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Looking great. I am very jealous.

How do you get the more muted gold/brass. Mine comes out super shiny all the time.

World Eater helm looks pretty good ;tu:


My view on the SW pads is that it was lazy of FW to just slap Ragnars symbol on the pads and call it done. Especially as it doesn't fit in the pad without going on to the trim.


I understand that in some of the older artwork it was the chapter symbol and was in a piece with the old Russ drawing, but I much prefer he R Wolf symbol for the legion, so I am trying to source as many old transfer sheets as possible.

Haha I got it! Sorry until recently I knew nothing about the wolves.


As for the gold, ita valdor gold which is a beautiful color. It then has a satin varnish, agrax wash, drybrushed with silver, and then a matte varnish so there a lot goin on haha

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hahaha.... I almost considered looking for a "You klnow nothing, Jon Snow" gif, but work blocked me :p


Truth is, that until we see the book, everyone knows almost nothing concrete about the Wolves  Even the old-timers.


World Eater heads look good, quite surprised actually.


I had considered getting them myself, but opted for the IF IW & AL heads instead... The WE helms look quite easy to convert.

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Yea I really like the we helms simple yet brutal like the wolves. Haha o can't wait for this book to come out.


I actually just ordered some iw heads let me know what you think about em on your guys

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Will do.


I do not get home for another week (the joys of working offshore). I plan to modify them like I showed earlier to have the raised eye covering and the nose piece. Should be extremely fiddly, but fun. Might drop the mock chainmail though

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Ok guys here's a few more still waiting on their bases. I will be doing weathering battle damage and detail soon let me know what you think! These are left over world eaters

So they've been painted over and are a bit battered sorry for the :cuss quality. Let me know what you think!





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I would have suggested red weapons, but then it would be identical (and way better) than my own 30K Wolves :D


Looking great. An nice sandy coloured base will be a good contrast to the grey with a marbled effect on the more solid pieces, like the slabs on the resin bases.


Either that or keep the bases a sandstone effect with colours such as seen on Egyptian hieroglyphs in the tombs. 


Or a black/ green marbled effect, a bit like dark warpstone or the stuff that Eisenhorn made the skull in his staff from!!

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Lovely use of parts! Great grey too! Some really really nice work on the thread. Came for the Alphas but it's all awesome!

Thanks fellas!!! i really appreciate all the feedback!


The alphas are coming i will be mixing it up.

Where did those axes come from?

They are from the MKIII and MKII special weapon set

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Ok so I got A quick start on my siege breaker. Still a long long way to go but I got most of the basic colors down. No washes highlights or details for them. Enjoy!!



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Looks good, but I would say that you need some variation on the legs.


Seems really bust with so much gold on the knees and then on the runes etc. Maybe make the inside sections of the knee pads black or silver to break it up a bit?


Otherwise nicely done

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Looks good, but I would say that you need some variation on the legs.


Seems really bust with so much gold on the knees and then on the runes etc. Maybe make the inside sections of the knee pads black or silver to break it up a bit?


Otherwise nicely done

Or purple. It would flow nicely with all the colors you have going.
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Looks good, but I would say that you need some variation on the legs.


Seems really bust with so much gold on the knees and then on the runes etc. Maybe make the inside sections of the knee pads black or silver to break it up a bit?


Otherwise nicely done

Yea, i had  a very difficult time deciding what to do with the knees in particular. I knew i wanted the runes to be brass/gold no way in hell will they be glowing.I have ALOT of touching up to do. especially with the legs....my hobby light went out and i tried to finish without it....huge mistake.I think i will either do the inside or the outside of the knees silver..... i wanted to keep these wolves relatively simple color wise

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I love the first dude; where's the shoulder-pad on his right arm from?


Speaking of the arm, the pose seems a little... odd. I'm not sure I would have gone with a double-bladed axe in that pose.

The spike shoulder pad is from mastercrafted miniatures!


Haha i agree about the pose he was more of just a kit bash with an extra torso and the legs from ulrikthe arm is magged on so easily exchanged. I think he looks better from the second pic

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