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Is there anyway you could paint them normally and maybe paint a tiny hydra on the armor somewhere or some way to show them as AL units

Well their shoulder pads are the al shoulder pads just red....

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Controversially, I think you should give them a go in the regular alpha scheme. Maybe a bit more black than usual, or bronze?


Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic scheme, but there's nothing to tie it in with the legion.


Funnily enough I had a similar idea for an alpha colour scheme for the black and red, but ultimately decided to save it for some allied solar auxilia and Knights.

I am definitely having this delimma. I feel like there's two ways to look at stolen units.... Paint them in al colors or paint them normal. I went with the more normal choice because it's a nice break from the blue and I did the same thing with my stolen furies. Initially these wee going to be al blue. I may try a second termie in traditional colors and put it up to a vote because I'm torn

See I'd definitely paint them in normal, or very slightly different colours than usual to help fit in with the alpha legion. But that's just me, I love the unified look of alpha legion, and it fits a lot of the fluff, that they don't have much in the way of flashy armour or iconic figureheads, just a faceless legion.


But... The black scheme is cool. Either way, you will have a good looking force, it's just what you end up preferring thematically.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so i am going to leave this guy black for now just because i really like it but i am going to paint up the rest as alphas and take it from there.


Almost all my bits have come in now. Only thing i am missing now is CC weapons for my bike command guys. Anyone know know any cool spears i can use, i am having trouble on ebay

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Actually I think I'm gonna wait for those emperors children spears to come out I think those would fit perfect.


Here are my other termies but in alpha colors. Im doing there heads last which will make em look much better. It always kind of throws things off when there is that giant space haha.




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Ok guys well I think it's time again to sell off my alphas I have a few people who want to buy them so I figure it will be a good time to try a more purple scheme. I will repaint the justaerins and dreads but everything else will more than likely go. I will post a pic of my newer scheme so you guys can let me know what you think. I will be keeping all my new termies volkites, and bikes as well
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Ok so I feel like im having another midlife 30k crisis. I feel like the consistency of my blue is all over the place due to the fact that you have to airbrush just the right amount of purple or it throws off the entire color.


Below is a pic more or less of the new scheme it's more of a deep blue/purple.


I also have a pic to compare it my normal scheme. Let me know what you think also there's a termie.





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I've been doing a similar scheme with my alpha legion, and I know hat you must be going through with the inconsistencies.

Not only are mine a pale imitation, but I'm also a bit of an airbrush noob, so the marines are a dozen different shades, even multiple shades on individual models, which does look inconsistent. And annoying.




You have a phenomenal force, painted amazingly, and tbh, small issues like this, are not really noticeable from the tabletop.


It's a sad fact, but whilst we obsess over tiny details and imperfections on the minis, that's because we are up close and painting those said details.

From 3-4 ft away on a table, not so much of an issue.

As slips said, it's a beautiful army you have already. Full of character, and and a nice contrast to the unified look of the alpha legion.

If it were me, I'd keep it.

But obviously, it's your call buddy.

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Those blasted digital cameras bring out Things nö one would Notice with the naked eye (Well, at least not me).

In the end, it's your call, but I agree that this is a beautiful force and would shamelessly declare the slight differences to have a deeper / hidden meaning ;)

Even the AL has to have some way to quickly decide who is who on the battlefield, I'd say.

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Thanks for all the kind words guys. this all stemmed from me trying to paint my landraider last night and my scheme is just no meant for vehicles. There are just too may crucial wash steps that have a completely different affect if they are sprayed on. I don't mind some variation of my color scheme in my army but my landraider came out looking like a night lord. These models are just too expensive to keep repainting. I started angry/frustrated painting which never turns out well. I ended up running out of blue which was a blessing in disguise.


My biggest thing is i rarely get to play i do this more for a hobby aspect, So it's ok to start over because it's not like i will be missing out on many games. Also with the release of BAC it's much much easier to build up a force fast.


So i think i will be selling off everything but Justaerin, Dynat, Skorr leviathan and AL dreads everything will go and i will work on a more consistent scheme.


One of the beauties of being more of a hobby than a games and being that it's the alpha legion. I can paint my fill of one color sell it then try a new scheme have it still be fluffy. 


I will be placing another very large order once i sell these. I want to have a new competitive army done by the time prospero drops

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This is now my XX Legion Part III (which will hopefully be my final scheme) As well As my VI legion thread. For the next month or so you will be seeing Alot of Test minis. I want to make sure my Alphas are exacty how i want them and i want to lock down a good wolf scheme by the time Prospero Drops. So alot OF WIP to come


I will more or less be going for a color like this



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A little too much weathering powder but I think more or less this is the scheme im gonna go with let me know what you think.


I'll paint a proper model in the same scheme tm to get a better idea



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Really, really nice!

A splash of a nice primary like the red you did on one of the previous ones, or some space-wolf accessories will enhance the differences from the iron warriors at a casual glance.

Good work as always!

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Thanks everyone!!


Like i said i went very overboard with the rush. Believe it or not this is just a grey color scheme other than some chipping there is not metallic paint in here. The final product should look a bit closer to how his head looks.


I have oredered alot of SW bits for vets....however i am having difficulty deciding what to do for their helmet/head options..... Any ideas?


Btw i am not a fan of the majority of the GW heads

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