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Ok so pretty productive night..... I am getting everything built before I paint.



Tonight I built my 5 alpha justaerin termies minus the heads they will be painted separate.


Also finish the Achilles alpha





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So not a huge visual update. However I got three outriders built. I got all 10 new volkites built and here is my take on al justaerin termies. Pretty happy so far the belt buckle piece is just a place holder. I feel like this is a good color scheme compromise. Let me know what ya think! Thanks guys!!






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Yeah, try some blue washes/glazes over the black and maybe try mixing silver with a glaze for a blue-silver and do some highlights with those?


Dont really know how those'll turn out though!

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Ok here's my take. I don't want to make these black ones more alphay. I either want to keep these justaerin with and alpha twist.... Ie the red metallic alpha pads orrrrr completely change them to alphas....


Ok here's a pic of him after the wash has dried




Also the head is not glued in...



On another note... It's Choomthirty




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Controversially, I think you should give them a go in the regular alpha scheme. Maybe a bit more black than usual, or bronze?


Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic scheme, but there's nothing to tie it in with the legion.


Funnily enough I had a similar idea for an alpha colour scheme for the black and red, but ultimately decided to save it for some allied solar auxilia and Knights.

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Controversially, I think you should give them a go in the regular alpha scheme. Maybe a bit more black than usual, or bronze?


Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic scheme, but there's nothing to tie it in with the legion.


Funnily enough I had a similar idea for an alpha colour scheme for the black and red, but ultimately decided to save it for some allied solar auxilia and Knights.

I am definitely having this delimma. I feel like there's two ways to look at stolen units.... Paint them in al colors or paint them normal. I went with the more normal choice because it's a nice break from the blue and I did the same thing with my stolen furies. Initially these wee going to be al blue. I may try a second termie in traditional colors and put it up to a vote because I'm torn

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