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[HH1.0] Imperial Fists Tactics


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Any tips on what to equip on deepstriking IF Terminators? Have the BaC box and trying to figure out what to put on them.

1 Plasma Blaster per 5, Combi-Plasma on all the rest, pretty much.


No point gearing them up with storm shields and combat gear since Tartaros with Stromshields are incontestably better and you dont deepstrike Assault Units in either case since an assault unit standing around after deepstriking twiddling their thumbs is a unit thats going to eat all the spare Dakka.



I gotcha! 


Yeah, I learned not to Deepstrike assault units when I played against a Space Wolf player (we were both relearning the game) and he DS'd a unit of Terminators who then proceeded to get shot to bits by my Contemptor and Veteran squad before they ever got to attack (they were armed with CC weapons).

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I have a custom scenario coming up for a campaign I am in. Its going to be a 1000pt game of Zone Mortalis on Space hulk boards, though this time it is infantry only. For this game I get Dorn for free, whereas my opponent gets a free squad of subborn vet tacticals, that I have to destroy.


Given the new rules for Dorn, which makes him quite nasty now against normal marines, even terminators. What would you take?


I am the attacker for this ZM game, So i just need 1 elite and 1 HQ.


Was tempted to take my Sigismund (Cannot take Polux in this campaign game) for the HQ, and prehaps terminators and/or sniper vets.


As for tactics, I was just going to rush Dorn as quick as possible into the objective, with my other forces mopping up behind. Do you think he is capable to rushing other marine/terminator squads on his own?


Any thoughts would be most appreciated.

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Take Dorn, use Primarchs Chosen RoW. Bam, he's your compulsory HQ now.


Give him a 5(+) Man Termy Squad with Storm Shields in Tartaros as a Bodyguard (so he can sweep) and a Primus Medicae for FNP.


After that, its up to you. If you want, you could take Sniper Vets with Heavy Flamers for Sniper + Shred Flamer Templates (Which may or may not get rending if you're using that ZM Rule Set).


Then, since you're Attacker, take a Single Contemptor (optional Cortus) as your Compulsory Elites with more or less whatever (if you want to make the most out of Shred, give him a Heavy Flamer in his Chainfist and Plasma Cannon).




On my side of things, I've got a 2.5k Game tomorrow vs Solar Auxilia so I decided to bring:


+++ Imperial Fists 2.5k  (2500pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2500pts) ++
+ HQ (515pts) +
Legion Centurion (130pts) [Artificer Armour, Refractor Field, Solarite Power Gauntlet]
··Consul [Primus Medicae]
Rogal Dorn (385pts)
··Master of the Legion [Primarch's Chosen]
+ Troops (1245pts) +
Legion Terminator Squad (625pts) [Chainfist, 4x Legion Terminators, Tartaros Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Thunderhammer, 4x Vigil Pattern Storm Shield]
··Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blade, Flare Shield]
··Legion Terminator Sergeant [Thunderhammer, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield]
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (310pts) [2x Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web, Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Sniper]
··Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (310pts) [2x Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web, Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Sniper]
··Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]
+ Elites (340pts) +
Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon (340pts)
··Cortus Dreadnought [Chainfist with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, Graviton Gun, Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon]
··Cortus Dreadnought [Plasma Blaster, Plasma Cannon]
+ Heavy Support (400pts) +
Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (220pts) [Aiolos Missile Launcher]
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (180pts) [Dozer Blade, Lascannons]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [Loyalist, VII: Imperial Fists]

Mostly stuff I'm used to using and have at-hand right now. I haven't seen my opponents full Solar Aux List but I'm expecting at least one knight at this point which isn't great because I'm remarkably low on Anti-Tank. But a Single Knight is still pretty Manageable.


We'll see how we do hahahaha

Edited by Slipstreams
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Didn't know about that RoW. Where can I find that?


I like the idea with the Terminators, though regrettably I have none of that variant, and we play wyswig. I have enough terminators with storm shields, but they would be the other two variants. Also we have ruled that we can't take and dreadnought sized models, otherwise I'd be tempted to make up my leviathan.


I know it will be ZM rules, so flamers will be useful. Was thinking Terminators and Primaris medicae with Dorn, and either Breachers or Tactical vets with sniper for another unit. That be enough? Only problem I see is that the cataphractii terminators will slow Dorn right down, hence why I thought to just have him leg it into the enemy on his own, and just have cleanup crews after.


I do like your list there. If you are going against a knight, would melta-bombs on sgt's be an option in case they get close enough? Otherwise there is a lot of lascannon there to mess it up.

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Its part of the New RoWs in book 6. Check 1d4chan for a Brief on them.


Do you have Phalanx Warders? They could be a viable alternative to Terminators and give you bodies without restricting Dorns Ability to Sweep. Additionally, since they were changed to give +1WS when Charged, Dorn would be WS9 In that Scenario. Bonus points since Dorn makes them Troops and they can Take Power Axes and Plasma Guns (or Flamers.) Though if you want to get the Maximum out of Dorn you probably do want him to be Outnumbered for Rampage. They also start at 10 men.


All Told, if he charged a unit that outnumbered him, he could get: 4A + 1 Charge + 1 Reaping Blow + D3 Rampage for a potential Maximum of 9 S6 Ap2 Shred Attacks or Half as many (rounding down) S8 Ap2 Instant Death, Shred. And since he has Crusader and +D3 to Combat Resolution, you probably only want him to join units that can Sweep.


If you've got Templars, they could be a contender unit.


Another Interesting thing you could do is Deepstrike Combi-Weapon Terminators which, if you have a nuncio-vox within 6" of their Dropsite, do not scatter.



As for my own lists, the problem is Vets can either only ALL have Melta Bombs or None at all ahahahaha its SOOOO weird @_@

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Hmm, after looking through the rules, I really need Dorn with a unit that can sweeping advance, otherwise its a waste. I like the idea of Phalanx warders, but I don't think I have the models, unless I can use my breachers as is. I do have Templars though, I only have 5 at this stage, unpainted as well, but could make more. Hmm, they do seem a tempting option...


@Caillum: Muahahaha. Don't fear though. I wouldn't bring that out for you to face for a long time yet. Against my other friend I have no such qualms about taking it.

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Alright, so in typical me fashion, I only remembered to Take photos on the Last Turn of the game soooo...yeah, there are none.


Suffice to say, my list is as previously described. My Solar Auxilia Opponent (now Ally) had:

  • Lord Marshal
  • Tactical Command Section
  • Tactical Command Section
  • 4x Lasrifle Section 2x Aegis Defence Line
  • 2x Storm Section in Dracosans w/ Demolishers
  • Medicaes
  • 3 Quad Mortars
  • 3 Medusas

I think I would have been able to pretty much clean him out if we did go against each other (especially with this mission and Deployment) if I survived the Artillery Barrages mostly since most of my list would have been unaffected by his Infantry Shooting until I disembarked.


But hey, we were comrade in Arms this time. :tongue.:


Night Lord Player Had:

I caught some mistakes that he made with his list since he was Running Terror Assault but we let them slide since he made it on the fly with models he had on him. Its not like he did any of this intentionally. Those of you who know Terror Assault should be able to spot those mistakes :tongue.:

  • Jump Pack Praetor w/ Jump Pack Command Squad (all combat shields) w/ Standard Gear & Melta Bombs.
  • Herald w/ Traitor Banner w/ Charger and Standard gear
  • Moritat w/ Jump Pack, Volkite, standard Gear
  • Terror Squad in Dreadclaw
  • Terror Squad in Dreadclaw
  • Breacher Squad w/ 2 Melta Guns (Herald Goes Here)
  • Rotor Cannon Support Squad
  • Raptor Squad w/ Jump Packs, 2 Missiles.
  • Destroyer Squad
  • 3 Contemptors: TLLC + Fist & Melta, CF + PF w/ Grav and Flamer, Volkite Culverin + Fist w/ Melta?
  • Dreadclaw
  • Dreadclaw
  • Kharybdis
  • Leviathan w/ Drill/Claw Phosphex and 1 TL Caliver & Leviathan w/ Lance/Claw Phosphex and 1 TL Caliver in a Talon.



Mission was Shadow War Mission 6 Which is a pretty unique one. We had Hammer and Anvil Deployment.

  • After a Shadow War Roll Of (normal roll of with + or - Bonuses to determine who gets to choose depending on Legion).
  • Winner gets to choose: Attacker or Defender
  • Defender gets to chose: Deploy First and First Turn or Deploy Second and Second Turn.
  • We won after getting a tie and re-rolling deciding to go first since we were a LOT less mobile (you can see why by looking at our lists though I was considerably more mobile)
  • After Both Sides the Defender had to place a Marker anywhere on the Attacker's Deployment Edge of the table.
  • Game was 5 turns with a 4+ determining if a 6th and final turn was played.
  • The Defender scored points at the end of the game for Each of his units fully within 12" of the Marker He Placed. 2 Points Per Unit.
  • The Attacker Scored Points at the end of the Game for Each Unit more than 24" away from the Marker he Placed. 1 Point per Unit.

So, Solar Aux Pretty much Spread out across the Table keeping a single 20 Man Lasrifle Squad in Reserves to hop out on the Marker whenever they decided to show up (they would have auto entered on T4 since they never came on on T2 or T3). Pretty much 1 Lasrifle Section per Third of our Deployment.

1 Dracosan on left edge, the other on Right Edge.


Dorn and Terminators w/ Primus in Spartan Deployed Far Right w/ 2 Contemptor-Cortus'

1 Vet Squad Deployed Mid DZ

1 Vet Squad Deployed Far Left w/ Deredeo and Sicaran


NL Deployed:

Both Leviathans on (our) Left due to Talon Rules.

3 Contemptors on (our) Right

Breachers Deployed Mid-Left Field.

Rotor Cannon Deployed Mid-Right Field in Ruins.

The Rest were held in Reserves. We talked about it a bit after the game and agreed that he should have Started with as much as he could on the table and just bum rushed the objective. Its not that big of a deal since he doesn't play all that often.


Since we had First 1, we just shot everything at anything we could. The Rotor Cannon Squad ate some Medusa Shells losing 3 thanks to Forced Night Fight and Ruins Cover. Would have been devastating otherwise; also having to chose which level to hit helped greatly (it was 2 Floors)


Contemptors were ok, Breachers lost 4 or 5 and passed Morale (2 Medusas and Quad Mortars). My Plasma Contemptor (despite my attempts to get him to redeem himself) Loses 1 HP from 2 Gets Hots. Thankfully he didnt kill himself on turn 1 from 3 gets hots and failing the 4+ to avoid damage and giving first blood that one time...


Leviathans shrugged off the Democannon, Deredeo and Sicaran Shooting.




On his turn, 1 Dreadclaw Misshap'd and shot back into reserves. Other one landed midfield, Terror Squad Hopped out and killed 5ish of the Midfield Lasrifles.


Breachers, Leviathans and Contemptors move Forward.


Leviathan shot phosphex and volkite into far left Lasrilfes, killing ~6 (bad scatter).

Melta Leviathan shot the Dracosan or Sicaran (can't remember) and did 1 HP.


Contemptor with Grav Scattered off my Cortus, did nothing.




Turn 2:


My Chainfist & Grav Cotrus w/ Kheres plinks off a hullpoint from his Chainfist and Power Fist. Successfully activates +1 Initiative and doesn't lose a hull point. Thanks to Fleet, makes a 9 Inch Charge and Murders his Contemptor with 3 S10 Armorbane Hits (4 attacks hitting on 4s) and getting 1 Explodes. The +1 Initiative was HUGE in making sure this wasn't a mutually assured destruction. Failed all his Invulns.


Plasma Contemptor does 1 HP with his Plasma Blaster to the Volkite Dread. Loses another Hullpoint to Gets Hot. I love him...but...dude...seriously.


Terror Squad loses 4 To Shooting, Dorn Hops out and Murders All 6 with 6 Attacks (4 + 1 Charge + 1 Reaping Blow). S6 Shred, yo. The Terror Squad still got to attack back at I4 but bounced off 2+ Armor and FNP.


Fun thing of Note: Dorn can get up to 9 Attacks on the Charge if he gets a 3 on Rampage. Good thing he doesn't have a Pistol :tongue.:


Tac Vet Squads dont Debus. 1 Squad shoots into Rotor Cannons, kills a few, other shoots into Breachers, kill a few with Heavy Bolters from the Rhino Hatch.


Sicaran Pops 1 HP Off Melta Leviathan. Either it or the Dracosan immobilized it, cant remember.


Deredeo Immobilized the Dreadclaw after it flat out behind the Midfield Lasrifles.


Orbital Bombardments are Dropped. Do nothing.




Kharybdis Fails to come in, Dreadclaw mishaps again and is back into reserves.


Raptor Deepstrikes into our Left Corner Behind Dracosan, Sicaran, Deredeo and Left Lasrifles within range of the Marker (placed behind left Lasrifles +/-). They run in the shooting phase to spread out to not eat Templates.


Destroyers & Moritat Deepstrike in terrain in front of Left Lasrifles. Lose 1 to Terrain.


Preator and Jump Pack command Mishap. I place them in the Far Right Corner where the Dreads are Duking it out and a Dracosan is nearby.


Leviathans Immobilize the Dracosan.


Destroyers kill all but 8 from the Lasrifles they dropped in front.


Lascannon Dread cannon Charge my Plasma Dread since he shot something else...I think?


Volkite Dread Charges my I5 Contemptor. Dies. Cortus is down to 1 HP.


Rotor Cannons kill 1 Terminator Despite 2+ armor and FNP.


Breachers Rally? I think it was T2.


Stuff I'm forgetting probably.




Turn 3: (final turn)


Dorn Moves to Snap the Breachers Necks. However, Rapidfire from the Debus'd Vet Squad by the Rotor Cannons resulting in 5 6's to wound and thus killing 5 Breachers (despite their Cover Saves) decides Otherwise. Herald has 1 Wound.


Other Vet Squad moved towards the Destroyers. Shoot their BS5 Sniper Bolt Pistols and Heavy Bolters as Assault thanks to Suspensor Webs. Before that, however, Medusa tries to shoot the Destroyers. Scatters. Kills 3 of my Vets. :sleep.:" Alongside the 7 vets and 8 Lasrifles Left, kill all but 5 of the Destroyers with Moritat having 1 Wound Left and Sarge still alive. Ensuing combat sees the Tac Vet Sarge Die despite his Artificer Armour and the Sarge not having any Ap2. However, the rest of the squad with 4 Attacks Each drown him in enough wounds that he dies but the Moritat Survives and Stands his ground.


Other Medusa Kills 5 Raptors. Third Medusa tried to shoot the Destroyers before the above happened. Scatters onto my Sicaran. Immobilizes it. Yup.


Sicaran Shoots into Raptors thanks to his turret (possibly before getting immobilized?) Kills 2 Raptors. Lascannon POTMS into the unimmobilized Leviathan. Fails to pen.


Kheres Cortus charges into Command Squad, kills 3 (Standard, Mook and Praetor left). Melta Bombs take him out.


Plasma Contemptor fails Charge even with Fleet. (9 inches) thankfully didn't kill himself with shooting DESPITE GETTING ANOTHER GETS HOT WHAT THE HELL DUDE EVERY TURN. 9 Shots, something like 4 Gets Hots. ಠ_ಠ


Rotor Cannons are down to 3, break but dont flee off the board.


Stuff Happens.




Night Lords Turn 3:


Kharybdis and Dreadclaw make some risky Deepstrikes behind Dorn. Both get DIrect Hits. Heat Blasts deal a total of 1 Wound to the Primus Medicae and 2 Hullpoints on 1 Rhino, immobilizing it and a single Hullpoint to the other. Kharybdis kills 1 Terminator with 3 Missile Launchers that could see them, 2 remaining plinks off a few more Lasriles.


Claw/Drill Leviathan Kill the Dracosan with his 2 S8 Hammer of Wrath Hits after getting a Weapon Destroyed on its pintle Multilaser. Yup.


Raptors Charge the 8 Man Lasrifles, Rolls a 3 for Onslaught. the Power Swords alone murder the whole Squad.


Preator splits from Command, charges my Plasma Dread with his Lascannon Dread. Command Squad Melta Bombs the Dracosan.


Plasma Dread fails to kill the Praetor, Dies to the Power Fist of the Dread before the Praetors melta Bomb Goes.


Some stuff happens.


Game Ended with 2 pts for the Night Lords to our 7.


So, that was that game. Very Fun all in all despite the few mistakes.


Might be forgetting some few things but, seeing as I passed out immediately upon getting home...not really surprised.

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Cool, sounds like a fun game. Must have been an epic sight with 10,000pts of models on the board! How long did the turns take?


I have also put together a tentative list for my ZM game. Due to the campaign game, Dorn is free. Mission is I must eliminate an enemy vet tactical squad with stubborn.


1000pts Imperial Fists


FoC - Zone Mortalis attacker (min 1 HQ, 1 Elite)






Primaris Medicae (130)

Artificer armour

refractor field

solarite power glove



5 Templar Brethren (210)

combat shields

solarite power glove (champion)



5 Terminators (255)

cataphractii armour

storm shields

3 Thunder hammers


10 Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (265)

2 Heavy Bolters with suspensor webs

Powerfist (sgt)

artificer armour (sgt)



That does leave me with 140pts left to spend. Not sure if I should bulk existing squads or not. Dorn and medic will go with the Templar Brethren as they can sweep. The rest will plod around and take out threats.


What do you think?

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