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Blood Angels Assault Squad Loadout

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Thanks for the feedback, so should I model my melt guys to have a melta in one hand and a chainsword in the other?- in the codex it says the melta replaces a bolt pistol


and @Silverson I assume that your flamer Assault marines are for horde armies, and the melta assault marines are for anything else?


Also isn't the power fist the best bet for assault marines cause it doubles the serg.'s strength?

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Also isn't the power fist the best bet for assault marines cause it doubles the serg.'s strength?


Power fists are problematic because they make the sergeant vulnerable to being called out in challenges and then killed before he can swing. They're also really pricey. I put 'em on a lot of my models because they're cool looking, but I think they're actually better on things that I don't intend to let get into combat. Tactical sergeants for example. They make a good trick to pull out of a back pocket - hey look, my tac squad can now double as anti-tank if you get too close! - but on dedicated assault squads, I'd rather maximize the utility of our decent Initiative scores.

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Thanks for the feedback, so should I model my melt guys to have a melta in one hand and a chainsword in the other?- in the codex it says the melta replaces a bolt pistol


and @Silverson I assume that your flamer Assault marines are for horde armies, and the melta assault marines are for anything else?


Also isn't the power fist the best bet for assault marines cause it doubles the serg.'s strength?


Onehanding the melta looks very wierd in my opinion. Just do the special weapon alone and don't bother with a pistol of sword. He only has one attack anyway.


Assault marines are not as capable as they might seem, they are not in fact very good at assault! Single power weapon in the squad means anything with decent saves will take a long time to chew through. Any enemy unit that's actually good in assault will kill them off quickly due to their mediocre stats. 

Assault squads shine when utilised as fast scoring and when they can bully weak enemy units.


The fist is problematic. On one hand it has great utility one the other it's expensive and can be singled out. It used to be that you could 'hide' the fist by placing it outside of challenge range, but not in the new edition... I say the best bet is to keep your squad away from whatever they are bad at handling. 

Personally I see no point in the power maul. Concussive is much more useful on a shooting weapon, anything that I want to lower to I1 in close combat will probably strike before that sarge anyway. 

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Tbh ive always had powerfsts on my sergeants and never felt like taking them off. Yes they can die before they get to swing but most characters your opponent might have tend to have a higher initiative anyway so striking last is a thing hed do anyway. Against MC's, dreadnoughts and other vehicles it allows your assault squad to still be a threat.


I tend to have a SP nearby my assault squads which functionals as a 5+ invul save (more or less) and youd be suprised how many times a sergeant survives to swing that weapon of his. Against MEQ a single failed invunerable save (if the target has it) means you instagib MEQ characters :)

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Generically, my assault squads are 2 melta, powerfist (or thunder hammer).


I have 1 with 2 flamers and a lightning claw.


I have 1 fancier assault squad with 2 meltas and the sergeant has power fist and lightning claw.  Not really worth the points to do that, but kind of fun.

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@the iron chancellor

Yea that's right flamers for infantry and meltas for vehicles. but like it has been said before assault marines are not good against dedicated combat units so I use them against units I have a chance of beeting. Or something squishy that can be a big pain lootas in the back field etc...

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Small contribution. GW sell blisters with meltaguns, when I got mine it was 5 meltas for 8 euros, I combined with 5 jumpacks for 6 euros (aprox) and I felt like it was a good deal. Ebay has everything too, but in this particular case GW was cheaper. This was like a year ago, don't know if with the recent changes to their webpage you can still get all this stuff. Don't know if they sell this through the stores too, or only web.


With the additional jumpacks and the extra bodies and arms in the assault and DC kits, your are only 5 legs short to get yourself 5 more whole marines. (ebay can help here, although legs are the most expensive in general)

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Okay so Meltas seem to be the consensus, or flamers if going against horde armies with limited vehicles, but what the sergeant's wargear if not a power fist then what and WHY? 


When I do meltas, I give my sergeant a power maul, a combat shield, and plasma pistol. I'm sending this squad to pop vehicles and armored targets, so I want the sergeant to be able to contribute. Except infernus pistols are dumb, so screw them, so plasma instead.


When I do flamers, I give the sergeant a hand flamer and a power lance, because this squad is going up against infantry. I want to maximize their Overwatch hits and the sergeant's Strength in the round where they charge.

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Ditto the purchase of the resin meltas from GW or FW.  Early on I went to bitz sites to get individual plastic meltas from tac squad sprues...until I realized that you can just get a whole frame of them direct from GW and save 50 cents to a dollar per gun (or FW for the same price, if that's your bag).  Do it as part of another order to amortize the shipping costs (GW does free shipping in the US on orders of $65.)  Ditto the jump pack frames you can get direct from GW.  I just assemble 5 or 6 at a time and magnetize and then move on with my life.

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2 Meltas, Power Sword, Melta Bombs consistently serves me well.


I have debated the Power Weapon being in at all recently as I primarily use the combat squad to deepstrike try and blow up a high value armoured target and then after that I am hoping that even one or two models survive the retaliation next turn - if they do they go and be a nuisance or if I'm lucky enough to keep a melta source or two I will try and find more armour to explode.


I only say this because I think the loadout is dependant on the battlefield role they need to play - playing against a green tide list you might want the dual flamer option instead of meltas, just as an example.  Magnets can help but not everybody goes down that route.

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I only say this because I think the loadout is dependant on the battlefield role they need to play - playing against a green tide list you might want the dual flamer option instead of meltas, just as an example.  Magnets can help but not everybody goes down that route.


Do keep in mind that eBay can be your friend. I just bought three extra assault marine bodies, blinged them out with the scraps of my Death Company box, and made alternate versions of my sergeant and two special weapons dudes. Now I can use the squad as either a melta squad or a flame squad, depending on the list I want to build. The models look better than magnets - no unsightly midgame pivoting - but I didn't actually need to build a whole extra squad.

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hmm but doesn't that make the serg. a little pricey (power maul, combat shield and plasma pistol)?


also what is a power lance?

A little, but it's always seemed worth it (though now I'm not so sure…). A power weapon on an assault sarge seems like a no brainer. The pistol helps him contribute in shooting. The shield is only 5 points and gives him at least a tiny chance of surviving a bad challenge.


A power lance is S+1 AP 3 on the charge turn, S AP 4 thereafter.

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Power lance (or power spear) is a form of power weapon. On the turn you charge tyou get +1S and AP3. On any other turn (or if you get charged) its your own strength at AP4.

So essentially is it what it sounds like. Its the power weapon version of a spear or lance. Very uncommon and AFAIK theres only 1 model in existance that GW published and thats a white scar bike sargeant...

For blood angels the power spear mighy be a good option as it grants us S6 AP3 attacks on the charge at initiative, which isent to shabby.

Powermauls give +2S all the time at initiative (just only AP4 though) which might be a better way to get S6 if you want it, as you will keep your strength bonus in following turns. An added bonus people often forget is that theyre concussive. This means that if you score an unsaved wounded against your target hes hitting at I1 next turn woot.gif

Powerswords dont give any bonus to strength but are AP3. The majority of power weapons in the box sets are also swords so I think these are the ones most widely used. Considering most armies have an 3+ save of some form or another (or worse) this is quite a safe bet to take.

Axes give +1S and are AP2, BUT hit at initiative 1... I like to consider these the poor mans powerfist. For 10 points less you get +1S and AP2 instead of +4S and AP2 but also get an extra attack from a pistol, something a powerfist doesent get. Well that and axes are awesome biggrin.png

Powerfists double S, AP2, fight at I1 and are specialist weapons so dont get extra attacks from pistols. These are good because S8 attacks that ignore armor completly decimate enemy MEQ's if they fail an (unvunerable) save. Instant kill is nothing to sniff at. It also allows you to be a threat to monstrous creatures and walkers in hand to hand combat and stand a good chance of knocking them out!

Thunderhammers are a slightly upgraded powerfist in terms of what they do. They double S, are AP2, hit at initiative 1 but are also concussive like powermauls are. No extra attack thanks to specialist weapon. Very cool looking and can make your opponents be quite wary of them. The 5 points more that they cost arent often a problem. Chances are if you would otherwise take a PF you should be able to find 5 points somewhere.

What powerweapon is for you (if any) greatly depends on what you want your sergeant to do; and to what units you want him to be a threat. I always take powerfists so my sergeants are a threat to everything.... But they are often challenged and cut down before they can swing thanks to the I1. Sometimes they arent because my opponent fails to wound or I pass a FNP test and they do some major damage. On the other hand its also a quite expensive upgrade. Ive had powerswords on assault marines on foot, axes on tactical sergeants and forceaxes (same bonus so also mentioning those here) and tbh I like the results that ive gotten from all of them. The strength bonuses really help alot though, S4 is quite mediocre in 40K. Powermauls are nice but ive only got those on my chaplains, and they generally end up in challenges with things that have very good saves. I wound them easier but almost never pierce their armor.... So its a matter of doing alot of wounds and hoping that you can bludgeon your opponent before he can do that to you....

Another option that im not sure if its mentioned is here is chainsword+SS. Its more of a wound spunge in the sense that you give it to a sergeant of a squad that you want to attach an HQ and/or priest to. Then if you get challenged your delay your opponent with the 3++ (and potentially also a 5+ FNP save) while your squad wipes out the opposing squad and your sergeant hopefully migrates alot of damage that way. Its quite cheap, looks cool and depending on what else is in the squad might be quite effective smile.png


+1S on the charge not +1Apinch.gif

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Thunder hammer is an auto-choice for me these days, at the club and at tourny. Makes all the difference vs higher-initiative MCs and characters; they might take down most of my squad in turn 1 but they won't live through the next round. The best one was where my oppo's warlord had eternal warrior and hit and run, put one smack on him with the hammer so he failed his hit and run initiative test and got ganged up on in the next round...mwahaha :D But I do think for an extra 5 points over PF it is a huge game-changer for assault forces.
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Demoulius, that should get put in a sticky somewhere.


I take a Hammer as an autoinclude for my DeathCo. I usually pod 7 in, 4 with bolters, 1 hammer and 2 with power swords (or one with power sword and Infernus pistol and the other with chainsword and bolt pistol). Im mainly aiming to keep the momentum of the squad, and the hammer and infernus pistol pretty much allow me to keep going through light and medium armour, even having a good shot at MC and AV13-14.


It keeps it pretty cheap (235pts) but allows it to tie up a large area of the enemy, usually in conjunction with a regular assault squad or podded tac squad.


I never use the PowerFists, as the hammer is better for the points IMO, though im considering a VV power lance squad now. MAinly because th eidea of a storm shield and lance Vet.Sarge is just rockin!

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I think the load-out depends on what the other units in your army are doing, and how you want to use your squad. My favorite anti-tank unit is a combat squad deep strike with 2 meltaguns. I keep the other five in the backfield to harass and hold objectives. The descent of angels rule brings them in reliably on the second turn, and the scatter distance is only a D6. This is important as part of combined arms. Coming in along with a stormraven (or even more) helps confuse the enemy's priorities, and keep them alive. So it isn't so much an equipment issue in the unit, but what other units are helping them. 


Do you want to take on a Hive tyrant or a carnifex with these guys? Probably not, unless you've got no other real choice. Adding a powerfist would help, but I think the better option would be to consider a dedicated monster hunter unit, save the points on the powerfist, and use the assault squads for a different purpose. Remember they might not be elite, but they can beat up tau, imperial guard, or the smaller tyranids in hand to hand. 


A 10 men unit could be cumbersome to drop in without casualties, and it risks losing 10 men to a single large blast. Admittedly, it is much better in hand to hand combat, but this benefit is severely limited in that they don't assault after deep strike. Also, depending on objectives, you may want to have 1 big squad as opposed to 2 small ones. 


I've not found a combat-shield to be worth its points value in what it saves. Again, as I deep strike I don't expect them to survive to hand to hand so expensive hand weapons are not useful for my purposes. However, I have to admit, that by using cover properly, using proper supporting units, and keeping track of range you can do better and get those assault marines to survive into combat. Also, melta-bombs are cheap so it's a great way to get some tactical flexibility in just in case the opportunity comes up.


I think flamers in a unit is definitely viable. I think other units might be better suited to an anti-light infantry clearing role (i.e. Baal predator, Whirlwind, Stormraven). As the game usually goes my deep striking squads are suicide squads, so hunting high priced tanks or slowing down transports with expensive units is a more efficient way to spend points than to suicide deep-strike to kill light infantry. However, this could get you first blood.


Consider the new codex rumored for this fall may remove the descent of angels special rule. So, deepstriking may be less appealing. Also consider that melta-guns are still one of the best bets to bring down a tank in one shot. If you don't have them elsewhere in your army, your assault squads are a good place for them. 


Good luck out there.

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