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NoLats' Iron Warriors

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After years of half-completing armies and stripping them back down once my perfectionism takes hold, I have finally decided to commit to an army.

I have always wanted to do Iron Warriors, and they have always been my favourite chaos legion; they remind me of myself, the machine-fetish is cool, they look awesome, I enjoy their story..

One day, I realised that nothing was stopping me, and I COULD do some Iron Warriors. And that day was a few ago tongue.png

For this army, I aim to leave no model unconverted (I know someone here called their WIP thread that, so take it as a compliment that I remember!) My main inspirations for this army are;

> The grim, dull pre-heresy Iron Warriors art

> The 'shinier' post-heresy / 40k Iron Warriors art, in which they look downright scary and crazy

> And, the legendary 'Uber Bang Bang Death Army' seen on DakkaDakka many moons ago.

I aim to have my Iron Warriors draw a balance between the grim, unshakable 'trench-crawling' Iron Warriors seen in 30k, and the 'crazy chaotic' Iron Warriors in 40k, with each warrior somewhere on a scale between the two. I also plan on using mostly 30k gear for a 40k chaos army- I could see Iron Warriors still having their same armour they went in with. But, I also could see changes (either intentional or unintentional) being made to it.

So, to stop boring everyone, and to let me get back to playing Pokemon because i'm a MAN, here are some cruddy pictures! Will upload better tomorrow or at some stage. Hopefully I can also be bothered including some fluff in this plog, because I am quite the fluffy dude. Sometimes.

Here is my work on the torsos for the first 8 members of the tac squad so far.



And, some work on heads:


As you can see, I have used quite a few pre-heresy armour bits here, with only small scatterings of real chaos stuff. The chains were inspired by the typical industrial machinery you see around - as well as showing the IW's attitude of subjugating technology. The rivets are very masculine pink rhinestone beads, which are made to show rivets being added to the armour. IW would reinforce a heavily reinforced armour - it helps them sleep at night.

So, yeah, enjoy! More to come.

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totally Awesome!! i love the chains adds, (BT player here! hehe) the gems will be painted? i like the concept so far! always consider shields are nice for adding more assault-warfare and reinforced armor on IW, would be nice on those models too! really i would never come to an end which is better suit of armor for IW, 30k or 40k,? but i think mkiii is the best helmets out there for both power armors! i hope will see more of your IW project soon!

totally Awesome!! i love the chains adds, (BT player here! hehe) the gems will be painted? i like the concept so far! always consider shields are nice for adding more assault-warfare and reinforced armor on IW, would be nice on those models too! really i would never come to an end which is better suit of armor for IW, 30k or 40k,? but i think mkiii is the best helmets out there for both power armors! i hope will see more of your IW project soon!

Thanks man! (No assuming gender here, I refer to my own girlfriend as man)


Yep, the pink gems will definitely be painted to make rivets, although leaving them unpainted could possibly look cool for the Slaaneshi side of things.. But, these guys take their strange desires out on machines and machines only.


Tomorrow when the sun's out I will definitely take some better pictures of the squad, and from more different angels. This should give a better idea of what they look like and the ideas i'm using. 

If I'm brutally honest, I feel a finer gauge of chain would go a long way here. The bulk of this chain looks like it would impede the movement of their armour. I like the look you're aiming to achieve though. Stick at it, can't wait to see some paint on them.

If I'm brutally honest, I feel a finer gauge of chain would go a long way here. The bulk of this chain looks like it would impede the movement of their armour. I like the look you're aiming to achieve though. Stick at it, can't wait to see some paint on them.

I know what you mean, it does look a tad bulky. Unfortunately it was the only chain I had though, and im currently a poor student with no job so I cant make many hobby purchases.


But, I'll just chalk it up to the industrial machinery look, most industrial machinery has some pretty thick chains. It should gel better once primed.. I hope, haha. Thanks for the critique though, hope to get some paint on them in the next few days.

Thanks for all the feedback guys :D


I thought that since I wasn't really saying much, it would be better to actually give some background on my force, who are the survivors of the 22nd Grand Company.


The Iron Warriors 22nd Grand Company are a warband of Chaos Space Marines led by the infamous Warsmith Akeroth Korakos, an unstable and devious man even by the standards of traitors. He is reviled by both the forces of the Imperium and many in his own warband with equal distaste, however his grand company follow him simply because in a universe where almost everyone hates you, there are often not many other options.


This particular warband of Iron Warriors retains a large amount of its legion identity. To the warriors of the 22nd, they are still the IVth legion. The legion may have changed somewhat drastically, but the legio's chains of command and structure still apply rigidly within this warband. Destroyers are still destroyers, even if their modus operandi has changed to spreading a Nurglite plague. Raptors are still deignated Assault Sqauds within this warband, even if they are nothing more than insane Raptors.


The 22nd Grand Company is home to a large amount of unique daemon engines of all shapes and sizes, embodying each of the gods or undivided. They have also been known to retain Dark Apostles for summoning large amounts of daemons - for binding into machines, or for simple shock troops. They retain strong ties to the Dark Mechanicus, as well as a large auxillary of human slaves, mutants and other assorted heretics and scum.


The 22nd Grand Company is home to a large variety of opinions on the use of the ruinous powers. The opinion of Korakos, and therefore enforced on the warband as a whole, is that chaos should not be worshipped. Instead, daemon engines and ruinious powers are simply tools to help a warrior win like a bolter, or power armour. Chaos is a series of unpredictable parameters in the equation that dictates war.


However, spending 10,000 years in the Eye of Terror has made this 'official' view more of an ideal than the reality. A small number Chaos Space Marines or whole squads have fallen into zealous, insane devotion of the chaos gods. This shows with their highly warped armour, their willingness to actually let a small amount of mutations prosper, and their strange totems and devotions laid upon their unholy armour.


Other individuals or squads have reacted to their unholy surroundings with disgust. They have grown to despise the use of chaos, to the point where they will flat-out refuse to work with daemon engines. Their armour is scavenged where needed, and completely free of chaotic sigils - often resembling the original pre-heresy armour worn into the eye. However like the zealots, these men are precious few.



"We are not monsters. We do monstrous things, yes. We kill, we pillage, and we force the unholy denizens of the Warp into titanic machines. But we are not monsters. We are men, even warriors, doing what we must to see the next dawn in a galaxy that despises us as much as we despise it. Do I wish for death? Yes. Almost daily. But, Iron Warriors do not relent. Even after all this time - we are Iron Warriors. We are IVth Legion."


- Sergeant Hypnos Iason, Tactical Squad Iason leader


"Blood... Decay... Pain...Insanity... I must have more! I will not rest until the screaming faces of unreality crack through the bodies of the humans on this planet! I am a harbinger of destruction... I am the will of the dark gods!"


- Sergeant Jason Kritikos, leader of squad Kritkos. Squad Kritikos has suffered heavy casualties and is not appearing to receive reinforcements by will of the Warsmith.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, to prove I am still alive (and double posting by the looks of things), I have some pictures of the base metal colour I am using on my first Tac Squad. 

The first thing I wanted was to do something different to the silvery or shiny iron often seen in Iron Warriors. In particular, I wanted to capture this colour seen in Extermination; 




To me, this colour is perfect for Iron Warriors. It's visibly iron, but it's worn and shows exactly how Iron Warriors would look in my mind. They're dirty, worn, and obviously have no time or regard for looking pretty. I can imagine this would only get worse in the Eye of Terror..

So, here's what I came up with: 






I'm still not sure whether or not this is too dark, too brown, too purple, insert insecurities here. Apologies for the somewhat bad picture too, I need help with how to set up a light box. Haha. 

C&C please guys!

I like the look. I don't think they are too dark. But a bit too reddish for my taste though. Still, great work.

Thanks man, much appreciated :) 



I was considering drybrushing leadbelcher over it to make it more 'iron' or silvery, which would perhaps resemble the traditional Iron Warriors a little more. The other alternative is I leave it as is, and just highlight with leadbelcher.


What do you guys think? 

I think another drybrush would help identify them more as Iron Warriors. Don't get me wrong these look great but if the worry is that they are going to look too clean afterwards then give 'em a magic wash (It was what we called a black and brown ink wash) to grub them up again.  Looking forward to seeing more of these models!

Thanks for all the feedback guys :) at this stage, I have two options. And, as I aim to please, Id rather get the opinions of you guys.


I can either:


> Drybrush some leadbelcher over these guys to make them look that bit more Iron Warrior-y. IW fluff and characters ensues.




> Leave them mostly as they are and make them their own warband offshoot, similar to the Steel Brethren. This would involve fanfluff and such.


Take your pick!

Thanks for the feedback guys! Once I have a shower and my morning coffee, I will definitely get around to that drybrushing. 


First, here is a better picture of the base colour as it currently stands - the sun decided to show up today! 






Drybrush some leadbelcher on then tell me how you have done the colour so far *waves hand like a Jedi*.



- You could drybrush it with some Necron Compound if you have any? One of them drybrush paints GW released a while ago... 


It's actually really easy, even I can do it. Haha. Just a basecoat of Leadbelcher, with a heavy wash of Druchii Violet followed by Reikland Fleshshade. I try to make the two washes a bit 'uneven' to create a purple-brown gradient, as seen in speaker wire and other coppery electronic parts. WIthout a drybrush, it could probably make for a good Iron Hands scheme too. 

So, I did a two minute drybrush of leadbelcher over the test model which I had made to get the reddish-colour you have seen so far. I also did an equally quick-and-terrible wash of Reikland Fleshshade over the drybrush once again, just to prevent my Iron Warriors from becoming that bit too shiny. 

Here's the result: 






Obviously this is done terribly due to taking about two minutes, but the idea is there. Thoughts? 

Thanks for the feedback everyone! And Darth Potato, I've been a fan of yours since my lurking days, so i'm fanboying out here. 

I'll make sure to get that drybrushing done on the actual tac squad, with the addition of a magical thing called EFFORT, tomorrow or so. Saturday night is not the best time to drybrush, haha. Will post results when it happens!

I really like that colour, was it done with brown washes?

Yep, it sure was. The recipe is as follows:


> Prime with chaos black spray

> Basecoat with Leadbelcher

> Wash with Druchii Violet

> Wash again with Reikland Fleshshade - keep it somewhat uneven over the violet, to create a bit of a 'gradient'

> drybrush with a small amount of leadbelcher

> Wash very lightly with Reikland Fleshshade


And that's basically it. Id give some more information about highlighting and weathering.. but I have no idea yet, haha. Any suggestions?


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