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Wow just caught up and the headhunters plus Dynat are pure gold!


I reckon the head hunter with the grenade in hand, needs to be standing over an open man hole clearing out a pesky enemy infiltrator "fire in the hole" :biggrin.:

Exactly or maybe on top of a tank.....i will be sure to put a quote bubble around his head haha

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Out of curiosity, what unit is that supposed to be? Power axe veterans?


I have ideas floating through my head about using Headhunter torsos (heads are a maybe), Word Bearer axe rakes, and chapter house shields to make very Alpha Legionny Suzerain.



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Those Warders are beautiful and heretical... My heart swoons and drops in disappointment at the site of them. Great job though, I forget are your guys loyalist or traitor?


Also I better get Dorn before Alpharius comes out so he can carve through those fake Warders

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@ terminus: I have no idea what they are haha I just knew I needed to use those bits. And I love that ideas with the shields I've been looking for some like that. Would be brutal.


@jimbo: haha don't you worry I'll be buying dorn and painting him up to match his warder brethren ;)

For shame... (Wags finger)

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Out of curiosity, what unit is that supposed to be? Power axe veterans?


I have ideas floating through my head about using Headhunter torsos (heads are a maybe), Word Bearer axe rakes, and chapter house shields to make very Alpha Legionny Suzerain.



Ok so I've been thinking a lot about it, I think headhunter Torsos with those shields kromlech legs and maybe some of alpha upgrade helmets would look absolutely brutal!

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Its hard to ever give you advice man , I just wanna see you paint all the things.  I wanna see you paint alpha legion red butchers , and Alpha legion Justerian ,  and outriders  , and a cestus assault ram, and like 3 vindicators and two sicaran  just cause I wanna see that stuff in yer scheme because it really is a joy to see yer work bro. 

Tho I think  you should go ham on those shields and build some breachers. 

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