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The Renegade Legion


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The price is no different, so that's not a problem. I'm assuming you refer to the MK 3 Iron armor?


It'd also be nice if the Painter had earlier space marine armor to use.

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Yeah thats the set. In the end its still up to you though.


Remember,you've still got a lot of Variety:





MK IV is also nice in that it has the Destroyer and Assault sets as Variants.


MK V has the Sarum Pattern Helm.


Also consider some of the Legion Specific Variants. Some may work especially the Helmet Sets since they aren't too blinged out in Legion Iconography.

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Well MK IV Was starting to see widespread adoption prior to the Heresy so you could sneak it in in low quantities.


MK V is an ad-hoc amalgamation of Power Armor Bits. So you could technically have it in and say its a special Pattern....

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Good to know. Looks like the Iron armor will be the basic with the other II & III armors filling in the rest of it with a dab of IV. V, I might allow certain veteran squads to use if their backstory is that they essentially found themselves in a messed up situation and barely got out.

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Also Consider the Emperors Children Helmets and the Word Bearer Ones. I think they fit into your Legions Aesthetic Well enough.




For Psyker Use, honestly. The Eventual Thousand Sons helms might have too strong of an Egyptian Influence/aesthetic to them for more General Psyker use.




For Veterans / Sargeants. Maybe skip the Topknot though :p


The World Eaters MK II Helms (without the Bunny Ears), Imperial Fists and the Iron Hands helms are all worthy Mentions too. They will help with Breaking up the Monotony Most Legion Armies Face; something that is to be expected when Legions Number in the 80k+ range.

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I like the Imperial Fists and World Eater helmets. They have a kind of neo-greek feel to them, which would fit extremely well. And, I suppose it wouldn't be unreasonable for any marine helmet belonging to a battle brother would find its way into the Warden ranks for one reason or another.

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Well, I find my efforts are being sabotaged again...ish. Needless to say, some of my attention has been redirected to the new Blood Angels codex, but now I've learned of a new distraction.


Black Library is encouraging open submissions for anyone wanting to write a Deathwatch book. Need a summary and a quick blurb showing the action. As most of you know, I do love writing and thus, am extremely tempted by the possibility.


So, if a week goes by without any kind of updates....blame Blood Angels.


If a month goes by, blame Black Library.


If a year goes by, well, I'm probably dead and wouldn't mind a couple of prayers.

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Okay, some bad news. My funds weren't as robust as I hoped so I'm backing away from buying the first legion squad. However, I'm aiming for another key area: Alexandros. Definitely no model, but we can start the path by finding someone who can transform the various ideas I have into a picture. Thus, I aim to find an artist who can give us a first 'official' depiction of the Primarch.


That said, does anybody know where I should start looking? Because this is all new ground for me.

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Deviant Art would be a good starting point. Finding an artist who can do what you want, however, is another matter entirely.


A good way to whittle down the prospective list would be to just search for "warhammer 40k" on DA as some of the artists there have done Codex/Novel/other official art for GW. Might not be the cheapest route to commission them, however. 

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So, I'll go ahead and post 2 artists that I think might be a better starting point in your search than others :


http://artgerm.deviantart.com/ Takes commissions afaik.

http://ukitakumuki.deviantart.com/ Has done supplement covers (Sentinels of Terra) and Black Library books. Style is very recognizable. Unsure on commission status.


The rest are artists I quickly found who have done some 40k art either for GW or FFG.







Unsure on commission status on any of these, but hey, its a start.

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Do you have anything posted online, Raktra? (Also, your new profile pic caught me off-guard. At least it's consistent with Christmas. Slipstreams, on the other hand, seems to have a rotating pictures that operate on a scheme beyond my comprehension)

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I see it. Looks good. 


EDIT: Okay, have time to expound now. I'm still going to go forward with the commission (funds permitting), but I would like it, Raktra, if you help me get a basis started for the project. Right now, I only have a vague idea of what Alexandros could look like and would love it if we could get some details done and speed up the whole process. What say you?

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Remade with adamantium and powerful generators, the shield would become the symbol of Alexandros as he campaigned across the galaxy. Able to defend against both melee and ballistic weaponry, it offered a utility hinged on its size from the small, agile combat shields to the elite, mammoth tower shields. More importantly, in Alexandros' eyes, it sacrificed a small portion of offensive power for a greater degree of defense that could be shared by both wearer and any units behind him.


While the shield remained as the legion's most visible change, Alexandros wrought another, greater change upon taking command. The incidents of insanity that had reeked havoc upon the IInd Legion simply stopped. Curiously, for a Primarch who had been infamous for his insistence on transparency, how this came to be is still unknown. Where truth remains hidden, rumor is more than eager to fill its place. From early whispers of the Emperor himself secretly curing the legion to the latter fears of daemonic pacts, none could be sure. Whenever questioned on the subject, Alexandros would merely offer a wink, a grin, and say, "Que sera, sera."

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