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The Renegade Legion


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Name: Delos

Classification: Legiones Astartes Home World [imperial Civilized World]


System Data: DS/1564//δτ

Stellar-Grid: 13-BAT/LV-247

Segmentum: Solar/Fifty-Seventh Quadrant


Notation: Temperate, Rich in Mineral Resources

Native Population 11 Billion

++[Fiefdom of the Halcyon Wardens]++

++[Current Status: Unknown]++

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Raktra felt scorching hatred burn throughout him as he saw his legion crash into the shield walls of the II Legion. It wasn't supposed to be like this. After years of evading the Imperium's Retribution fleets, he had thought he had finally saw the perfect planet from which to mount a defense, a necessity as the Retribution fleets had steadily closed in on him. 


But it had been a trap. 


Despite scanning the planet's surface, Raktra had deployed his army straight into the awaiting bolters of the Wardens, who had surrounded his sons after crawling out of the ground like the miserable rodents they were. Moments after the trap had been sprung, another one occurred in the void as three Imperial fleets warped in to surround and destroy his own ships. Around him, his sons were fighting to get back to their drop ships, even as the Wardens aimed heavy weapons at the exposed vehicles. 


Raktra would not leave the planet, until he had a chance to vent his rage on the Commander of the Wardens, scanning the enemy lines for his brother.


Over here.


His gaze jerked as his eyes locked onto his target, who was calmly advancing towards him. The Berserkers who threw themselves at the hostile Primarch met with quick ends that only further incensed his fury. Raktra broke into a sprint even as his mind demanded to know how Alexandros had done this.


Father compelled me to break my personal rule. I foresaw this ambush six years ago after fours straight days of meditation. I had to ask both Dorn and Corax help in creating underground bunkers that would appear invisible on your sensors, his brother explained as the distance between them closed.


With a snarl, Raktra closed his mind as he activated his impact thrusters, while Alexandros brandished his shield and pistol.



Alex's Usable Powers - Foreboding/Shriek


Alex wins the first roll. And promptly sees his Fortune aspect kick into gear as Shriek goes off with 1 success, then rolls 16 on the 3D6 roll, which Raktra fails half. Foreboding activates, and Raktra fails to Deny Duelist, despite needing only one 6. Another wound is burned off with Ultimatum. 


Using his Impact Thrusters, Raktra moves 9' in the movement phase before opening fire with his Heartworm (which he can fire twice, it's an archeotech pistol essentially). Both shots wound, but Alex makes his armor saves. Raktra easily makes the charge and wounds with Hammer of Wrath, but Alex makes another armor save. Thanks to Foreboding, one Overwatch shot burns Raktra down to his last wound. Alex, at higher Initiative, swings first, and watches as his two wounds are saved by Raktra's Behemoth Cuirass (4+ Invul). Badly bloodied, Raktra swings back and scores two wounds against Alex. Now, here's where it gets kinda hilarious. The Grinder, Raktra's weapon, has the Grind special rule, which forces successful Invul saves to be rerolled (fan-rule). And I rolled a 5 & a 2, which means I have to reroll both, one because of Precognition, and the other due to Grind. End result? Alex fails both saves. No IWND.


Denied more Shriek shenanigans, Alex pours everything into Duelist, which causes a Peril (Psychic Backlash), but enough successes to prevent a Deny. In the next round of the melee, Alex finishes off his brother, though he's not in the best of shapes either.


[Quick explanation as Raktra is not Ferrus. Raktra is a hypothetical XIth Primarch created by Raktra in the Berserkers of Uran. At special request, he wanted Raktra tested and asked me to try him against Alex. Without a doubt, Shriek played an unusually critical role, knocking out half of Raktra's health before the fight could properly get started. So, definitely need another couple of fights to get a better idea how Raktra typically fares, though he did reduce Alex to two wounds.]



Despite all of his rage and fury, the Primarch of the Berserkers found his offense stilted after his brother unleashed a devastating ethereal shout that pulverized many of Raktra's internal organs. Spitting blood at his opponent, Raktra fought on and caught his brother off-guard, chewing through several places in Alex's armor. A wince and the taste of the warp warned Raktra that his enemy was calling on supernatural powers even as it was taxing Alexandros to use them. Hoping for weakness, Raktra's next wave of attacks were intercepted as Alex launched his own counter-offensive, Xiphos weaving an invisible pattern that Raktra couldn't predict, until the blade buried itself deep into Raktra's primary heart. His second heart nearly crushed from the earlier psychic attack, Raktra's body gave out as he was suddenly out of breath. His sons losing their own battle prevented any outside aid from reaching him as he fell to his knees before his hated brother.


Even as blood poured out of his mouth, Raktra glared at Alexandros. "Finish it!"


"And go down in history as the only one of the Emperor's Sons who killed another? I refuse," Alexandros replied as he glanced around the battlefield. "No, your final fate will be Father's decision, and it is my duty to escort you there, not end you."


"You were always soft-hearted," Raktra seethed as the Battle of the Undine Hills came to a close. 

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A New Perspective


Against this background of mistrust and struggle, the IInd Legion was ordered by the Emperor himself to re-assemble the entire Legion underneath his command. Rumors spread throughout the Legion serfs and other allied human contingents that this could only mean that the Emperor was to formally act against the Legion and warned that the Legion would be pulled from the Great Crusade and made to wait on Earth where they could no longer sully the honor of the Legiones Astartes, much like their brothers in the XVth Legion. 


The rumors were proven false as the Legion rendezvous at the ordered coordinates. Waiting for them were not only the Emperor's flagship, but the flagships of his only two found sons: Horus and Russ. The IInd Legion were to take their place for an unique, temporary Expeditionary Fleet. Their target? The Delos System, which lay just beyond the Imperium's latest conquests. The rumors of degradation withered away as newer, more exotic rumors took their place, trying to explain how one system could require the personal involvement of the Emperor and his Sons. They spoke of an unheard of and deadly xeno threat that would need a decade to exterminate, a lost treasure trove of the Dark Age of Technology guarded by ancient machines, and, lastly, that another lost Primarch had been located.


Old Night had left a weak scar on the Delos system. When it struck, the Delos system became bereft of its connection to Humanity and had surrendered to fear as a brief, intense civil war reduced its technology levels to pre-Industrial capabilities. Yet, the blow was temporary and several planets including Delos Prime were still rich in natural resources. In time, the Delians struggled to return to their past prosperity, eventually spawning several new civilizations that would commit war and diplomacy against one another. Technological progress suffered when xenos raiders targeted the system, stealing valuable resources and destroying scientific centers, in moves obviously meant to impede advancement, all the while, never outright attempting to destroy the Delians, despite possessing the capability to do so. Though these setbacks greatly hampered progress and caused great fear of these 'night demons', these attacks would aid the Delians' on the road to political unity. Unfortunately, it was unknown which scenario would occur first: the Delians' eventual annihilation or developing the means to fight off their monsters. 

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With a grunt, Alexandros decapitated the Executioner that tried to bar his path to survival, cursing Horus and the rest of his traitorous brethren. Three traps had been placed on Isstvan V. First was Horus' trap. As his forces took a beating, the Alpha Legion, Night Lords, Iron Warriors, and Word Bearers would come, appearing as friends to the Loyalists before unleashing a treacherous and critical strike. He had foreseen that. The next trap belonged to Alexandros. The Alpha Legion, so used to misinformation, had been thrown into civil war with the manipulation of a few Alpha Legion Centurions, while he had personally convinced Perturabo to remain loyal. Combined that with an intense illusion that had caused Angron to go charging against his own lines, the battle had swung back toward the Loyalists.


Then Horus went and sprung the third trap.


Alexandros didn't know what bargains made or what prices paid, but out of the void came a legion that all had believed exterminated. The Berserkers of Uran executed a massed drop pod assault before Raktra led his sons into what Alex knew would be his happiest moment: a chance to wreak havoc on the Imperium that had cursed him. By that point, the best the Loyalists could hope for was a tactical retreat and a strategic draw as all Loyalist forces attempted to escape through the cordon created by the Iron Warriors.


Since he was closest, Alexandros had quickly added his Wardens to the cordon as Warden and Iron Warrior kept the escape path open as the Salamanders, Raven Guard, and the Iron Hands retreated to their position.


Xiphos sang through the air as Alexandros defended the left flank against the Berserkers pressuring them. He didn't fear them. What did concern him was the consistent cycle of miniature earthquakes as the Dies Irae advanced from Horus' fortress to annihilate Loyalist forces with its considerable weaponry. He had a back-up plan, telepathically assault the Princeps and his Moderati. But that required the Irae to be closer and for him to not be waist-deep in Berserkers who were forcing him to keep his focus far from the Imperator titan.


"Someone's distracted."


A wince was all Alexandros was allowed before a being of greater strength kicked him in the back, sending the Seer tumbling forward before he recovered with a combat roll. Before him, Raktra loomed, the Grinder already splattered with considerable blood and gore. "That was a freebie. No sense in killing someone, unless you can see their face as you gut them."


"I'm honored," Alexandros replied with a growl as he aimed Ultimatum.

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Alex's Usable Powers - Foreboding/Invisibility/Shriek


Raktra wins the first roll. Moves, shoots, and prepares the Grinder.


With 10 psychic charges, Alex is ready to start casting. Once again, breaking expectations and averages, Alex activates Shriek then rolls a 16. 4 wounds promptly vanish off Raktra. Invisibility sputters, and Raktra Denies Duelist, in an attempt to even the odds. The Cuirass absorbs some plasma before Alex rolls a 3 on the charge. Fleet rerolls, and Alex just barely makes the required 9 to get into close combat. Overwatch does nothing, but a bunch of 1's and 2's equal only 2 hits, which turn to 1 wound, which Raktra saves. On the other hand, Raktra makes 5 out of 6 hits, then immediately turns them all into wounds. The 3 invul saves are forced to reroll, reducing them by 1, leaving both Alex and Raktra 2 wounds by the end of this single round of combat.....wow. No IWND.


Raktra's turn, but Alex's swing....and fail as he doesn't make even 1 wound. Raktra suffers from the same dice affliction and only makes 1 wound, which Alex saves even with the forced reroll. No IWND.


With 6 charges, Alex throws it all into Duelist and gets 1 success. Raktra gets 2 charges, rolls a 1 & 6, and laughs in Alex's face. Alex glares at his brother before rolling three 6's and a 4 to hit, which turns into 3 wounds, 2 of which Raktra fails to save, ending the fight.


[i went ahead and rolled Raktra's counter if he had survived Alex's attacks. He would've caused 4 wounds, double Alex's remaining wounds.]



Both brothers featured criss-crossing sword wounds, one with skin shredded where the Grinder had struck, the other with thin lines and deep points where Xiphos had hit. "You're supposed to die," Raktra snarled as he wiped blood from his eyes. 


"Fortune favors me today." Without his foresight, Alexandros knew how strong that truth was. 


An inhuman roar grabbed their attention. Angron, angrier than usual, was a gore-streaked comet that tore into the last elements of the Loyalist marines. The Primarch's eyes were locked onto Alexandros. 


Alexandros knew a sign to retreat when it came charging at him. 


With a bark of his native tongue, Raktra glared at Alexandros as the Shield started to fall back. "You'll get away today, but I'll catch you. On that day, I will rip your body in twain."

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That answer arrived in an incubation pod. Landing near a village within the small Hellasan state of Massidon, the Primarch was discovered and adopted by the local magistrate. Only a few years would pass before Alexandros was known throughout the planet, making his mark through his military victories over their xenos parasites, while becoming an unparralleled statesman. While other brothers conquered their homeworlds with force, Alexandros would take the longer,more difficult, and less trodden road of unification solely through diplomacy. With his innante, Emperor-given gifts, this nigh impossible feat was accomplished in a decade. Not only was he appointed as supreme military commander & de facto political leader, Alexandros had invested small portions of his time into technology and science causing a new boom of innovation and progress. 

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No matter how many shields stood in his way, Ferrus was an unstoppable force as he and his Morlocks swept through the Wardens rank-and-file. He did not know what madness had consumed his brothers, but he was going to get his answer. From his viewpoint at the fulcrum of the Loyalist front line, he could clearly see the smiling Strategos awaiting him on top of rocky knoll. They locked eyes for a moment before Alexandros raised a hand. Immediately, the Wardens cleared a path for the Iron Hands Primarch, even as they fought on against his sons.


It could've been a trap. Alexandros was infamous for surprising his enemy when he wasn't insisting on putting himself and his armies between the enemy and the weaker forces of Humanity. After a thorough scan, Ferrus didn't see what surprise could be awaiting him. His path cleared, he sprinted toward his brother who stopped off of his vantage point and waited. "Hello, Ferrus, you're looking well, though you do have a bit of blood on you."


"Don't patronize me, Alexandros," Ferrus growled as he readied Forgebreaker. "I will have answers and your surrender. You of all of us should know Horus can't win against the Imperium. Or has your vaunted foresight left you?"


"It hasn't, though I think your predictions are a little misguided, which is completely natural considering you're operating without full knowledge of the situation. Now, if you were privy to the source of knowledge I have access to, well, there wouldn't be a secret beyond you ever again."


"What source of knowledge could possibly lead you to this madness?" Ferrus demanded as one silver arm swept over the whole battlefield.


Alexandros' eyes gleamed purple. "Do you really want to know? My new patron would be more than delighted to share knowledge with you, even granting you a special place in the oncoming order."


The rage of Ferrus was already stretched by this heresy. The taunting, inviting tones of his brother and the strange hue of his eyes broke his patience. "Enough! I am our Father's loyal son, and I will end you before you dishonor our brothers a moment further!"

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I dun like it when Alexandros is a baddie. Although I could see it.


So in an earlier story Alex and Pert are brofisting talking about Istvan. Is this part of that timeline now (were the Berserkers there as well)?

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Nope. As I've mentioned, the best way to view these little dueling blurbs is from the viewpoint of a diviner trying to see the future of Alexandros. All of these are possibilities from his point of view, but only a couple of them will actually happen in 'canon'. 


That said, some of the links appear there because when I (eventually) get around to writing the alternate universe where the 2nd legion don't become lost because that's how I see how things might happen. 


If Alexandros stands at Isstvan 5, it's likely he'll be a Loyalist. It's likely he's already aware of Horus' plan for the Dropsite Massacre. And, it's likely he's developed a counter-trap utilizing his powers and his friendships with Fulgrim or Perturabo. 



Also, I don't like portraying Alexandros as one of the Traitors or fallen to Chaos either, but it's also really hard to come up with ways to justify some of these fights without going far down the path less traveled. 

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Alex's Usable Powers - Foreboding/Invisibility/Shriek


Alex wins the first roll. I...I..I am so confused. Shriek doesn't usually roll above 13, right? Well, I got a 16, but then Ferrus rolls four 3's, a 4, and a 6, sparing him from any damage. Foreboding whiffs, but Duelist is activated. Ultimatum fails to do anything against Ferrus. 


Ferrus advances before firing two Plasma blasters with one shot wounding Alex. No Overwatch hits, Ferrus takes a wound before dealing one in return, concussion taking effect. No IWND.


With psychic rolls filled with 5's, Alex has Invisibility & Duelist. He stabs one more wound off Ferrus, while keeping Forgebreaker at bay. Alex gets IWND, putting both of them at 4 wounds. 


While cursing the warp and the color purple, Ferrus stoically takes another wound before breaking one off Alex. No IWND.


Eschewing Invisibility to ensure Duelist, Alex avoids a Peril before bouncing off Ferrus' armor. Meanwhile, Ferrus finds a whole and breaks more bones. No IWND.


Ferrus keeps Xiphos at bay before he fails to wound. No IWND.


Three 1's and three 4's equals a Duelist, but that doesn't help Alex get the needed 5's to wound Ferrus. Likewise, Ferrus is having his own trouble wounding as his attacks bounce off Aegis. No IWND.


Breaking the stalemate, Ferrus takes some slicing and is brought down to his last wound, but is unable to return the favor. No IWND.


Invisibility is traded out due to Ferrus Denying Duelist. That does not stop Ferrus from rolling a 1 on his only needed Invul save.



"Ha ha ha ha! No matter who you face here, Ferrus, you seem doomed to fail!" Alexandros declared as future slid into the present, his sword finding another opening in Ferrus' defense. "Tell me, would it give you satisfaction to know that I took Fulgrim's place here?"


"I will not listen to your madness!" Ferrus roared as he threw an overhead swing at his opponent, his attack moving faster than the human eye could see. 


"Tsk," Alexandros replied as he sidestepped the foreseen blow. Forgebreaker struck and broke the knoll in half as debris exploded over both of them. "And here I was trying to give you some sense of consolation before your death. Very well." 


Ferrus pulled Forgebreaker back to defend him, but the blade cutting through his neck told him it was far too late. 

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So, I've got news. I've been given $150 gift budget from my wife for Xmas. Well, I'm obviously buying the new BA codex. However! Since I've avoiding the Sanguinary Guard Edition, I have plenty of room in the rest of the budget for other things. BA datacards, BA dice, and, I'm going to add a legion unit to the list. 


That's right. If all goes well, I'm going to start the physical army of the Halcyon Wardens next month. So, to get a better idea of how they'll be painted, I'm going to use the Space Marine painter and come up with some color schemes in the near future. 

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It was to this prosperous system the Emperor and his armies arrived. Knowing four days before the first of the Imperial ships would reach the system, Alexandros began a subtle propaganda campaign that would plant the seeds for the inevitable Imperial compliance. Broadcasting planet-wide, the Primarch spoke to his people of his dreams. He dreamed of reuniting with the rest of the Humanity. A dream to share in lost technologies. A dream of an even brighter future, where they were made whole. Although it seemed obvious, we must remember we have the benefit of hindsight, and the Delians had no knowledge of the Imperium. 


Thus, when the Emperor arrived, his Son was waiting and willing to join the Great Crusade. The Compliance of Delos was achieved quickly as Alexandros departed from his homeworld to Terra to learn directly from his Father. It was during this time he would learn about the Imperium and his place in it. Once his time came to an end, he would finally take his place at the head of the IInd Legion. 


Few legions have undergone such a drastic change as the IInd Legion did with Alexandros' ascension. Renaming the Legion as the Halcyon Wardens, Alexandros changed the appearance and guiding principles of the legion. No longer was the priority on destroying the enemy, but on preserving Humanity and the Legion. Instead of aggressive assaults, Alexandros molded the legion into a powerful defensive army that could absorb much firepower before unleashing devastating counter-attacks or force their enemies into suicidal charges. With contemporary warfare involving close quarter fighting as much as long-range ballistics, an ancient tool of war was resurrected and underwent an apotheosis through technology: the shield. 

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"My lord, this is suicidal, even for a Primarch!" Irvin protested as his gene-father prepared to teleport.


"If I am successful, I will not only save my brother, but I will turn an entire legion against Dorn's rebellion. The war can be over by the end of this day. I must take the risk," Alexandros countered as he finished he finished. 


Irvin tried one more time. "At least, allow the Myrmidon to go with you!"


"No, my son. I and I alone must do this. I've already foreseen it. The only way for this duel to occur is if I stand by myself." Before Alexandros activated the device, he shot a smile to his son. "I know you've never understood my reasons, but I would not mind if you prayed for my success."


He never heard his son's answer. The question had made Irvin uncomfortable and by timing it exactly when he hit the activation rune, he prevented four different futures where Irvin made the leap to stop him, one of them would have killed Irvin through a teleportation accident that would've melded the praetor halfway into the ground.


In a moment, Alexandros was in the middle of the entire Iron Hands legion, standing a few feet away from his poor brother. Several thousand weapons were trained on him, but confusion prevented anyone from firing. After all, who'd ever heard of a Primarch pulling off a stunt as stupid as this one?


That thing that pretended to be Ferrus opened its mouth to speak, but Alexandros interrupted. "Ferrus! I've come to free you from your imprisonment!" 


Declaration announced, Alexandros charged, not in body but in mind. That thing that possessed his brother's body had little time to prepare and felt the full assault of Alexandros' telepathy. In less than an instant, Alexandros realized he had picked a fight with a being far, far older than he was. It did not daunt him and was rewarded with a title: Dragonshard. 


The Dragonshard recoiled, but gathered its energies and pushed back with a strength Alexandros had not seen since his initial meeting with the Emperor. "Kill him!" It shouted, and Alexandros could feel the thousand bolters aimed at his body. Then Ferrus struck at the being, surprising it and wrestling control from within. "I...WILL...ALONE!" Ferrus roared as the Dragonshard fought him, forcing him to raise Forgebreaker.


Even as Alexandros maintained his telepathic offensive, he unsheathed Xiphos. "I accept!" He yelled as he charged forward.



Alex's Usable powers - Hallucination/Shriek (Ironic that the only usable powers are both from Telepathy)


'Ferrus' wins the first roll and opens fire with plasma blasters. Alex takes a wound. Shriek ends its reign of terror with a 9, which does nothing against Ferrus LD 10. Duelist is here and combined with Ultimatum, deals 2 wounds to 'Ferrus'. Despite making 3 shots in Overwatch, Aegis blocks them as Alex charges, cutting off 2 more wounds. 'Ferrus' counters with a wound of his own. No IWND.


His opponent under concussive, 'Ferrus' strikes first, causing 2 more wounds, leaving Alex on his last. After one roll of no to-hit successes, a reroll changes that into 2 wounds, but 'Ferrus' saves both. No IWND.


Hallucination fails, but Duelist is maintained as Alex narrowly avoids a wound before he cuts one more off 'Ferrus' leaving them both on the edge of defeat. No IWND.


No concussive leaves 'Ferrus' on the defensive, where a 6 and a 1 on invul saves takes him out. 


Even while defending against two cerebral combatants, the Dragonshard was a jealous parasite, refusing to relinquish control as he battered away to Alexandros' physical body. Against his desires, Alex struck back, physically, cutting deep into Ferrus' body even as he tried to save it. Forgebreaker smashed against Aegis, and it felt like a mountain dropped on Alex. A cracking sound warned him that his left arm was broken, and survival was turning her back on him. 


My hands! Ferrus thought-yelled before the Dragonshard crushed him and threw him deeper into his prison. Comprehension eluded him, but Alex followed through on the advice. He lunged into a feint and dodged it when the Dragonshard swung at him. He bent backward as Forgebreaker swung over him and lashed out, Xiphos cutting through metal and bone. With a pained scream, Ferrus' left hand flew into the air. 


Suddenly, strength vanished from the Dragonshard's defenses. 


Alex saw opportunity and sprinted for it. From within his prison, Ferrus struck again.


Between the two attacks, the Dragonshard howled before its defenses splintered. The Seer delved deep into his depleting reserves and gathered it into a single blow. Roaring, he struck and the Dragonshard died as its essence shattered. 


"I. Am. Free!" Ferrus shouted to his sons with mound of relief. The Iron Hands glanced between the two Primarchs, at a loss of what just happened. 


"Welcome back, Ferrus," Alex wheezed before turning his attention to the front lines. He had teleported an mere seconds between the bombardment and the ensuing assault. The battle of Isstvan V was well underway. "Ferrus, we don't have anymore time to spare."


Ferrus nodded before he opened a general channel. "This is Ferrus Manus of the Iron Hands. I have been a prisoner in my own body for these last years, but no more! And, so I say, I am the Emperor's loyal son! I will not serve Dorn or partake in his crazed schemes." With his remaining hand, he pointed Forgebreaker to Dorn's fortress. "To my sons, I have only one command. Death to the Traitors!"

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Okay, after some fiddling around, I figured out how to get the image here. This is the basic idea for a Warden: dark purple with some light red for contrast. How much red is one of the questions that I'm trying to decide on.

Of course, I could flip the two colors and make a bright red as the primary color, and have dark purple highlights. Both colors are the more rarely used throughout the legions during the Great Crusade, so less chance for overlap.


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I'd say keep it that way. Purple is used by a single legion at the time, and the shade is sufficiently different to avoid any confusion with Emperor's Children, while red is the colour of the IX, XV, and in eventual anachronistic games, of the chaotic XVII. And as a whole the purple-red combination looks surprisingly great.

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Wow. I'm not much of a painter (that's my wife), but I'm glad everyone thinks it looks right for the Wardens. The image we have here is your basic legionnaire. After making this post, I gave some thought on how the purple and red would interact compared to the other ranks.


The original reason I only made the shoulder pads red was a vague sense of camouflage. As a former soldier, I know that actual camouflage requires at least 2 different colors, one light and one dark. It's the contrast that's important, and the red not only stands out, but it's supposed to help direct enemy fire at one of the armor's strong-points.  


So, the red is both camouflage and target. 


If this were 40k, then the scouts wouldn't even have any red on them and be armed with snipers to give them the best chance of surviving until they graduated. Of course, the reverse is true. The more veterancy a marine becomes, the more red is included in the armor. 


For veterans (the 30k unit), I'm considering the backpack, the belt, or the kneepads as the next red item since they should have armor thickness (belt), are curved to improve deflection (knee-pads), or aren't directly protecting the marine (backpack).

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Yup I'm with Deathguard on this. I always had the mental Image of them in White with Purple/Gold Accents :p


Though I don't dislike the Scheme you've proposed, the combinations you chose make the model seem rather muted; not as Vibrant as Proud, Stoic Defenders of the Adeptus Astartes should look.


...Then again thats the EC's job to look like pompous peacocks :P

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Well the beauty of the painter is that it's not hard to throw out alternate ideas (and suddenly I feel like I'm a Marvel writer coming up with an alternate reality). So, here's a possible white version as I wait to see what's going to happen this week.

Also, I'm probably going to get a basic TAC squad, Mk II Crusade armor. Keeping it cheap and leaving plenty of room for development, while giving me enough models to practice the paints on.


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I think MK III would suit their Defensive Nature better, much like the reasons why the Fists, Death Guard, Iron Warriors and other such Legions preferred the suit.


Also, having over and under plates will let you have more colors on the model.



Kinda like how I did this guy with Yellow over and Silver/Black underneath.


So you could paint all the "over" plates Purple and have the "under" ones white and still have the shoulders red.

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