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JAHminis: "...and now I'm making your silver pants blue."

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thanks guys...


on days when i don't have a power armor update to post, be sure to check out the daily update on my Artist Facebook page, where you can see what i'm up to in the daily update over there...






hey B&C...


the blends on the sword are finished...

i brought everything together with few glazes of P3 Turquoise Ink, which also added some shading around the power nodes at the base of the sword...

then i finished everything off by smoothing out the blends, and highlighting all the way up to pure P3 Morrow White...





thanks for looking, and taking the time to comment...




thanks, MrBear...


well, that sucked...
i exceeded my bandwidth with Photobucket for the first time ever...
what a crappy feeling, waiting for it to reset...
i guess i will need to upgrade my account when i have a little spare cash...
i got started in on the highlights for the Sang. Priest...
this is the first rough pass, to see if my colors will work...
it is a 1-3 mix of P3 Khador Red Base and P3 Underbelly Blue...
it is all a bit pink at the moment, but a few glazes of red ink should knock it back a bit...
thanks for looking...
i hope you like him...

hey B&C...


on with the show...


this is how the body looked after the first pass of highlights were given about five layers of very thin P3 Red Ink, in a glaze (where there is way less ink in the brush than in a wash, and the red ink is cut way down to where it almost looks like pink water)...




next i finished the final highlights and shadows on the body...

the shows a few mistakes i need to fix, but this is the basic idea of the look i want for the mini...

the idea is to use a NMM approach, with the high contrast, to give a sense of glossier armor than we usually see on Marines...


the final highlight color is a 10-1 mix of P3 Underbelly Blue and P3 Khador Red Base...

the final little spots of shadow are the original shading mix of 1-1-1 P3 Sanguine Base, P3 Coal Black, and P3 Armor Wash, cut with a few drops of water...







thanks for looking...

i hope you like him...




thanks, guys...

i'm glad the step-by-step process is interesting...


here is the body after a few touch-ups, and with the helmet glued on...

i think the white and red will make a nice combo...





i've started highlighting the sword arm and the jump pack...

this is the first highlight mix of P3 Underbelly Blue and P3 Khador Red Base, at a 3-1 ratio...


the fine little shadows are the original shading mix of P3 Coal Black, P3 Sanguine Base, and P3 Armor Wash, at 1-1-1 with two drops of water...




i'm not sold on the little shadows on some of the pack's highlights...

i think i need to tone them down a bit, but i like the idea of the two long highlights running down the main engine housing...

i just need to play with it a little...







thanks for looking, and taking the time to comment...





I am loving this piece! I didn't know about the power sword until these last few pics- consider my mind blown by the smoothness of your transitions!

That being said it is the attention to detail in your layering that stands out the most- I think there may not be enough graduation in the white of the helmet and the light and sensor on the jumppack could use more definition--- can kind of make it out on the pack so may be there more than the pics are bringing out.

Your work has progressed exponentially over the years man... Thank you for sharing

thanks, lion...


i have a slight problem with going overboard on my whites...

i'm working on it;)...

i have an idea to paint a White Scars Marine, or a Star Phantoms guy...

hopefully i can work out some style there with more midtones...


i've got the sword glued to the body...

this guy is starting to come together!!!





the jump pack has the final stage of highlights, using the 10-1 mix of P3 Underbelly Blue and P3 Khador Red Base...






next up is the engine glow step-by-step:)...


thanks for looking, and taking the time to comment...




hey B&C...


engine glow step-by-step:


the basecoat is just for easy coverage...

it is a layer of P3 Exile Blue...




the next step is also for ease of coverage...

P3 Cygnar Blue Highlight...




this is where we get to the right color...

a solid layer of P3 Arcane Blue...




next, i gave the engines a heavy wash of P3 Turquoise Ink...

this gives a bit if definition to the shapes...




here i came back in with the Arcane Blue, and cleaned everything up...




then i started to make the glow...

this is a 1-3 mix of Arcane Blue and P3 Morrow White...




the next layer is not blended, like the previous layer, but just hitting the hard edges, and filling in the engines' hot spots...

it is a 1-6 mix of Arcane Blue and Morrow White...




the glow is finished with pure Morrow White...

hotta fiya!!!




here is a shot of the glow from the engines...

at the moment it is a bit strong, but will get a few washes of red ink to tone it down...




that's it...

engines basically done...


now i need to finish the wings, and make the Blood Chalice, so i can finish this bad boy...


thanks for looking...

i hope this was helpful...




no problem, batu...

it's my pleasure...


ok, on to the start of the next guy in the queue...

another version of my plastic Blood Angels Commander Dante, built from the Sanguinary Guard kit...

this step-by-step is just going to be for the gold, as the rest of the colors are covered in the Sanguinary Priest scheme...


i start with a solid base of pure P3 Battlefield Brown, to give an easy color to paint gold over...





next is a 1-1 mix of Battlefield Brown and P3 Rhulic Gold...





then a layer of pure Rhulic Gold...





then a layer of 1-1 Rhulic Gold and P3 Solid Gold...





finally, a heavy wash of 2-1 P3 Flesh Wash and P3 Sanguine Base, cut with a little water...





so, that is the first half of the stages...

now that i have my heavy shadows and lining, i will come back in and build up the golds again, leaving the shading...


thanks for looking, and taking the time to comment...




yeah, Vox...

these are the fun stages, where i don't have to "stay in the lines" while i color;)...

i just slapped the paint on like a madman...


now i have to do the precise work...

first i will paint in all the black on the parts that won't be gold, like the soft armour of the joints, the winged blood drops, the purity seals, and some fine lining...

then i will start building the gold back up...




thanks, guys:)...


i got a bit more work done on Dante...

this stage is crucial to me, since painting everything that will not be gold black helps me see what i'm working with...

now all the shapes (especially on the torso) are better defined, and i can better see where the shadows and highlights will go...


now i will start building up the golds again, after the heavy shading wash has turned it all copper...







i have started an album, on my JAHminis page on Facebook, that contains pics of various very rare minis that i have available to be commissioned, for anyone who is interested...

have a look, the album has some very rare gems in it;)...




thanks for looking, and sticking with me:)...




hey B&C...


carrying on with the Sanguinary Priest, the last piece of the puzzle is the Blood Chalice...

i don't sculpt much, so i was wondering how i would make the Chalice, when someone mentioned a melta bomb...

i couldn't find pics of the conversion anywhere, so i just dove in and tried it out...

a few simple cuts and scrapes later, i have the basis for my Chalice...

now i just need to detail it...





thanks for looking...




  • 3 weeks later...

hey B&C...


sorry for the two week absence, but i had to knock out my contribution to the Clash for a Cure charity auction, raising money for the American Cancer Society, and it was a PP mini...

if you would like to see the result, just click on the link in my sig to the JAHminis Facebook page...


now that Sturgis is done, i'm back to finishing up the Sangiunary Priest...

here is the custom Blood Chalice, converted from a melta bomb...


here is stage 2, where i glued a few press-moulded skulls around the body of the melta bomb, to take away it's distinctive silhouette...

then i carved out the flat top a bit to make it look like the rim of a cup...







for stage 3, the final steps, i glued the pin into the hand, and the chalice onto the pin...

after this was dry, i sculpted a base to the cup under the hand, blended the skulls into the cup with a little Greenstuff, and then sculpted a bit of blood into the cup...






that's it...

3 simple stages, and we have a nice Blood Chalice that should, once it is primed and painted, look like a stock piece...

we'll see;)...


thanks for looking...

i hope you found this conversion guide helpful...





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