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JAHminis: "...and now I'm making your silver pants blue."

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cheers, guys :)


@Metic: i use a mix of P3 Armor Wash and P3 Coal Black to shade my steel on most models...

the GK blue tint is from glazes of P3 Blue Ink...


sorry for the long absence...

i had a serious case of Internet Malaise...

i've been paiing my butt off, though, so i have lots to share...


first up, Ulrik the Slayer...

what a brilliant re-imagining of a classic, iconic character...

i really like the "standing on a windswept cliff, overseeing the battlefield below" vibe to the pose...

very cool to see Ulrik's face for the first time, too :)

he is one grizzled looking dude...








this is the second round of pics, and they are still horrible :(

one more try, and maybe they will turn out better...


thanks for looking...

i hope you like him...




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@Luthor: :)


@oko: the red is my alternative to the yellow of the studio scheme, and mirrors the background of the rampant wolf on the backpack...


@Metic: i just realized you were probably asking about the bronze, not the steel...

the verdigris is a mix of P3 Meredius Blue and P3 Iosan Green at 2-1...

there is more blue than green in the mix, but the tone comes out more green on the model...



here is a pic from my first round of photos that shows off the Craftworld Mymeara color scheme i used for the temple base...

i really like the blue to green fade :)






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hey B&C...


as soon as i saw this mini, i knew i had to paint it...

Forge World always makes the best Event Only models :)


i enjoy trying different TMM styles, and pushing my skills, to make things more isually interesting...

going for a reflection of earth on the downward facing surfaces, and the sky in the upward facing bits, seemed like a good thing to try out...

no better steel surface in the 30K setting to try this on than an Iron Warriors character :)







i've got loads of WIP pics that i need to edit up and share, because it was a really fun process to play with the metals and matte paints...


thanks for looking...

i hope you like him...




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  • 1 month later...

cheers, dude...

i had a lot of fun painting the metal :)


i've still been slacking on my posts, but painting furiously every night, nonetheless...


since we are over halfway through the year already, i guess i should get caught up posting all of the commissions the i have finished in 2016...

January started out with a bunch of Sniper Scouts for the Strike Force Cassius Ultramarines army...


this kit is definitely showing it's age compared to the Storm Scouts, but since i had never painted Snipers before, i enjoyed the set...

getting to paint Telion, finally, was a real pleasure...

i'd been waiting to paint him since 2008...


i started with a little tester, to get the scheme down, since Scouts have more cloth than Marines...

it is just a variation on the exact same palette that i am using on the rest of the army...





once i had the test mini done, i got approval to do the rest in the same manner...







once i got a fair bit done on the rest of the squad, i had to tackle the camo cloaks...

a simple base coat of P3 Greatcoat Grey, a black wash, then some shapes from P3 Thamar Black, followed by P3 Underbelly Blue with a touch of GG to tone it down, and we have a simple (hopefully effective) urban camo...






with their bases done, the first squad is ready to hit the table...




next up is Telion, and the second squad...


thanks for looking...

i hope you like them...




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After going through your thread and glancing at my own stuff I have say you've... *begins sobbing uncontrollably*













Awesome minis. I feel the rust and oxidation is a bit heavy on the non-LoTD marines though. Look to your wargear or be found wanting and all that jazz. Did you use a brush or airbrush on that tyranid invasion canopy?

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thanks, Zeller...

sorry i made you cry ;)


i agree that wargear should be kept in top form, usually...

this is a unique circumstance, in that i had to be both very fast with the paintjobs, and that i wanted to create a look that showed how much the Tyranids corrode a planet's environment...

with all of the vehicles that i had to paint, and the speed the customer wanted them done at, i had to come up with an effective method to get them done fast, and still look cool (i hope)...

the basic idea was that the orange rust wash in all the crevices would act like shading, and the sponged metal chipping would act like highlighting...


the canopies are done with a brush (i have never really enjoyed the feel of airbrushing vs. the tactile interaction between brush, paint, and mini)...

the invasion pattern was a little cheat that i came up with to save any rough blends :)



Sgt. Telion was a joy to finally paint...

love this sculpt :)

unfortunately, i didn't get to spend the time on him that i would have liked to, but the main concern for this client is always speed...







for the second 5-man unit, i wanted the customer to be able to combine them into a single 10-man unit if he wanted to...

so that he could easily single out which Sergeant and missile launcher guy would proxy as regular sniper rifle guys...

giving the missile launcher dude the kneeling legs was easy, since his torso isn't cloaked...

the sergeant needed a lot of cutting to make his torso fit on the "Tactical Rock" legs...

good conversions, to make a mini stand out, are always worth the effort, though...


i did a much better job on the digital camo the second time around...

a little practice goes a long way...





thanks for looking...

i hope you like them...




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  • 5 months later...
cheers, LutherMax :)

i had fun on the Tyranid Hunters army...

now i just have to catch up on the Dark Crusade warband posts, so i can get to the cool stuff i am working on right now, like a little guy called The God Emperor of Mankind!!!




every once in a while, i get a commission to do something fresh, rather than another standard studio scheme Space Marine, or create a unique original conversion...

this time i got to do both!!!


this Sorcerer of Tzeentch is built from the legs of a Dark Angels Veteran, one of the Russian chests, helmet, backpack, and shoulder pad sets, the arms and power sword of a Raptor, the pistol of the GW Sorcerer, and the wings of a Scourge...


OK, the scheme is the standard for Thousand Sons, so i threw in some Beaten Purple and Arcane Blue to make it my own...

this was my first time trying to paint a flaming power sword...

it didn't come out as subtle as i would have liked, so i'll have to have another go at it soon...


i need to dig up the photos, and edit them up, but i took step-by-step pics of the wings for a brief tutorial...

it is only four very simple stages...

very gamer friendly :)



thanks for looking...

i hope you like him...



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cheers, guys :)

the Tzeentch dudes ere a bit more impactful back in September, when i finished them, before the new plastics came out...

still, a fun project to work on...

i really enjoy the chance to build some unique models...



this Rubric Marine goes along with the Sorcerer...

he is part of a small warband for the Black Crusade RPG... every model in this group is a unique conversion, which was a fun challenge, especially the ones that involved a fair bit of work...

like the Sorcerer, this guy has a custom left-handed gun... none of the Chaos Marines come with guns in their left hand, but both of the swords that the customer wanted were right-handed...

luckily, the Sternguard kit comes with left-handed bolt pistols...

even though it was a pain in the ass, i cut the pistols off of the hands, and then pinned the hands into a Raptor arm, then finished it off by pinning the guns into the hands... 


the parts in this conversion are taken from the Chaos Space Marine kit, the Raptor kit, and the Russian Thousand Sons set... 

the jackal helmet from the Russian kit is one of my favorite pieces in the set.


this is my first time painting the T. Sons Rubric Marine scheme... 

blue and gold is a nice harmonious scheme, and i threw in a little purple to tie him in with the Sorcerer that he protects... the badass chainsword from the Raptor kit has a cool demon face in it, so i gave it a glow to match that of the plasma gun and helmet lenses...



thanks for looking...

i hope you like him...



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hey B&C...



the kit bashing continues, with the third member of the Black Crusade warband...

this guy was a lot of fun to build, as i finally got to use the helmet and torso that i had been wanting to paint for the last fifteen years...

i am always so booked, that i often have to wait a long time to get around to the projects that i daydream about...

this guy was definitely one that i had been thinking of for years...


this guy was built using a Chaos Space Marine torso, helmet, legs, shoulder pads, and backpack from their basic kit...

one sword blade was taken from the same kit, while the other blade is from the Noise Marine upgrade kit, with the poison vials cut off...

the arms are from the Black Templars upgrade sprue...

he was finished off by cutting the tubes off of his torso, and gluing some fine chain across it instead...


it isn't often that a Sci-Fi model calls for two swords, but it is a really cool look...

the chains on the wrists are something that i always liked on the Black Templars, and fit the theme of this Marine who has turned to Chaos...


i used the same battered paint style that i did on the Ultramarines army, as it seemed really appropriate for this model...

i tried a new approach to painting the power swords on this guy, using fine lines to represent the glow, rather than a source lighting style...

it needs a bit more experimenting to refine the look, but i like the idea a lot...

i am a big fan of stylized painting, rather than realism...



thanks for looking...

i hope you like him...



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@The Traitor: gracias, hermano...

the power sword style is stolen from Angel, on his Infinity studio models...

your countrymen do some amazing work :) 


@Legio Draconis: cheers, bud...

glad you like it :) 



time for something a little nasty...

the Sorcerer of Nurgle...

i'd wanted to paint this Forge World model since he was a new release, so it was a pleasure to finally find him in my commission queue...

getting to use one of the cool new Chaos Raptor jump packs was just an added bonus...


i was asked to give this guy a Rod of Corruption, a tail, the Plague Knife, and the jump pack...

it was a pretty straight forward conversion, just having to clip the weapon from his hand, turn it around, and pin the staff back together...

i hid the cuts by sculpting a leather band around the handle...

then I used the left-over blade for the Plague Knife on his hip...

nice how that worked out :)


for the paint job, i wanted to see how P3 Ordic Olive and Traitor Green would mix, and how that drab green would  look with purple shading...

the P3 Murderous Magenta for the open sores stands out nicely from the green, and the black mummified flesh allows the magenta and green to take center stage...

both the armor, and the skin, are highlighted with P3 Thrall Flesh to tie them together...

hopefully i achieved an nice harmonious scheme, that does justice to Nurgle's imagery...



thanks for looking...

i hope you like him...




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