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Haha well it just so happens I have 10 justaerin with alpha pads on the way.... A land raider Achilles alphas, 6 outsiders with alpha upgrade kits and much more coming. I placed my first 250 plus pound order so a lot on the way my friends

Which kromlech legs?

I wanna see some death shroud terminators!!!

Deathshroud or Phoenix guard are next. And I was thinking of a mix between the running legs and maybe one or two standing legs

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Cant wait to see your take on other legion's terminators stolen by the Alpha Legion! I plan on doing this myself since our terminators are a bit crap.


The only thing making me apprehensive is all of the other legions symbols.

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Cant wait to see your take on other legion's terminators stolen by the Alpha Legion! I plan on doing this myself since our terminators are a bit crap.

What's wrong with BS 5 choom and a plasma blaster?

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Cant wait to see your take on other legion's terminators stolen by the Alpha Legion! I plan on doing this myself since our terminators are a bit crap.

What's wrong with BS 5 choom and a plasma blaster?



They're only BS 4 and have one wound, plus I've never understood the conversion beamer thing.

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Cant wait to see your take on other legion's terminators stolen by the Alpha Legion! I plan on doing this myself since our terminators are a bit crap.

What's wrong with BS 5 choom and a plasma blaster?



They're only BS 4 and have one wound, plus I've never understood the conversion beamer thing.


:eek: You are right, they are WS 5. I thought they were BS5. That makes little sense on a shooty squad. The conversion beamer I don't get either. Short range choom combined with a weapon that works better the farther you are away from your target is weird.
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Cant wait to see your take on other legion's terminators stolen by the Alpha Legion! I plan on doing this myself since our terminators are a bit crap.

What's wrong with BS 5 choom and a plasma blaster?



They're only BS 4 and have one wound, plus I've never understood the conversion beamer thing.


:eek: You are right, they are WS 5. I thought they were BS5. That makes little sense on a shooty squad. The conversion beamer I don't get either. Short range choom combined with a weapon that works better the farther you are away from your target is weird.



Yeah I've never understood it but don't get me wrong when FW do models for them I'll be sure to get some.

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Cant wait to see your take on other legion's terminators stolen by the Alpha Legion! I plan on doing this myself since our terminators are a bit crap.


The only thing making me apprehensive is all of the other legions symbols.

Bite your tongue! Lerneans are fine, they just have a different shtick (of a typical cataphract brick that can also hunt light infantry mobs). I like them about as much as Justaerin without SoH rules. I prefer to steal units that get better with mutable tactics.


The conversion beamer is a tad weird but I see the thought process behind it as a flexible choice. It gives you the option of hanging back with mutable tactics tank hunter S10 AP1 blast, or up close the beamer's reduced S and AP are still in line with the volkites. Personally I don't bother due to cost (since you already pay for volkites, that's a 32 point beamer).

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Man, what I wouldn't pay to see the look on Abaddon's face when a bunch of Alpha Legionnaires parade past him in Justaerin armor, complete with topknots.  I bet Alpharius would have them surgically alter their faces to all look like Abaddon just to troll him, too. :D

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So experimenting with colors for a friend on the forum. And this is very very rough but I think I will be doing a scheme like this for my targaryean destroyer squad let me know what you think.





Reference point



Edited by betrayer41
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Thanks Fellas, now the question is what unit to put them on........i was originally thinking destroyers due to them being burnt and what not....but what about palatine blades.....the great swordsmanship screams targaryean to me........ideas?

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Palatine blades sound cool...considering the AL can access legion specific units what's your take on how you would make them? Would it be cooler to kit bash the squad or actually by the models from FW and do minor conversion work?
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Heavy flamer support squad? Because, y'know, dragons?


That being said, I think I like your idea of Destroyers best, that they remain "unburnt" by the apocalyptic weapons they use. Maybe it's just me, but I don't really associate House Targaryen with obscenely good swordsmenship. But hey, man, your army, your choice. Palatine Blades would look pretty dang cool in black and red, though.

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Heavy flamer support squad? Because, y'know, dragons?


That being said, I think I like your idea of Destroyers best, that they remain "unburnt" by the apocalyptic weapons they use. Maybe it's just me, but I don't really associate House Targaryen with obscenely good swordsmenship. But hey, man, your army, your choice. Palatine Blades would look pretty dang cool in black and red, though.

Yeaaaa.....flamers would be good haha. I jut thought between Rhaegar and Ser Arthur Dayne it could be cool. but i think i am still sticking with destroyers. 


You try using Blood for the Blood God for your Red? Its a bit tricky to apply but man does it give a gorgeous blood red.

I will definitely give that a shot.....above was the scheme i use for blue alphas but with red instead of blue.  I have some paints coming in the mail and will post more WIP to decide on the red.

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Thanks everyone....So the red and black above is jsut a combo to make sure it even looked good.....very little detail is done on it the reds are uneven....i think i will like it once i do an actual model with it.


However for now.....i need your help on what to build and paint out of my new toys....


First will be the Justaerin with Alpha pads..... but after that what should i do?


New Volkite Squad?


Achilles Alpha LR?




Outrider Squad?


Out rider command Squad?

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