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The Renegade Legion


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Okay, so Alex. Currently, the only descriptions I have are:


1. Curly red hair

2. Second shortest of his brothers

3. Wears Hoplite-inspired artificer armor

4. Grins a lot


So, we need to take those basics and turn them into a picture...somehow.

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Ferrus' expert eye pored over the craftsmanship invested into the Aegis. His metal fingers glided over it as he turned, flipped, and rotated beneath his expert vision. After ten minutes, he grunted. "I suppose it's a fair try for a novice, such as yourself." 


"Your approval is overwhelming," Alex replied with a grin as he accepted his shield. "Did you want to inspect Ultimatum as well?"


Ferrus waved off the offer as he reached for Forgebreaker. "No, that won't be necessary. Knowing Vulkan, it'll have too many aesthetic additions, but will serve you faithfully. The only question I had was how your hands performed on your shield."


"Perhaps you'd like a more fitting demonstration?" Alex offered.


"Ha!" Ferrus gave Forgebreaker a practice swing, its power generator humming through the air. "It may be adequate, but I wouldn't want to harm your feelings when Forgebreaker breaks it in two."


Alex's grin grew wider. "I'll take that bet."

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Regardless of the mystery, in a decade, Alexandros had completed his transformation of his legion. With his new combat doctrines and philosophy of command, the Halcyon Wardens transitioned from being ostracized to being a welcome sight on the battlefield. With his men in full control of themselves, their brother legions and the Imperial Army could rely on them to do their part. With the Wardens taking special care to defend the Imperial Army on deployments, the mortals fighting for the Emperor released their former suspicions and eventually cheering at the mere sight of the Wardens.


However, they never truly reclaimed their former glory of the early days of the Great Crusade. While enjoying an enormous amount of trust and respect from their allies, Alexandros preferred a slower pace of conquest than that of his brothers, save the infamous Lorgar before Monarchia. Insisting on going above and beyond the objective of Compliance, each system taken by Alexandros underwent a period of intense scrutiny and reorganization as the Primarch took a personal hand in forging the natives toward Imperial loyalty. None could argue the results: not one planet liberated by Alexandros has ever turned from the Emperor's enlightenment. Unfortunately, his thorough approach left him far behind most of his brothers in battle awards and hard-won glory.

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Bah! I will get to this duel, but I need to take a moment and step to the side for I have some updates.


One, I've found someone willing to do the Alexandros commission. He recently got back to me that he's willing to do it, but it's going to cost $300 and well...let's just say that my Xmas budget wasn't quite that vast. I'm not sure if that's typical or whatnot, I plan on working out the details, but unless I somehow get the money or there's a price reduction, the commission is going to be put on hold.


Two, I've been thinking about Alexandros' abilities and thought about tweaking two. One, his Voice of Reason and his warlord trait. As some critics pointed out, Voice of Reason is a bit harsh, giving me complete control over one model. An alternative was to have it cause pinning, but I find that lacking. I have a new idea and wanted other opinions. Make it a WC 1 power, and have it cause a Morale test, with each additional success over 1 adding a -1 modifier to the LD test.


For Foresight, I've though adding a WC component. Alexandros being allowed to choose 1 Strategic trait, but may spend WC to purchase additional traits at a cost of 2 WC per trait. Must stay within the Strategic table, and may only spend up to 4 WC. For the first turn of the game, Alexandros will not have access to the spent WC.



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Alex's Usable Powers - Hallucination


Ferrus wins the first roll. Advances and opens fire with plasma galore, knocking off an early wound. 


Alex, with only 2 real choices, divides his charges between Duelist and Hallucination, getting both off with a Peril, which turns into Warp Surge. Plasma everywhere and doing nothing before melee starts. Even with Fleshbane, Alex can't get through his brother's impressive armor. Ferrus has the same luck. No IWND.


Ferrus takes a wound, and is unable to return the favor. No IWND.


Alex is Denied Duelist, but activates Hallucination. His attacks bounce off Ferrus, who smashes a wound off of Alex. Alex gets IWND.


Ferrus attacks first, gets a hit, a wound, which bounces off a invul save of 6. Alex hits with everything, but then fails to wound. No IWND.


Alex is Denied Duelist again, and still gets Hallucination. With Ferrus distracted, he cuts off one more wound. Ferrus swings and misses. NO IWND.


Ferrus pushes away the tiny sword trying to plink at him before he breaks a rib. No IWND.


Reverse, reverse! Duelist here, Hallucination gone. The trade proves fruitful as Ferrus takes 2 more wounds and deflects Forgebreaker. No IWND.


More wary, Ferrus parries Xiphos as he smashes 2 wounds off Alex, knocking him into critical condition. 


With Duelist and no Perils, Alex returns the favor and stabs Ferrus down to his last wound. It's not enough to prevent Ferrus from finding a hole in his defenses and ending the fight...


[Maintaining the pattern, Ferrus exits stage right as we finish the Primarch duels of Massacre and move onto Betrayal for the last two fights.]



Ostensibly a friendly bout between brothers, Ferrus exhibited his infamous temperament and held nothing in reserve as Forgebreaker pummeled against the newly-forged Aegis. Adamantium thundered as the giants clash. Although setting out to destroy Aegis as he forewarned, Ferrus is met only by the ceaseless defense of Aegis as it demanded the master craftsman acknowledge its existence. It was not long before Ferrus was forced to agree. However, that did not prevent him from defeating his brother the traditional way. 


Another roar as Forgebreaker slammed against the shield, but it was enough to distract Alex from the silvery fist that cracked against his temple. Merely the last of many such blows, Alex's constitution failed him as he was knocked down to his knees. A half-second break interjected, enough to allow Alexandros to re-access his visions, which warned him his brother was still on the offensive and would remain so unless he take action. He threw up a hand as Ferrus raised Forgebreaker. "I yield."


Ferrus snorted. "You need to train harder. If I were an enemy, you wouldn't have the luxury of surrender."


"Thus, I am very happy that you are not an enemy," Alex replied as he stood, sore all over. "Besides, you know I passed the true test," he finished as he flaunted Aegis.


Another snort. "I suppose it will last you for some time."

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A Foolish Choice


Alas, as we already know, Fate would not allow them to reap their just rewards for their service to the Great Crusade. Yet, it is unfortunate that we come to the least understood moment of the IInd Legion: it's Doom. I will begin withe the facts that were given to us by the Imperium. In the year 969.M30, the entire legion had been redeployed into a single expeditionary fleet under the command of Alexandros. Locating an entry node to the mysterious Webway, a message recorded by Alexandros himself suggested he had located the primary base of the Dark Eldar, a xenos foe that had terrorized his home planet before he personally drove them off. Due to a mixture of revenge and overconfidence, Alexandros committed his entire legion to an assault and promptly vanished.


After a few weeks of no communication, the Emperor sent Leman Russ and his Wolves to investigate. They returned with the worst news. Alexandros and his legion had fallen. Scout ships had made entry into the Webway and discovered the Wardens engaged in a losing battle with their enemies, apparently being outnumbered over a 100-to-1. Before the Wolves could reinforce their brothers, the Dark Eldar collapsed the entry point, sealing the Wardens to their doom. With a heavy heart, Leman Russ returned only with bodies and pieces of wreckage that marked the end of the legion. To mark the death of his son, the Emperor proclaimed a time of mourning before the Halcyon Wardens and their gene-sire were to be removed from memory.


Many point to this last decision for believing that something else occurred from the official story. Defenders have made counter-arguments, pointing out that the Wardens the only legion to have ever been completely destroyed, it was a source of great embarrassment to the legion itself, its Primarch, and, most importantly, to the Emperor. Thus, it was better to be erased from existence instead of being forever remembered for incompetence and, therefore, a kindness. The argument has merit, merit which has faded since the fall of the XIth legion and the Horus Heresy.

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[indeed it would.]


So much death, Alexandros as he peered over the 'battlefield'. He did not understand why he had been given this command. He did not understand what being could possibly believe that the Wardens and the Eaters belonged on the same planet. Most of all, he did not understand why Angron couldn't stop himself from charging his army right through the enemy and then into the planet's capital and butcher every man, woman, and child. No, he could understand, he just didn't want to. The Emperor had wanted a berserker. So, one of his brothers was a gore-covered, madness-ridden berserker. 


He could see it all. The mindless hatred aura that covered and indwelled within the World Eaters as they murdered the city. The dark hues of fear, hatred, and despair that was the city's population, both the civilians and the few remaining enemy combatants. He could hear it all. The thundering mono-thoughts of the World Eaters as murder and pleasure were mixed into one hideous cocktail. The few World Eaters who were not lost to the Nails and were only trying to keep up with their maddened brothers. And he could hear the desperate last pleas screaming from the butchered. Every parent trying to console their child. Every husband trying to protect their wife. Every single agonizing screech as a chain-axe massacred another. Every. Single. One.


"I will not stand for this," he whispered to himself. 


Only Pyrrhicles at his side heard him. "My lord?"


For the first time in his life, Alexandros could feel hate growing within him. "I will not stand for this," he seethed. He glanced over his lines. The Wardens remained outside the city, forbidden to take part of the slaughter. He quickly gave the order. "My sons! Protocol Sigma! We will have five minutes before the enemies reach our lines!"


The legion obeyed. "Sigma, my lord?" Pyrrhicles inquired. Protocol Sigma was a formation and a series of priority tasks with the expectation of meeting an extremely dangerous enemy attack at full defensive strength. It was the only protocol that did not contain any counter-strikes or maneuvers. It was a wall. An impenetrable wall to stop anything. 


Time to give it a real test. "Prepare, Pyr. This will be an infamous day." He activated a different vox channel meant for one particular group within the legion. "My Parisada! Watch and do as I do."


Alexandros gathered his psychic might and focused it on Angron and a few hundred World Eaters near him that were lost to the Nails. It was a single telepathic thought that repeated one word: pain. Alexandros knew that use of the warp vexed and his brother and had either restrained his powers or stayed away from him out of polite respect. Now, he used that weakness against him. The Parisada followed his example and spread a net of telepathy over the World Eaters. The change was quick as the butchers felt it. For a moment, Alexandros could see Angron twitching and thought he may very well ignore it. Then he changed course. As did his legion.


The final quarter of the city was spared as the majority of the World Eaters did an about face and ran from them, leaving the few cognizant World Eaters incredibly confused. Alexandros waited until the vanguard units exited the city before he gave the order. "The World Eaters seek to kill us. Fire." The World Eaters forward lines disappeared in explosions and blood as Warden ballistics scythed through them. 


It would not stop them.


Charging straight through the chaos was Angron. Coming directly at Alexandros. "I will deal with him," Alexandros voxed to his legion. "Focus your fire on the World Eaters." 


With two hate-filled roars, the Seer and the Red Angel clashed. 



[And now to begin my road trip. Merry Christmas!]

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[For this fight, I am going to max out Angron's attacks at 10, start Alex on the highest possible difficulty.]


Alex's Usable Powers - Hallucination/Invisibility



Angron wins the first roll and scores the first wound with some plasma.


Alex becomes invisible, but Angron's screaming interrupts his combat divination. Ultimatum does nothing before Alex takes another plasma while charging. To his dismay, his inflicted 3 wounds are all saved by the Armor of Mars, while Angron inflicts yet anther wound on him. Alex gets IWND.


Angron cuts off another wound before Alex scores his first wound against him. No IWND. 


Alex has nothing as Angron Denies Duelist and Invisibility sputters. Angron makes his one needed save before he ends the fight with an extra wound thrown on Alex for kicks and giggles...


[Hard to gauge since the psychic phase went poorly for Alex, and 10 attacks is nothing to scoff at.] 



Alexandros did not know if it was his rage or his opponent's that crippled his concentration. The air was saturated and tore at him as he fought his brother. His battle-sight stolen from him, his technique was overwhelmed by the frenzied whirlwind before him as the massive chain-axes ripped chunks of his flesh off. It did not take a prophet to see where this fight was going. A glance at his electronic displays revealed the rest of the battle fared much better. The World Eaters had suffered hideous casualties yet had also inflicted horrors in return. Activating a vox to his legion, Alexandros gave an order he had never once even thought of during his entire service as one of the Great Crusade's masters. "Retreat!"

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However, while the Emperor's reaction was plausible, of greater mystery, were the actions of Alexandros. Renowned for his ability to navigate the future and read his opponent's moves well before they had conceived it themselves, many, especially former sub-commanders, questioned how the xenos could have surprised or trapped the Strategos. Further muddying the truth were reports of Warden warships appearing in Ultramar space after the supposed destruction of the IInd Legion. Then there are the Space Wolves. We now know of their reputation as the Emperor's executioners. Which begs the question, what event established this identity that they cultivate. Taken together, these facts have led some to believe an alternative view of the Wardens' end.


What if they hadn't been destroyed? 


The Emperor's imposed silence has ended further speculation, but not before the rumors were allowed one last chance to 'illuminate' the truth. The Wardens were sent on a secret crusade in the labyrinthine Webway to eliminate the Eldar. The Space Wolves betrayed the Wardens. Lastly, the Wardens had fled from the Imperium. 


Whatever the truth may be, one fact cannot be denied. The Halcyon Wardens were never seen again. 

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[i am finally done with the history section! ....well, almost. I'm going to write up a couple of mini-sections, but then I get to move on!]


Alexandros gave his shield another wipe as he asked, "When do you deploy?"


Across from him, similarly engaged in weapon maintenance, Angron answered, "Tomorrow, at oh-four-hundred. I should reach Isstvan 5 at Dorn's appointed time. Together, we will put an end to Guilliman's foolishness."


"Sad it has come to this," Alex finished as put away his tools. "Are you prepared to fight Roboute if the situation forces your hand?"


"If honor demands it," Angron replied, his hand subconsciously sliding over the scar where the Bucther's Nails used to be. "However, I am optimistic that it will not come to that. What hope does Guilliman have against seven legions?"


"None, though be alert," Alex warned as he stood. "I suspect there might be something more going on."


Angron paused as he studied his brother. "Have you had a vision?"


"I haven't, yet. It's just a feeling." Alex glanced at the famous chainaxes that Angron wielded. "Perhaps a training bout is in order? You will need to be in peak form if you hope to defeat Roboute without killing him."


Angron smiled as his thumb hovered over the activation rune. "I think you overestimate his chances."

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[After his last win, I'm dropping Angron's base attacks back to 6.]


Alex's Usable Powers - Shriek  (The narrowest selection of powers to date)


Angron wins the roll. The Spite Furnace fires and fails to wound.


Alex tries Shriek but it fails to score higher than a 10 on the LD check, while he barely gets Duelist. Two wounds with plasma, but Angron's armor saves him. Overwatch fails to wound as Alex makes the charge. In top form, Alex proceeds to get most of his hits, which end up as 4 wounds on Angron, while the Red Angel does only 1 in return with no FNP saves. No IWND.


Angron does another wound before Alex shows him up by unleashing three wounds on his brother, but Angron gets 2 FNP saves, just barely keeping him in the fight. 


Duelist is maintained as Alex suffers 1 more wound before ending Angron with 1 wound to spare, mirroring their last fight.


[My gosh. These duels go so quickly. Maybe Dornian Heresy Angron is just too nice to be able to win?]



Even against his brother's legendary skill, Alex's command over the future allow him to control the flow of battle. A feint turns into a debilitating blow against Angron. A scratch on Alex leads to defeat as Angron is tripped and sent sprawling onto the floor. With a blade to his neck, Angron sighs. "I yield."

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Origins Subsection #1 - Force for Brotherhood


While it was well-known to the general public that the Wardens had reforged their reputation as a legion to defend the common man, it was also true that Alexandros strengthened ties between his legion and their cousins. Out of all of the Primarchs, Alexandros was perhaps the most dedicated to fostering a sense of familial roots between them with varying degrees of success. After his first campaign as Legion Master, he enacted a cross-legion service program where legionnaires, squads, and rarely entire companies would be rotated to fight alongside other legions. Not only were battle-forged friendships made, but returning Wardens often brought valuable experience and training to the IInd Legion. Alexandros himself spent almost half of his time as Legion Master standing side-by-side his brothers both on and off the battlefield and was rewarded with many close friendships even with Primarchs who held rivalries between themselves, such as the Lion and Leman Russ.


There were exceptions, of course. Whether it be personal disgust or a professional disagreement, there were those among Primarchs and legions that never made positive ties to the Wardens. Chief among them were the World-Eaters led by their butcher of a Primarch. Finding their blood-soaked tactics as something heinous, no Warden and World-Eater ever fought on the same battlefield, even going as far as to ignore requests for reinforcements from each other. Likewise, the Night Lords and Halcyon Wardens fought in only one battle together, which nearly erupted into a fight when the Warden commander attempted to save a group of prisoners from the Night Lords' 'justice'. Konrad Curze was known to refuse any attempted meeting that Alexandros instigated, though the reason why is denied to us. Finally, the Alpha Legion along with their Primarch Alpharius, had consistently refused to be in the same physical vicinity, claiming the Seer and his sons' telepathy would lead to compromise among the XX's tactics and strategy. In the case of the Death Guard and the Imperial Fists, the legions would fight as allies, but suffered from idealogical differences that led to either a strained friendship or a competitive rivalry.


Regardless of his failures, detractors of Alexandros were not reassured by the wide influence the Strategos did have. Able to count on a little over half of the legions as faithful allies, the critics warned that Alexandros could be a danger to the Imperium if he ever chose to rebel. While it is not hard for us to imagine a Primarch going rogue, in those days the Emperor still personally led the Great Crusade and few took the warnings with any real serious agreement. With the destruction (or disappearnce) of the Halcyon Wardens, many Primarchs lost more than an allied general. Many had lost a true brother and were grieved for it. Few must wonder how would the Horus Heresy have played out if Alexandros and his Wardens had remained. Could the Strategos have used his personal friendships to guide his brothers away from traitorship, or would the Seer have ensured Horus' victory?

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Lorgar could hear the Warp as it reacted and absored the battle around them. He could feel a crescendo building up and knew what he had to do. He began chanting as Roboute continued to fight Angron before him. Against Angron's power, Roboute was being pushed back, let alone able to intercept Lorgar, even if he recognized what Lorgar was doing. Success was only a breath away for him.


Focused on his ritual, he did not hear the vox warn him about the new fleet entering the system. He didn't hear about how the largest of the new warships was now above planet. He did notice it when a dark-purple drop pod crashed to the surface only a few feet from the dueling Primarchs. Their fight paused as the doors blasted open. A ghost stepped out.


"Alex?" Roboute murmured.


"Roboute, stop Lorgar and his ritual!" Alexandros declared as he charged. "Angron is mine!"

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Alex's Usable Powers - Shriek/Hallucination


[Angron's attacks set at 8]


Alex wins the first roll. Despite 10 warp charges (and throwing 2 & 4 into Shriek & Duelist, respectively), both of those powers end up as duds, while Hallucination causes Warp Surge with Alex passing the LD test. Ultimatum does nothing against the Red Angel. 


Angron, ironically, proves to be a much better shot, but Aegis blocks the plasma. Angron makes his charge and, despite everything, fails to wound Alex because of his invigorated warp invul saves, Alex has the same trouble, failing to hit with all but 1, which is saved by Angron's invul save.


Alex devotes his focus to Duelist and keeps it without Peril, scoring 1 wound on Angron, while taking 2 from the berserker. No IWND. 


Angron deals another wound, while taking 1 from Alex, FNP ignoring the other. No IWND.


This time, Angron suffers from Hallucination & Alex has duelist, which allows Alex to stab another wound off Angron before the Red Angel fails to harm the Shield. Alex gets IWND.


Angron takes 2 wounds this time as he causes 2 wounds in return. Angron gets IWND, placing them both on 2 wounds left.


Alex has nothing, but then Mr. 2 decides that Angron is his best buddy. Out of 8 attacks, 6 of them are 2's, making them useless along with a 1, and the single resulting wound comes up as a 1, sparing Alex from an embarrasing curbstomp. Alex's chance at ending the fight before another round of mass attacks against his power-less self fail as he only inflicts 1 wound. No IWND.


Angron, pissed off his pysker enemy is still alive and slowly turning his headache into a full-blown migraine launches himself at Alex. But Mr. 2 is still hanging around and gives him another 6 hit dice with his face on it. Angron is not pleased, but he does wound twice this time. With only 2 wounds left, Alex throws his invul saves and rolls a 1....and a 4, saving him from defeat. In return, despite not having Duelist, he rolls 5 hits and wounds with 3 of them. Angron, who swears who will murder Mr. 2 in incredibly horrific and painful ways, rolls his invul saves and gets a 4, a 5, and a.....2, removing his last wound.



[When I saw the gaggle of 1s, 2s, and 3s, for Alex's psychic rolling, I thought that was it. Then Angron rolled so. many. 2s. It was ridiculous, to say the least, which seems to be the theme of the Angron/Alex duels. I guess their mutual hatred of each other translates into obnoxious rolling. Make no mistake, despite 2 defeats, Angron is truly terrifying when the attacks start piling on. He's like a wrecking ball coming straight at you. Pray that he misses or you're in a world of hurt.]

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With the Warp so close to the surface of reality, Alexandros found it a boon and a curse. Utilizing it, he was able to lock the Red Angel in an imaginary tornado that howled at him, giving him an edge to the fight as he predicted his monstrous brother's attacks. Yet, blinding him caused Angron to wildly throw his rage everywhere around him, making any offense against him a hazardous endeavor. Choosing not to attack was not an option as Alexandros threw himself into the whirlwind, finding the holes in Angron's defenses to wound the madman but suffering the teeth of the massive chainblades in return.


Abruptly, the warp turned against him as Lorgar was able to partially redirect it away from Alex. The Shield-Lord felt crippled without his third sight as Angron's furious gaze locked onto his form. Despite being devoid of his powers, Alexandros was still a primarch. Angron smashed into him, breaking ribs as Xiphos impaled him several times. Screaming his endless hatred, Angron grabbed him and tossed him into the nearest building where Alex crashed through several walls before stopping just on the other side of it.


Groaning, Alex hopped back into his feet and saw his enemy charging again. Hoping he was fast enough and still cursing Lorgar, Alex counter-charged, the two primarchs running at each other at speeds beyond any human's ability to see. At the last moment, Alex dived beneath Angron. Although small, Alex underestimated his own size as one of Angron's feet broke his wrist as Alex cut through Angron's thigh. Angron roared as his charge slipped off course and slammed through a different portion of the building. With so many of its support pillars nothing but debris, the commercial block lost its own fight with gravity and began to collapse.


Holding both sword and shield between his fingers, Alex raced out of it in time to see Roboute score a critical wound against Lorgar before a fog of smoke and debris covered them all. Sounds of battle penetrated the fog, but offered no real guidance to the Seer as he waited for Angron's next attack. It came with no subtlty as Angron screamed at Alex as he charged out of the cloud. Alexandros reacted with uncharacteristic surprise and threw Xiphos at him. Neither of them expecting the attack, Xiphas sang through the air before burying itself into Angron's forehead.


Angron collapsed as inertia drove his body all the way up to Alexandros' feet. The Seer stared at it, waiting for his brother to jump up and attack again. It never came. Only Lorgar's roar of defiance and defeat as his plan to save Angron finally died.

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Origins Subsection #2 - History of Disobediance


Perhaps the greatest example of Alexandros' ability to weave public opinion in favor of his legion was how he was consistently able to persuade the greater Imperium to ignore his unusual choices. Although professing to be loyal to the Imperium, an unbiased investigation into Alexandros actions reveal that he did not accept its commands with complete conformity. Throughout the Wardens' history of service, it was deployed on the full range of missions expected of the Legiones Astartes. However, almost every extermination assignment against a fallen branch of Humanity given to the Shield-Lord of the Wardens, he never committed himself to it. Typically, he avoided campaign command through two ways. If available, he would offer full honors to one of his brothers if they would execute the mission for him, while giving them detailed enemy information before stepping back as the highlight fell upon them. Fulgrim was one such candidate and was more than happy to demonstrate his legions' perfection for his brother. Otherwise, command would fall to one of the Wardens willing to undertake the task. Such an individual, depending on character, would either be highly rewarded or reminded on the importance of human life by their gene-sire by campaign's end. Only once had Alexandros remained in command of an Extermination campaign. It was against the Tauren system and was no doubt enforced by the Emperor's personal appearance. The campaign was noted for its efficiency of force and for its short length.


Another issue brought against Alexandros was his unique view of compliance. While the worlds he brought into the fold of the Imperium were politically loyal and resilient to rebel or heretical pressures, rumors always existed of lax enforcement against superstitions and religion. If Lorgar was guillty of over-emphasizing belief in the Imperial Creed, then Alexandros was guilty of under-emphasizing it. There were exceptions. Some cults and religions were deemed too dangerous to be allowed to exist, according to Alexandros; though, it was unknown what criteria he used to judge them. In the cases of survival, many of these hidden religions existed and would reveal themselves much later with most of them being swallowed by the Imperial Cult.


Finally, Alexandros was a vocal supporter of offering protectorate status to wayward human civilizations who were not yet ready to be assimilated into the greater Imperium. Instead of forcing compliance as the only option, the Primarch suggested a three-phase process from encounter to protectorate to compliance for human civilizations that weren't ready to join the Imperium. More radically, the Shield-Lord suggested that even xeno races, provided they acknowledge the Imperium and were of a prerequsite intelligence, could be candidates as well. Since few xeno races fit within his offered standards, the point is usually forgotten, but it had existed within the records before the Emperor erased the legion. Alexandros, when pressed, did not offer any current examples, merely the Imperium should be open to the concept.


Thus, while Alexandros insisted on the loyalty of him and his legion, perhaps it would be more accurate to say he was loyal to Humanity. A small yet significant difference that did not go unnoticed by his detractors. Yet, little more could be done than hurl warnings and insults at the Halcyon Wardens. Despite the liberties their gene-sire took with the laws and commands of the Imperium, never did the Shield-Lord outright break them, choosing a more subtle path of rebellion that allowed him to continue onward, while making his dissent known, even as the crowds of Humanity cheered his name.

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Origins Subsection #2 - History of Disobediance




Finally, Alexandros was a vocal supporter of offering protectorate status to wayward human civilizations who were not yet ready to be assimilated into the greater Imperium. Instead of forcing compliance as the only option, the Primarch suggested a three-phase process from encounter to protectorate to compliance for human civilizations that weren't ready to join the Imperium. More radically, the Shield-Lord suggested that even xeno races, provided they acknowledge the Imperium and were of a prerequsite intelligence, could be candidates as well. Since few xeno races fit within his offered standards, the point is usually forgotten, but it had existed within the records before the Emperor erased the legion. Alexandros, when pressed, suggested only the squats and perhaps certain species of eldar.


Thus, while Alexandros insisted on the loyalty of him and his legion, perhaps it would be more accurate to say he was loyal to Humanity. A small yet significant difference that did not go unnoticed by his detractors.

The Squats were Abhumans and not Xenos!

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Eldrad froze as he sensed the evil contained within the sword in Fulgrim's possession. His mouth opened to cry out a warning, but another voice jumped in. "Now, now, Farseer. Calm yourself. Diplomacy can only succeed if you remain in control."

Both Eldar and Emperor's Children were instantly alert as the new voice made itself known. The Phoenician's gazed fixed on a point over Eldrad's shoulder. Another second passed before all could hear footsteps. Before their very eyes, a large shape slowly coalesced as it moved from the Eldar's party to stand between the two races. The giant's form gained detail as seconds passed to reveal a warrior in deep purple and pure white, wielding a large shield.

"Alex? Is that you?" Fulgrim asked as the Strategos revealed himself.

Alexandros replied with a grin. "The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated. It's good to see you, brother, though I see you've traded your Fireblade for something much more dangerous."

Fulgrim's hand snapped toward the Laeran blade, a shot of anger piercing through his confusion. "I don't understand. How, why are you here? And what of this blade?"

Holding up both of his hands, Alex answered, "Peace Fulgrim. I will explain everything in moments, but I must ask a favor of you first. A simple one. May I see that sword?"

The hand gripped the sword tighter. "What of it, Alex? You've been missing for decades and now you show up here, demanding my primary weapon in the company of xenos?"

"There's no need for worry, Fulgrim," Alex said as his hands remained free of weapons. "You have my word that Eldrad will not attack you." Behind the primarch, the Eldar shifted uneasily as they were roped into promise by this strange being. Eldrad stared at Alexandros before looking to Fulgrim. He nodded. "There's no danger here, brother. Please, may I see the sword?"

Fulgrim didn't know why or when, but the happiness he briefly felt at Alexandros' survival was eclipsed by a maelstrom of anger, confusion, and...fear. He blinked as he reviewed his emotions. The intensity of them were overwhelming, but yes, it was there. Alien fear. "I fear nothing," he mumbled. He noticed his hand drawing the Laeran blade, but not in peaceful compromise.

Alex's eyes jumped between Fulgrim and the sword with a small hint of worry. His grin widened. "Very well, I understand your hesitance. This must all seem strange to you, but let me prove it to you that I really me. What do you say to a friendly bout? I will see the sword in action and will have no need to examine it myself if you can properly demonstrate its power to me."

With a grin that mirrored none of Alex's warmth, Fulgrim said, "An excellent idea."

Alex's Usable Powers - Foreboding/Shriek/Invisibility (Ha! The irony is delicious, I wrote the intro before I rolled the powers)

Fulgrim wins the roll. Utilizing his fancy Volkite Charger, Fulgrim fires and actually causes a wound despite its AP 5. [Quick note, Fulgrim's Volkite is extra terrifying just because of the Shred. It's what allowed him to wound twice with his first volley, which initially were a 4 & 2.]

Alex tries Shriek and this time it grants him 3 wounds against Fulgrim, only one of those is saved. Duelist is here, while Foreboding is pointless since Alex is about to charge. Ultimatum wounds twice, and Fulgrim fails to save both, leaving him with just 2 wounds left already. Fulgrim gets a shot off in Overwatch, but Alex blocks it with aegis. Finally in his element, Fulgrim strikes first and rolls a full house of 2's and 1's with a 4 thrown in. He does wound, but Alex saves it. On the other hand, Alex rolls a Yahtzee of 5's and a 2, which Alex rerolls into another 5. Despite his awesome swordsmanship, on the invul save, Fulgrim rolls only a single 6 and another two 2's and a 1, which means the fight is over just like that.

[blink.png . Fulgrim is allergic to AP 2 gunfire.]

The friendly challenge had shed its false image after a few swings. It shifted as Fulgrim's attacks became more lethal. Soon, Alexandros was deflecting swings that would take his head. The Seer never commented and looked as though he were enjoying a lazy game of Regicide. The serenity he exuded infuriated Fulgrim, though he didn't know why. Faster and faster he attacked, ignoring the blows he absorbed when Alex's fist or shield found the holes in Fulgrim's defenses.

If Fulgrim didn't know better, he would've suspected his blade driving him deeper into aggression. It almost twitched in his hand, eschewing restraint as it sought to defeat his opponent. Another window of weakness and Xiphos' pommel smashed into his right temple. Fulgrim's enhanced biology prevented the blow from doing permanent harm, but it shattered his sense of balance temporarily.

Apparently, that was exactly what Alexandros was waiting for.

Aegis fell from his grip as the Shield-Lord seemed to teleport toward Fulgrim, his now-free arm twisting and pinning Fulgrim's sword arm. Alex's serenity disappeared as it was replaced with undisputed disgust. "Die, daemon!" He roared as he swung Xiphos, which now glowed with purple energy. Xiphos fell upon, not Fulgrim, but the Laeran Blade, shattering it.

To Fulgrim's shock, the blade screamed before it exploded sending shards and the primarchs flying from it. Fulgrim laid on the ground as his emotions formed a raw tempest. In the back of his mind, he saw his sons reacting as they prepared to avenge him, but Alexandros held up a hand as he stood. "My brother lives and is now free from a threat none of you were prepared for." The Emperor's Children held fire, and Fulgrim suspected that it wasn't words alone that kept them in place.

Alexandros offered a hand to him. "Fulgrim, how do you feel?"

After a pause, the Phoenician answered bluntly, "I don't know."

That earned a chuckled. "I'm not surprised. Don't worry, I'll explain everything."

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Okay, it's time for another boring, outline post as I am now finished with the Origins chapter and now moving onto the Units & Formations chapter. 


Standard Format: General Overview - Legion Command Hierarchy - War Disposition


Sons of Horus: 3 pages (2 subsections)

World Eaters: 3 pages (1 subsection)

Emperor's Children: 3 pages (2 subsections)

Death Guard: 2 pages (1 subsection)


Iron Hands: 2 pages (1 subsection) [basic description of several kinds of armored and vehicular units? No Legion Command Hierarchy]

Night Lords 1 page [various infantryman profiles]

Salamanders: 2 pages (2 subsections)

Word Bearers: 2 pages (2 subsections)


Imperial Fists: 2 pages (2 big subsections)

Alpha Legion: 3 pages  (2 subsections; lotta pics)

Iron Warriors: 3 pages (1 subsection)

Raven Guard: 2 pages (2 subsections)



Definitely going to be shorter, but I'm going to be breaking new ground. I had a pretty solid handle on the Origins fluff, but organization? Going to take some work.

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