:



Apothecarion Detachment (1-3 models, depending on how many units will be spiced up with one)

2 small Recon sniper squads

1 big Recon 'melee' squad (for scoring purposes)

2+ units of Vet Tacs

Rhinos all around

1 unit of Destroyers in a dedicated Proteus.


Since one cannot deploy heavy support units in LRC, lots of Dreadnoughts are the way to go here.

A fact that sits well with me, since another of my fav RoW would be Fury of the Ancients which is barely playable.

Some Contemptors (& variants) deployed, and several more deepstriking in pods. I don't own a Leviathan, but deepstriking one would also be plausible here in theory.

On occassion, I bring an allied detachment of two Knights, depending on the scenario and if my opponent brings Superheavies / Lords of War.

2k or 2.5k is our regular game size, too. :)

Nice to play in around 3 hours.


That reads quiet good.

Have you considered an Executioner Predator? Most people put him in reserves anyway. I myself field him regulary and can say that it works really good from reserve.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi chaps,


Quick question regarding Autilon Skorr. As per his most recent rules it seems there is now no restriction for using a LoW choice when he is in the army.


However, I’m uncertain as to whether he has access to the “chosen duty” rite of war as he is not technically a “legion delegatus”.


Can anyone clarify or confirm those two rules?



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Hi chaps,


Quick question regarding Autilon Skorr. As per his most recent rules it seems there is now no restriction for using a LoW choice when he is in the army.


However, I’m uncertain as to whether he has access to the “chosen duty” rite of war as he is not technically a “legion delegatus”.


Can anyone clarify or confirm those two rules?




One to clarify with your opponent or event organiser, pure RAW, no he wouldn't.


It's a funny one like how the Salamanders Chaplain isn't technically a "Chaplain".

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To confuse matters his original rules were part of the standard delegatus rules as it introduced a new consul type.


So RAI should allow chosen duty but not a LoW choice.


But currently RAW suggests the opposite.....


The original rules have “legion delegatus” written in his rules so I wonder whether this was just an oversight when they updated the rules.


Thanks for the response, any other experiences or suggestions would be appreciated. Does anyone run him with chosen duty and/or a LoW?

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  • 1 month later...

So I'm tempted to dip my toes into the XXth...!


I like their flexibility and think I could get a cool 3K list painted in time for event season - plus being the AL get to enjoy the smugness of every loss actually being a win/ fighting on both sides/ generally being an arse ;)


I've got 7ish Drop Pods from my 7th Ed Blood Angels that I no longer use and can be re-purposed so was thinking Orbital Assault.


I know Dynat is the bomb with this set-up but I do have a soft spot for the Big A (Big O?) themselves!


What would a good 3k Orbital Assault for Alphas look like, including Alpharius?


Edit: have just seen that Dynat's bonus applies even if he's not Warlord though, so that's pretty awesome... But 615pts for him and Alphy is steep.

Edited by Charlo
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What would a good 3k Orbital Assault for Alphas look like, including Alpharius?



Nine pods total.

Three with Dreadnoughts in it.

Six bringing in infantry, of which two will be (compulsory) Tacs and three will be Plasma Seekers, leaving room for one unit of personal flavour.


Lightning Strike Fighter.

One unit of Lernaeans for stubborn objective holding.


Just food for thoughts :biggrin.:

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What would a good 3k Orbital Assault for Alphas look like, including Alpharius?



Nine pods total.

Three with Dreadnoughts in it.

Six bringing in infantry, of which two will be (compulsory) Tacs and three will be Plasma Seekers, leaving room for one unit of personal flavour.


Lightning Strike Fighter.

One unit of Lernaeans for stubborn objective holding.


Just food for thoughts :biggrin.:




I'd be avoiding Dreads (bar one Leviathan, maybe a Box Dread too as I have a spare one of each...)


Just did the Maths and Seekers are cheaper than a Support Squad these days. Wowsa.


If bringing Dynat too, Machine-Killer Vets in a pod with a compliment of Meltas seem like a very powerful pick - Tank Hunters with Mutable Tactic, +3 to the Damage table in the enemy deployment zone... Dang!


And yes, Larneans with a couple chainfists are a must I think ;)


I'll knock together a list and see how it looks then post it here.

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Before you go and invest a couple of month's salaries in buying such an army consider the new FAQed (pun intented) rules about augury scanners. Nowadays every willy and billy will field heavy support squads with lascannons/missile launchers or autocannons accompanied by a medic or master of signal with augury scanner, giving them a 48" radius where anything coming in from reserves will get their asses served with gravy and duchesse potatoes.

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Before you go and invest a couple of month's salaries in buying such an army consider the new FAQed (pun intented) rules about augury scanners. Nowadays every willy and billy will field heavy support squads with lascannons/missile launchers or autocannons accompanied by a medic or master of signal with augury scanner, giving them a 48" radius where anything coming in from reserves will get their asses served with gravy and duchesse potatoes.

Hmm yeah you're right... But they only get each shoot once, right? And the point of pods is that they can only shoot the pod. Sure the explosion might cause some casualties but won't be much.

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  • 2 months later...

I have 2x Calth and a Prospero box to mess around with and I love the idea of an infantry-focused 30k army and the "Rewards of Treason" rule in the Coils of the Hydra rite leaps out as conversion possibilities (and I like converting).  I'm a primarily fluff gamer and I almost never worry about making sure to have optimal tournament-quality lists.


What units from other armies have you guys found work well as RoT choices?  I like the Templar Brethren and Mor Deythan look like a fluffy option too.  Tyrant Siege termies would be neat as I'd get some extra firepower but they can't deepstrike.

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Before you go and invest a couple of month's salaries in buying such an army consider the new FAQed (pun intented) rules about augury scanners. Nowadays every willy and billy will field heavy support squads with lascannons/missile launchers or autocannons accompanied by a medic or master of signal with augury scanner, giving them a 48" radius where anything coming in from reserves will get their asses served with gravy and duchesse potatoes.

Hmm yeah you're right... But they only get each shoot once, right? And the point of pods is that they can only shoot the pod. Sure the explosion might cause some casualties but won't be much.
You can shoot the unit, which gets out of the pod, too.
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I was really set to want to make an IW army but something about Alpha Legion seems more...devious? Fun?  


I got a couple of easy-to-build Primaris to use as an Exodus (who might be Omegon?) and I'll convert my own Headhunters.  Now the Headhunters are really expensive, are they even worth it in anyone's experience?  I'd almost rather take Veteran squads instead with special weapons until maybe HH gets updated to 8th edition rules and combiweapons are more flexible. 

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The headhunter models are good looking and excellent to use for conversions for characters (sergenats, consuls etc). You could also build them as headhunters but use them as seekers since rules-wise, seekers are a better choice than headhunters when you take points costs into consideration and they fulfill same role fluff-wise and playstyle. I strongly suggest to magnetise their weapons to give you the flexibility to run them as whatever you want (veterans squads, tactical support squad, headhunters or seekers) depending on future FAQs and rules editions.


Gal Vorbak havfe deep strike T5, S5 and sergeant ca take power fist (S10!) and meltagun, so they are quite powerful. Combined with Dynat you could deep strike these AND a squad of plasma support squad and give the enemy a choice to shoot either of them. GAl vorbaks are quite flexible and I have sen them take down a knight in close combat (S10 powerfist!).


You could of course have Dynat deep strike in a squad of Firedrakes close to your enemy lines too, if you really feel you have too many friends that want to play horus heresy with you you could add a apothecary to that squad! :)

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Yeah, AL takes what someone does and makes it better.


Unknown Legionnaire covers the best options above, they're mighty powerful units from other legions, but here are some lesser seen alternatives that give excellent modeling opportunities:

  • Deathsworn - Crazy Space Wolf Destoryers with nice tech and fight even if they die
  • Terror Squad - Volkites, Chainglaives and precision strikes with built in infiltrate
  • Red Butchers - final word in CC Terminators
  • Grave Wardens - So much anti-infantry shooting and CC resistance. Will work excellently with AL infiltrate
  • Dark Furies - very cheap for what you get
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