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Thanks everyone! It's been a nice break from metallics and clear paints HAHA.


I have done very little none metallic painting so any and all suggestions and critiques are welcome. I am very new to this style of painting.



I like it...did you highlight the shoulder pads? they look really good

I did i actually did a heavily watered down medium grey and almost washed it on the top of the pads and cleaned up the excess. Then it was washed with black wash. Also cleaned up. Then just a bit of rust weathering powder.



Your Wolf looks ace. Better than my airbrushed attempt.


Kitbashing is gong really well too.


I reckon I went in at too steep an angle when spraying the base coat, s they look pretty much black.

I really like your wolves i am trying out similar schemes on my storm eagle.

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The best person to ask about that rumour would be Atia, but so far I have heard nothng


I have 30 assault marine, 20 veterans, 20 breachers and 10 seekers. I ended up ordering some I, IW and Alpha legion heads with the idea to try and make them look something like this:


Star Wars Storm Trooper Viking Helmet




Sutton Hoo helmet reconstructed

BCK did something very similar a while back
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The best person to ask about that rumour would be Atia, but so far I have heard nothng


I have 30 assault marine, 20 veterans, 20 breachers and 10 seekers. I ended up ordering some I, IW and Alpha legion heads with the idea to try and make them look something like this:


BCK did something very similar a while back


Thanks bud that give sme some great ideas!


Also does anyone know any good third party assault army....bulkier ones more like MKIII??

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Betrayer, as far as I can see it, MKIV is fine with the wolves, since there has been an image that was posted somewhere in relation to the warhammer fest 2016 topic. The thing is though, the torso doesn't look like a typical mkiv one. Or maybe it does? But anyway, look for the old thread on wH fest 2016 or google the pre-heresy wolves from that event, as they have shown preview of Russ and art of a termie and the marine, and marine was wearing mkiv. And I must say i do think it look nice. When I do my wolves after the AL are done and when the new book comes out, I'm probably gonna mix them about a little depending on the squad. If its vets then maybe do a mix, something that stands out for the sergeant and if regular tacs or support squads, then mostly uniformed. 

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Betrayer, as far as I can see it, MKIV is fine with the wolves, since there has been an image that was posted somewhere in relation to the warhammer fest 2016 topic. The thing is though, the torso doesn't look like a typical mkiv one. Or maybe it does? But anyway, look for the old thread on wH fest 2016 or google the pre-heresy wolves from that event, as they have shown preview of Russ and art of a termie and the marine, and marine was wearing mkiv. And I must say i do think it look nice. When I do my wolves after the AL are done and when the new book comes out, I'm probably gonna mix them about a little depending on the squad. If its vets then maybe do a mix, something that stands out for the sergeant and if regular tacs or support squads, then mostly uniformed.


Not so much worried about mkiv as I was mkvi

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Still waiting on my next fw order which should be here any day.


In the meantime


Here is my siege breaker..... I think


And this guy help me think what he should be aha


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Dude #1 looks more like a delegatus to me, what with the more regal pose. I imagine siege breakers to always have cataphractii armour :tongue.:


Dude #2 strikes me as a legion champion at first glance, but who takes those these days lol. He could be a librarian as well, or a chaplain.


Just my two cents.

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I love both guys and I think depending on the game and the list you build, you can use either of the minis pretty much as whatever you like. Either can go as a Praetor, and from the consuls I am immediately thinking Forgelord for the 1st one and Siege Breaker for the 2nd. 

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Wow, love both conversions.


Not-Ulrik: Looks a total boss, has that Master-Engineer look, as if thinking "Yep I got that Typhon pointed right where I want it, Lets see that gate survive this".


Second guy looks like a fighter, so Jarl, or a HQ choice or some type. I thought the Sons of Thor legs were a little OTT and maybe too modern, but they look really good.


I have 2 Ulriks. 1 to make a Cypher and 1 for Ulrik. Now I am not sure if I will just borrow your idea :D

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The pose on the siege-breaker is great, works well for the 'surveying the battlefield' look. He could do with losing the wolf-skull helm as that really ties him directly to the 40k Ulrik character. Maybe the back banner could go too, I'd imagine a siege-breaker being fairly stripped down and spartan compared to other SW heroes. Perhaps replace it with some sort of scope or sensor device suitable for measuring walls and earthworks, something like the plastic devastator sergeant's backpack.

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Great conversions!  Rather you than me in having to paint all that detail later on ;)  I'm not an un-helmeted kinda person, but that Siege Breaker is just right!


How do those legs stack up size-wise compared to normal legion/plastic legs?  They look like a great purchase and a surefire way to use all those excess bodies we end up with!

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